Monday, October 29, 2012

The week of Hallowe'en!

Bonjour les étudiants!

 Here is what is new and exciting in FSF.

We have started a new unit and are learning about the city and buildings.
By the end of the week you will know

---the verb ALLER

---the preposition TO   ( and its forms à, au, à l', à la, and aux)

Here is a note in case you need to refresh

Here is a video note to check out

Practice activities online:

This is a helpful site - you can click on the View List tab and then back to the Flash Cards tab to review in different ways.

Here is a note / video  with the uses

We will learn a song like this one -

---We will be exploring Paris and apply what we know about direction words with a map.

---the pronoun y (there)

Here is a great note with an exercise to help.


Friday, October 26, 2012


Students did a listening activity for 20 marks today. We are starting a new unit Monday and they completed a questionnaire to introduce new vocab.

FSF 1D   - For homework

Students have a list of buildings (that all exist in one city) that they are to look up online. They must identify what kind of building it is   (ex. une église, un musée, une gare)
Voici la liste;

1. La Sorbonne                 2. Sacre-Coeur à Montmartre        3. Les Champs- Elysées
4. Le Panthéon                 5. Les Invalides                      6. Le Louvre (bonbon to name one famous work that is held there)                       7. La théâtre de l'Opéra                          8. Les deux magots             9. L'hotel de ville

This week the students were to complete a) their first major project (and present it)   and b)  a reading comprehension activity    
                              THESE ARE NOW OVERDUE IF THEY ARE NOT IN

Bon weekend!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

jeudi le 25 octobre



Completed vouloir pouvoir worksheet today for marks


Playing a 15 questions game
Reading comprehension activity, to complete for marks.
Qui veut gagner les bonbons demain?!?! Quelle groupe?? Bring your radar ears with you tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

le 24 octobre

Homework questions - 20 questions (in 15) to know more about you!

Answer each question with a response using VOULOIR or POUVOIR . You can use your infinitives sheet to help

1. Quand j'ai 25 ans, je___________________.

2. Dans la classe de français, nous ____________

3. Je ne veux pas ________________ quand j'ai 35 ans.

4. Je peux _________________ quand j'ai 18 ans.

5. Je ne peux pas __________ quand j'ai 16 ans.

6. Nous ne pouvons pas _____________ dans la classe.

7. Je ne peux pas _____________ à la maison.

8. Mes parents veulent ______________________________.

9. Mes amis et moi _______________ pendant (during) the weekend.

10. Qui est-ce que tu veux rencontrer? (vive ou mort(e) - dead or alive)

11. Qu'est-ce que tu peux faire qui est extrodinaire? (Est-ce que tu as un talent unique?)

12. Où veux-tu visiter dans le monde? Pourquoi?

13. Combien des guimauves peux-tu mettre dans la bouche?

14. Qu'est-ce que tu veux pouvoir faire?

15. Qu'est-ce que tu veux que tes parents ne peuvent pas faire?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

mardi le 23 octobre - PROJECT due TOMORROW

le 23 octobre


 Please don't forget that your first major project is due MERCREDI  (vendredi for those in FSF1D1-02).
That means, your project is due tomorrow.
There is an example of work below, (with a photo of Cesar Milan) and the outline and rubric are accessible by the elearning site.

Looking forward to seeing / hearing / reading your interesting dating expectations!

Monday, October 22, 2012

le 22 octobre


First, we will watch the video from Friday and then we will analyse our first chanson.

Then, we will speed date. You have a form to fill out that will be completed for a listening mark of 26.

Here are some examples - choose one - if you do not have your profile.

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Fonzi et je suis content de te rencontrer! Je cherche une fille intelligent et qui aime lire. Moi, j'adore lire et écrire les romans (stories). J'adore le genre science-fiction. Je veux vendre un de mes romans. Je peux parler trois langues très bien. J'aime faire des maths, et j'aime apprendre. J'ai des amis partout parce que je mets (put) mes romans sur l'internet. Les autres personnes peuvent lire mes romans.

Bonjour! Qui es-tu?  Je m'appelle Sonia. Je veux chuchoter parce que je ne veux pas être entendue. J'aime garder des secrets et je ne veux pas avoir beaucoup des amis. Je n'aime pas être dehors (outside) et je ne suis pas très ouverte. Je ne suis pas très active mais j'ai une grande imagination.  Quand arrives-tu à l'école? Qui veux-tu rencontrer encore? Si tu peux me rencontrer, nous allons rencontrer à un restaurant secret.

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Natalie. J'aime faire des activités dehors. J'aime être dans le soleil et jouer aux sports. J'adore le baseball, le volleyball et le golf. Je joue au hockey avec mes amis parce que c'est amusant. J'ai des gros muscles, et je suis mince. J'écoute la musique dubstep et drum et bass. Je veux rencontrer un garçon qui est gentil.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

le 19 octobre

Bonjour classe!

I hope that you've had a good week and that you are in the lab, enjoying class.

I want to let you know that your assignment is now due MERCREDI le 24 octobre. 

Please watch this before starting your work at the elearning site here

WATCH THIS FIRST!    - I hope you brought your headphones!

There are reinforcement games on the elearning website. Please play them to know VOULOIR and POUVOIR perfectly for next week!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

le 18 octobre

Bonjour classe!

 Today, you will be discovering or reviewing the verbs VOULOIR and POUVOIR.

You will begin by watching a few videos. The boys you will watch, Peter and Jacob, make an error conjugating VOULOIR. Can you find it?
Please don't write anything yet, you will receive a note shortly.

