Tuesday, May 29, 2012


nota aqui - http://users.ipfw.edu/jehle/courses/imperf.htm

practicamos aqui - http://www.elearnspanishlanguage.com/tests/te-imperfect.html

Como usamos el imperfecto?  

leemos aqui:

For example, let's set a scene:

•Eran las nueve de la noche. Era viernes. Hacía mal tiempo. Llovía. Todos estábamos en casa. Mamá y Papá miraban la televisión; yo leía una novela de StarTrek; mi hermana hablaba por teléfono con su novio en su cuarto. Esnupi (nuestro perro) dormía detrás del sillón en la sala.

•It was 9:00 at night. It was Friday. It was bad weather. It was raining. We were all at home. Mom and Dad were watching television; I was reading a StarTrek novel; my sister was talking on the phone with her boyfriend in her room. Esnupi (our dog) was sleeping behind the armchair in the living room.

This has all been written in the Imperfect.

But now let's get to the action:

•De repente, ¡Entró un ladrón! Pasó por la escalera y caminó hasta la recámara de mis padres. Miró en el cuarto cuando oyó la voz de mi hermana. Se volvió y bajó las escaleras. Trató de huir de la casa, pero Esnupi se despertó y mordió la pierna del ladrón.

•Suddenly, a robber entered! He went upstairs and walked down to my parent's bedroom. He looked in the room but then he heard my sister's voice. He turned and went down the stairs. He tried to flee the house, but Esnupi woke up and bit the robber's leg.

This is a series of actions in the Preterite which happened within the setting established by the Imperfect.

The focus of the Preterite is on completed action(s). The Imperfect focuses on a state of being.

Let's look at some examples:


(completed action)


(description, scene)

Comí la cena. Comía la cena...

I ate my dinner (and I finished it) I was eating my dinner...[when something happened]

-or- I used to eat my dinner...

Tuvo que devolver la camisa      Tenía que devolver la camisa

She had to -and did- return the shirt. She had to return the shirt (She was supposed to return it - but we don't know if she did or not.)

NOW, AHORA, try these games to practice ---



FOR HOMEWORK - Tareas - for manana.

Tell me what all of the sentences mean in English for the last game you played.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Bonjour FSF 1D!

 Please read the following paragraph. What does it mean to you?

   Dans le monde idéal de moi, les voitures/autos n'existeront pas. Nous marcherons partout. Chaque personne montera leur bicyclette. Tous mes amis seront contents et n'auront pas beaucoup de problèmes avec le dråme. Je gagnerai la lotterie et je voyagerai le monde. D'aboard , je visiterai Buenos Aires et j'acheterai une nouvelle maison. Les personnes ne mourront pas de faim et 'global warming', le chauffement de terre n'existera pas. Nous prendrons soin (care) de notre monde. Nous aiderons nous autres beaucoup plus que maintenant.

What will make your world idéal?

Try these games to practice le futur simple-


new game - http://quizlet.com/28000/u8-french-verbs-regular-future-simple-flash-cards/

Friday, May 25, 2012

Buenos dias LWS BD1

Ahora es el tiempo de creer una carta invitando una amiga or algunos amigos a una fiesta!

Creemos una carta hoy, por favor.

     To demonstrate your knowledge of party info and vocab, you will create a clever invitation (to be posted in the hall for display). You will also be asking for help from the invited in some form, using the verb Poder.

Here is what you will be marked on;                                                     /25

- Did you include 5 important pieces of information (labelled and answered)?                     /10                 
             (ej. Lugar - a mi casa, 5 Avenida Boulton)
-  Did you spell words correctly ?                                                                                       /8
-  Did you demonstrate that you know the contents of an invitation and that your invite creatively looks attractive to its reader?                                                                                                       /3
- Did you use a form of poder correctly to ask for help in some way?
(ej. puedes venir a las 7 de la noche, por favor? )                   /4              

LWS CU1 practice links

Thursday, May 24, 2012


   Here are some helpful sites to assist you with negations.

note -  Http://www.businessspanish.com/leccion/negation.htm


Remember, you'll have time in the lab tomorrow for your periodico tambien. 


Monday, May 21, 2012

Tuesday May 22, le 22 mai, el 22 de mayo

Period 1 FSF 1D


There are two errors. Can you find them?


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday May 16
le 16 mai
el 16 de mayo

Hello! Bonjour! Hola!!

Here are all of your instructions today for your classes. Please scroll down if you need to find your class.

FSF 1D - Per 1

You are in computer lab 224 today.  You have 2 goals today

1. Here are links I would like you to try;

conjuguemos - try your best score, just like yesterday like we tried as a group. Choose the following verbs by pressing control and choosing from the list below the frog.

Please play this jeopardy game;

2. Now you have recieved a handout from the teacher.

We have learned that the passe composé needs the auxiliary AVOIR but now we are learning that ETRE can be an auxiliary too!

Please read it, read the link below and create your own Alamo D'etre  (brainstorm ideas, you will be labelling each action like the example on the website, and you will give a conjugation - we will discuss more tomorrow)


Watch this for clarification-


Have a good day!!!  conne journée ☺



Hola clase

Here are your tasks today.

