Friday, October 2, 2015

le 2 octobre

FSF 2D - We did a self assessment with this activity; Click here to see the activity and try it yourself for a reassessment!  Students are becoming more familiar with understanding the context and the full purpose of something they read in order to deduce whether something happened often in the past or happened only once. They can create settings for stories now and will be presenting their conte de fée summary or conclusion LUNDI! They can access how they will be evaluated on elearning, as well as the criteria.

FSF 1D - Today was a lab day. We discovered Madagascar and a few of its inhabitants, en français!
Click here to access all of what we saw, read, and heard. 
Students completed a chart demonstrating what information they gathered about the characters, where they live, what they like to do and their country. We also accessed a spreadsheet to see classmates likes and dislikes by placing our names under the appropriate column for each question posed on français. Students said they often, always, rarely or never do those activities.  (parfois, toujours, rarement et jamais). They also had a few games to try as introductions to our new concept; describing things in the past.  They were reminded to check the blog everyday and especially today because...

This slideshow is for homework - please read through 

This link is a video I would like you to watch - enjoy!!!

I will be asking you what you did on the weekend, and one thing I would like you to say was "J'ai vu le blog et j'ai lu le slideshow!!!"  

FSF 3U / 4U - Dramatisations aujourd'hui!!!! Speaking marks were earned today!
 Excellent speaking today!!! French for almost the ENTIRE CLASS!!!

1 comment:

Madame Bell said...

Très bien fait, tout le monde. =) Bon weekend!

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