Friday, December 4, 2009


FSF 1P Passé composé games :

Bonjour FSF 1d!

There are many sites available for your enjoyment (and for your education's sake) =)

Please do not forget that you have a futur simple test on Monday.
You will have a listening exercice (simliar to le grincheux that we did on Wednesday), a reading exercice (questions to answer based on a story you will read), futur simple conjugations - know regular rules and irregular rules and a few translations of the futur simple.

Helpful and fun sites...

Futur simple - enter your password, and ask Mme Bell to help you get to the futur simple practice.

Pronoms objets directs


Monday, November 30, 2009

The first week of December!

Bonjour! Demain c'est le premier décembre! Oh la la!

Take a look at what our week looks like ...


1. We will be learning about instruments. Be sure you know your vocab!
2. We will have a listening test on vocab and verbs on Thursday.
3. You will be starting to brainstorm ideas for your next speaking task.

Soon, you will be receiving a Christmas / Noel package with activities en français to complete before the holidays. Be sure you work on this package, and that you hand it in before our break!


1. We will be perfecting the futur simple, and you will begin your new speaking task that will be presented at the beginning of next week.
2. We will begin working on direct object pronouns. They may seem tricky at first, so please take a look at these websites for help, and for extra practice; -this website has a test at the end - essayez-le! Try it!

Please be sure to come see me with any questions!

Monday, November 23, 2009

la semaine du 23 de nov.

Bonjour! Here is an outline of what is going on this week. The last full week of November!!!

FSF1P --- Lundi - Review for vocab quiz tomorrow, Faire vs. Jouer sports. RE verbs.
Mardi - Vocab Quiz, RE verbs worksheets.
Mercredi - Sports task assigned. Due Next Tuesday.
Jeudi - Listening activity, ER IR RE distinctions. Practice for in class verb test.
Vendredi - In class Verb test.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

la semaine de nov. 16 à nov. 20

Bonjour classes!

N'oubliez pas! Don't forget!!! REPORT CARDS COME OUT ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!

We will be learning about sports, the verb Faire, the verb Jouer, and more direction words. Remember, incomplete class work will now result in lunch hour work sessions if you earn three strikes. Please be sure to use your class time to complete work. There will be a quiz on FAIRE and JOUER FRI NOV 20th.

Il y a beaucoup à lire! There is a lot to read this week. Be sure to complete questions on the Interview with Ann Darrow.
There will be a listening quiz on AVOIR and ETRE verbs Wednesday Nov 18.
You will have a MRS DR VANDERTRAMP QUIZ on Thursday Nov 19. Please see the post below for online practice.
You will complete the Dragara reading activity on Wednesday and hand it in! Be sure to start working on your film poster for your Monster film.
A bientôt!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Good morning classes!

Je suis malade... I hope you are all doing well!

You will receive questions on King Kong tomorrow. If you have not written your test, please do so asap. Please complete the work you have been given and use your textbook p.63-64 to help. Hand in your Alamo d'Etre.
For extra help on MRS DR VANDERTRAMP please visit...
Save your sister ------- fun interactive game ---

Check out the way this one was presented---

Please complete the Scavenger Hunt (that is below in the last blog) and hand in asap. It should be completed by the end of the day today.
If you are finished everything,
please visit...

A bientôt!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

FSF 1p Webquest Questions

  • Hello FSF 1P!!!!
Your next task is to answer the following questions by visiting the websites I have listed below. Please answer the questions in full sentences. You can type them out on the computer while you research, or you can write them out. Please be neat, and please complete this by the end of the class on Friday. At the end, there is a list of signature French dishes. Please choose one and describe it to me (similarly to how you describe a Quebecois specialty to me last week).
Hand in your work once it has been completed.

  • Meal times in France
    • When do people eat meals?
    • Which meal is the largest/most important?
    • How long are meals?
    • What is lunch like at school? - this link may not work --- please google for answer

  • Courses
    • What are the different courses in a typical French formal dinner?
    • What is the order of the courses?
    • What is served during each course?
    • What drinks accompany each course?