Here is the verb VOULOIR - to want

Here is the verb POUVOIR - to be able to or to can

Here is Peter and Jacob's video

What was the mistake???

Now read through these few slides aloud with a partner. There are examples of how the verbs are used.

Notice that vouloir and pouvoir follow similar patterns. Can you identify the pattern? Hint: it involves ils and elles.

How does this generate more ideas for your project?  Maybe our friend Augusto wants to whisper sweet nothings to his future belle fille? 
Je veux chuchoter les mots doux à une belle fille. 
Let's try to use vouloir or pouvoir plus an infinitive in your work.

Now, please have one student open their elearning account to access the next task.

Bonjour tout le monde!

 Hope you all are doing well.  Here is an example of work to see what is expected for the first project.
With a partner, read through the example, and answer the following questions.

1. What do the colours represent? (vert, violet, jaune, rouge)
2. Does this meet all written requirements listed in the assignment?
3. How does this person challenge themselves by taking their project to the next level (what additional work to they add?)

Academics, tomorrow you will learn vouloir (to want) and pouvoir (to be able to). Attempt to use them if you feel comfortable. They are in the example.

Applieds, you can use this example as a template. Fill in the underlined work with your own ideas.

Salut les filles!  Enchantez! Je m'appelle Augusto, et je suis un grand garçon romantique. J'aime écouter de la musique jazz et mes amis et moi aimons écrire de la poésie (poetry). Nous sommes créatifs. J'ai des cheveux bruns et des beaux yeux bruns. Ma famille et moi avons un chien. Il s'appelle Rico Suave. J'aime marcher avec Rico. Je veux rencontrer une bonne fille intéressante et gentille. Je cherche une fille qui a une belle sourire, et qui est blonde. Elle peut jouer au baseball et elle peut regarder les matchs d'hockey. J'aime lire la poésie romantique. Je veux une fille qui veut lire la poésie aussi (also). Je cherche un rapport (relationship) honnête et amusant. Je n'aime pas les filles méchantes. Je ne veux pas avoir une fille qui n'est pas contenteAimes-tu les chiens et la poésie? Si oui, et si je t'interesse, appelle-moi! Je t'attends!

I hope this helps!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

le 16 octobre

Bonjour classe!

Désolée, je suis très malade. Je veux retourner demain.

Today you are being assigned your first end of unit project. Fèlicitations, you made it!

Click here to go to the elearning website
One person will have to sign in. You will copy the assignment for your notes.

Be sure to use your time wisely today because you will be working on this for a full period in class only for one day. It is due next Tuesday October 23rd, and your work and rough work review day is Monday the 22nd. You will have some time on this Thursday to work on it as well.

You may work alone or with one other person only. If you have any special requests, please see me or feel free to email me before I return. We will look at some examples of dating profiles when I come back as well.

Click here for a cute idea-starter

Bonne journée!!!   =)

Monday, October 15, 2012

le 15 octobre

Bonjour les étudiants,

Today you will be exploring different French chansons on YouTube.  You have an activity to complete for a listening mark. There is emergency work in the office if the online activities aren't working properly.

Choose one student to log in to

Open the activity for le 15 octobre.
There is the first link to the YouTube video.

Choose one other person to type in the other songs.

Have fun and enjoy!!

Madame Bell

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lab day le 11 octobre, le 12 octobre

Bonjour les filles et les garçons!!

 Please remember that your 6 profiles for our dating game must be prepared.  You must include AU MOINS (at least) two adjectives, and four infinitives. 

Today we are practicing using two verbs together to describe what you like TO do, love TO do, hate TO do... you get the idea!!

Please complete these activities in order. Don't forget to fill in the sheet you were given and show Mme before you leave today.


Le verbe AIMER

practice conjugating le verbe AIMER

Quiz yourself on AIMER

Test yourself on AIMER

look at how verbs and infinitives are used by these examples - read through these flashcards

Scatter game - match the examples

now type in their meanings   - once you have succeeded in this activity, you are ready for your first BIG PROJECT

Now, click below to listen to a conversation. - YOUR GOAL :  Answer the questions about yourself that are asked at the end. Follow the script. Use your INFITIVES sheet as a resource.

listening comprehension - hobbies

Maintenant, tu as fini!!!    Be sure your CARTE de NOM (name card) is ready for next class!!

le 4 octobre

Bonjour classes!

    Please go to the links from yesterday if you want more practice on BAGS adjectives.

Here is one game to play for sure

Adjective brain scramble - click here!

     Below you will see two photos. Choose one photo. Can you introduce at least five people and describe them using BAGS adjectives. You could also just write about one or two characters, and be sure that you use 5 adjectives. 

Write your 5 sentences on a sheet of paper and hand it in to Mme Bell before you leave class. Be sure your adjectives go before the noun it describes, and be sure it agrees  (m/f, s/pl).Take it up a notch - we know it's easy to say Il est beau (he is beautiful). I'm looking for a longer sentence. It takes a longer sentence to use BAGS. Use BAGS sentences so that they come BEFORE THE NOUN IT DESCRIBES.
Mon mari est un beau homme (my husband is a beautiful man).

Tu es une belle fille. Nous sommes des bons étudiants.

Here are some other examples
                                 Voici des beaux garçons intéilligents.
                                 Voici un bon garçon mystérieux.

Bonne journée!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

le 3 octobre

Bonjour classe!

Here are some helpful links that you can practice which adjectives will go before the noun.

We call these our BAGS adjectives