Monday, September 28, 2009

Week of Sept 28th

Quel temps qu'il faisait!!! Hope you're not letting the weather get to you!!

FSF1D - We will be working on adjectives, and completing our first project! It is due THURSDAY OCT 1st. You will be practicing it orally in groups, so please be prepared to speak!!

FSF 1P - You have your first major project on ER verbs being assigned on Monday. Your cahiers will be in soon, and when they arrive, please have your $15 if you haven't handed it in already!

More coming soon!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

FSF 1D - Verb review retest!!!!

Don't forget that there will be a retest for all FSF 1D students directly after the lunch bell Wednesday!

Be sure to study AVOIR ETRE FAIRE and ALLER!

Friday, September 18, 2009

What's up and coming for next week (Sept 21st)

I hope you're all feeling like you're getting the swing of things here at DSS. =)

FSF 1P - MONDAY - dialogue presentations for your first speaking mark ( /15 )
TUESDAY - Review quiz. Know all expressions, pronouns, letters, numbers, and question words. There will be a listening component of these concepts as well, similar to the listening activities we have done in class.

FSF 1D - Great work on your review verb quiz ladies and gentlemen!

MONDAY - Prediction presentations - have at least 3 predictions in the futur proche ready to present. Have the Future Tense worksheet completed as well. We are almost ready for our first big written and spoken project!

Ayez un bon weekend --- Or, to M. Drouin at DSS --- fin de semaine!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

FOR FRIDAY SEPT 18th --- vendredi le 18 septembre

FSF 1D - - - Please don't forget about your verb quiz (regular and irregular)!!

That means you should study ER IR RE and irregular verbs (avoir, être, aller, faire). Know how they sound and how they should look, and how you could use them in a sentence.

Bonne chance!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday Sept 15

Bonjour again!

HOMEWORK if not completed in class

FSF 1D- Révision - 2 pages (ready to go for class demain matin - tomorrow morning)

FSF 1P- afternoon class- be sure to have your question and answer matching sheet completed.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Salut à tous et à toutes!!

Here you are reading my very first blog EVER. I hope this website helps you keep yourself aware of homework, the exciting things we are up to in French class, and of what's going on in the world of Mme Bell.

So, the first week of 09-10 has come and passed, and it was one of the best first weeks I've had as a teacher. My students are bright, smiling, anxious and very mature grade 9s. I hope the classes are feeling good about the beginning of their secondary school career!

Just to let it be known, I will be available anytime during lunch hour, as long as it is arranged beforehand. I am always at school early, and in between my office and my classroom, so please don't hesitate to say hello or to ask a question when you need answers.

This week, we will be reviewing concepts that may have been touched on in previous years, so that all students will begin Grade 9 French on the most level playing field possible.

For FSF 1P classes, the week of Sept 14 will be focused on being able to identify, understand and respond to questions, as well as present tense verbs and their conjugations. They will have an upcoming review test early next week.

For FSF 1D students, the week of Sept 14 will be spent reviewing and understanding present tense conjugations, the futur proche, asking and responding to questions and important expressions in French that we can use consistently in the classroom. There will be a review quiz on Friday Sept 18. Students can look forward to creating an assignment to talk all about themselves in the near future. We will be speaking and listening more in class as soon as we become experts on what we've been reviewing. I'm looking forward to hearing your voices more often, especially with a French accent =p

Merci beaucoup for reading! Je prevois une semestre fantastique!