There is a link below about a Mexican phenomenonal event at Chichen Itza.  Grade 11s, this is about what we read last week.
There are notes on the teachers desk with a map if you are interested.
Please watch and enjoy.

Grade 11s - you may continue working on the handouts from yesterday that you can share- the supply has them.

Grade 10s - please finish the exercise on the back of your test review, study for tomorrow's test, and the supply has an additional sheet to practice Los Diablos.

Here is the site -  http://www.exploratorium.edu/ancientobs/chichen/flash.html
Here is the broadcast - watch the snake appear!!!!  To access,   click on webcast, watch webcast, and choose the descent of the snake.  I left the video on my computer so that you can see as well.

Gracias y buenos dias estudiantes



 Bonjour classe!

Today you are to complete the comic strips from yesterday. Remember to provide 7 conjugations of the passé composé that are written below the photo/picture/description in each comic square. Hand in when completed. The teacher has extra copies of the squares if you need.

Chris and Sandy are in charge of setting up the movie - You may watch the last hour of Mean Girls today.
I think the link you used was z movies ?

Have a nice day!


Monday, May 14, 2012


Here are your links for activities to practice passe compose online!


(lots of activities to choose from with the scramblings of the correct answers - start with the top link and work down)

Conjuguemos - https://conjuguemos.com/activity.php?language=french&id=14&source=public&type=verbs
BE SURE TO CLICK THE VERBS YOU KNOW FROM THE LIST - if not, you may have some trouble with some unknown irregulars right now.

Here is a verb sheet to help if you need https://conjuguemos.com/chart.php?language=french&id=14&etre=no&commands=no&source=public

Amuse-toi bien!

Have fun et à bientôt!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

le 9 mai

Bonjour classe!!

I hope you're having a good morning.

Here is your link to help with le passe compose:

Note with youtube video - http://www.frenchspanishonline.com/magazine/?p=39
Good note to copy - http://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/tap2.html

I would like you to try the following sites and to practice REGULAR passe compose at this website below:

1. Game - http://www.francais-extra.co.uk/gateway/half/halfgamemenu.htm

2. Jeopardy - passe compose regular verbs http://www.superteachertools.com/jeopardy/usergames/Nov201046/game1290122483.php3.

3. Conjuguemos - practice and test your speed - https://conjuguemos.com/activity.php?language=french&id=14&source=public&type=verbs

You may need an irregular verb chart. Please see this link;

If you don't already have a conjuguemos account, you may create one. Ask the teacher if you can borrow the instructions and WRITE DOWN YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD somewhere safe.

Enjoy!! Bring your appetite tomorrow morning!!

See you then!

Mme Bell

Monday, May 7, 2012

LWS CU1 newpaper task


1a) Please choose a national Canadian newspaper to scan. Read the headlines and familiarize yourself as to what today's big news is.



1b) You are to scan and read one Spanish newspaper and answer the following questions.

Choose from the following;




2. Answer the following questions in Spanish por favor. Please list what source you chose.

1. ¿Que leiste en el noticiero? (Choose 1 event to descubrir)

2. ¿ Quien es el (la) reportero(a)?

3. ¿ Quien es el fotografo? (if there is a photo)

4. (Imagene que tu eres el victimo). ¿Como reaccionaste cuando te entraste estas noticias?

3. Answer the following questions from a Mexican newpaper. Choose from the following and list the source.




1. ¿Que leiste en el noticiero? (Choose 1 event to descubrir)

2. ¿ Quien es el (la) reportero(a)?

3. ¿ Quien es el fotografo? (if there is a photo)

4. (Imagene que tu eres el victimo). ¿Como reaccionaste cuando te entraste estas noticias?

4. What similarities did you notice in terms of what news was being presented?

5. What differences did you recognize?

6. Did the news presented compare to Canada's news? If so, how?

Be prepared to discuss tomorrow with proof.

Manana – Tu eres un / una reportero(a) y vas a escribir un parrafo sobre que hace. You are a reporter and you are going to write a paragraph about what's happening.
LWS BD1 Lab instructions – La Comida – Decubrela! Discover it!

La comida- You will find that Spain differs greatly from Canada in that there are less national fast food restaurants.

I would like you to explore 3 regions of Spain; Madrid (el capital), Andalusia, and the Basque country.

Tu vas a buscar un menu de cada (each) region. /20

Here is a great example of a website that you can use for Madrid. http://www.casalabra.es/main.html

Telepizza is one of the (if not) only Spanish chains that exist. http://www.telepizza.es/inicio.aspx

Escribe el website por cada menu aqui.

Da un especial de cada menu. Di que es en ingles. ¿Cuanta cuesta?

¿Que te gusta en el menu?

¿Que no te gusta?

¿Hay las fotos? Descubrelas. Describe them.

¿Hay las cosas de nuestro vocabulario?

Can you make one comparison and one differentiation about the menus you have read? Why would they differ, in your opinion (think of where the regions are in the country)

Complete the chart por favoir /15

Region de espana




Website for the restaurant and its menu

Especial del dia .

¿Cuanta cuesta?

¿Que te gusta en el menu?

¿Que no te gusta?

¿ Fotos?

Compare to Canada : Are there differences in what categories our menus have? Do they have more plates that contain a certain type of food that ours do not? Can you give any explanations? /5