  • Le Restaurant
    • What are the different types of restaurants in France?
    • What type of food does each restaurant serve?
    • What are some of the different customs? (tip, seating, how long you can stay, etc.),%20General.htm

Every successful restaurant has a signature dish. Your signature dish will be “L’Étoile” of your menu. Choose one of these typical French specialties to research and describe as part of your webquest (you could even choose one for your own menu!)

  • "Les Étoiles"
    • La Soupe à l’Oignon Gratinée
    • Les Escargots
    • La Quiche
    • Les Crèpes
    • La Crème brulée
    • Le Croque Monsieur
    • La Mousse au Chocolat
    • La Galette des Rois
    • Les Cuisses de Grenouille
Answer the following questions:
  • What is the name of the dish?
  • What is it?
  • What makes it special?
  • When and where do people eat it?
  • What is the recipe for your dish?
  • What does it look like? (Find a picture)

Research the dish using the links listed.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Updates, updates, updates...

FSF 1D - You will recieve a mini reading assignment. Please complete it for homework for the weekend. As well, expect a a TEST (similar to your review) on FRIDAY NOVEMBER 6th. Presentations will start Monday!!

FSF 1P- You should have handed in your food scavenger hunt by now. If you have been sick, please get it in ASAP. Next week, you will begin a REAL SCAVENGER HUNT, and you will create a menu. Here is the link again if you did not recieve it or save it on Thursday.

You can begin anytime! This will be due Tuesday November 10th.

Vous amusez-vous bien ce weekend!!! N'ayez pas peur!!! ;)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This week,
FSF1ps --- you should be (if you haven't yet) handing in a Canadian Food Guide Scavenger Hunt. You will have a speaking task on Friday.
FSF1ds --- you have been working so well!! I'm looking forward to seeing your presentations to our mystery starting Friday or Monday!! You will have a mini reading task to complete for marks for Monday. Remember, your presentations can be done in any way as long as they contain the necessary criteria.
Don't forget the Hallowe'en dance is Thursday!!
and let's show Mr. Lohrum's class who can sell the most magazines!! ;)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Head's up!!!

Bonjour! Please be aware...

FSF 1P --- you were given an assignment on a city and its climate that is due FRIDAY OCT 23rd.

FSF 1D--- shortly, you will begin working on presentations --- you will create your own ending to our mystery. These presentations will start (by the latest) next Tuesday. Be sure you are caught up to the readings. As well, you will have a small reading assignment about our mystery that you will need to complete and hand in. Be prepared to complete this for MONDAY OCT 26th.

~~~~~~~~~~~C'est presque l'halloween!~~~~~~~~~~

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Don't forget....

I'll be at the school Wednesday to meet any parents who are interested in meeting me to talk about your progress in French so far!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Week of Monday October 19th

Hi classes!

You have all been very busy, and are off to a great start this semester!! Your speaking tasks were very very well done. Bravo! You will have updated marks on Tuesday!

FSF 1D --- excellent work on your irregular verb quiz today. You must complete the questions on p38 of your text for Tuesday. We will be reading the rest of our mystère this week, and you will be collaborating with friends to complete your very own ending to this story. We will probably begin presentations next Monday .

FSF 1P --- You are practicing regular and irregular verbs in preparation for a written quiz on Thursday October 22nd. We're talking about weather, and using the verb Faire to talk about things we do. We will be finishing the pages of this unit in our cahier this week.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The first full week of October

Bonjour à tous!

Hello classes,

Can you believe it is already l'action de grâce!! I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! Please read below to see what's coming up for the end of the week...

JEUDI le 8 OCTOBRE - Turnaround Day - THURSDAY OCT 8

N'oubliez pas!!! Don't forget!!!

FIRSTLY and MOST IMPORTANTLY --- Projet #1 is now overdue. Hand it in as soon as possible please.

FSF 1D - Thursday and Friday

You are preparing for the 2 questions you must answer (from the list of 10), after having said your speaking task. Please be prepared, as we are going to be speaking first thing Friday morning! You will be completing the questions on the reading comprehension page (opposite the wordsearch you received this week) as well. Make sure you hand that in by Friday!!!

FSF 1P - Thursday and Friday

You are rehearsing for your speaking task (which is to read the dialogue we've looked at in class out loud with a partner) and presenting it on Friday. You will also have a reading comprehension activity that is due at the end of class on Thursday. REMEMBER TO HAND IN OUTSTANDING PROJECTS.

Have a very happy long weekend!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Week of Sept 28th

Quel temps qu'il faisait!!! Hope you're not letting the weather get to you!!

FSF1D - We will be working on adjectives, and completing our first project! It is due THURSDAY OCT 1st. You will be practicing it orally in groups, so please be prepared to speak!!

FSF 1P - You have your first major project on ER verbs being assigned on Monday. Your cahiers will be in soon, and when they arrive, please have your $15 if you haven't handed it in already!

More coming soon!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

FSF 1D - Verb review retest!!!!

Don't forget that there will be a retest for all FSF 1D students directly after the lunch bell Wednesday!

Be sure to study AVOIR ETRE FAIRE and ALLER!

Friday, September 18, 2009

What's up and coming for next week (Sept 21st)

I hope you're all feeling like you're getting the swing of things here at DSS. =)

FSF 1P - MONDAY - dialogue presentations for your first speaking mark ( /15 )
TUESDAY - Review quiz. Know all expressions, pronouns, letters, numbers, and question words. There will be a listening component of these concepts as well, similar to the listening activities we have done in class.

FSF 1D - Great work on your review verb quiz ladies and gentlemen!

MONDAY - Prediction presentations - have at least 3 predictions in the futur proche ready to present. Have the Future Tense worksheet completed as well. We are almost ready for our first big written and spoken project!

Ayez un bon weekend --- Or, to M. Drouin at DSS --- fin de semaine!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

FOR FRIDAY SEPT 18th --- vendredi le 18 septembre

FSF 1D - - - Please don't forget about your verb quiz (regular and irregular)!!

That means you should study ER IR RE and irregular verbs (avoir, être, aller, faire). Know how they sound and how they should look, and how you could use them in a sentence.

Bonne chance!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday Sept 15

Bonjour again!

HOMEWORK if not completed in class

FSF 1D- Révision - 2 pages (ready to go for class demain matin - tomorrow morning)

FSF 1P- afternoon class- be sure to have your question and answer matching sheet completed.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Salut à tous et à toutes!!

Here you are reading my very first blog EVER. I hope this website helps you keep yourself aware of homework, the exciting things we are up to in French class, and of what's going on in the world of Mme Bell.

So, the first week of 09-10 has come and passed, and it was one of the best first weeks I've had as a teacher. My students are bright, smiling, anxious and very mature grade 9s. I hope the classes are feeling good about the beginning of their secondary school career!

Just to let it be known, I will be available anytime during lunch hour, as long as it is arranged beforehand. I am always at school early, and in between my office and my classroom, so please don't hesitate to say hello or to ask a question when you need answers.

This week, we will be reviewing concepts that may have been touched on in previous years, so that all students will begin Grade 9 French on the most level playing field possible.

For FSF 1P classes, the week of Sept 14 will be focused on being able to identify, understand and respond to questions, as well as present tense verbs and their conjugations. They will have an upcoming review test early next week.

For FSF 1D students, the week of Sept 14 will be spent reviewing and understanding present tense conjugations, the futur proche, asking and responding to questions and important expressions in French that we can use consistently in the classroom. There will be a review quiz on Friday Sept 18. Students can look forward to creating an assignment to talk all about themselves in the near future. We will be speaking and listening more in class as soon as we become experts on what we've been reviewing. I'm looking forward to hearing your voices more often, especially with a French accent =p

Merci beaucoup for reading! Je prevois une semestre fantastique!