Monday, May 7, 2012

LWS CU1 newpaper task


1a) Please choose a national Canadian newspaper to scan. Read the headlines and familiarize yourself as to what today's big news is.

1b) You are to scan and read one Spanish newspaper and answer the following questions.

Choose from the following;

2. Answer the following questions in Spanish por favor. Please list what source you chose.

1. ¿Que leiste en el noticiero? (Choose 1 event to descubrir)

2. ¿ Quien es el (la) reportero(a)?

3. ¿ Quien es el fotografo? (if there is a photo)

4. (Imagene que tu eres el victimo). ¿Como reaccionaste cuando te entraste estas noticias?

3. Answer the following questions from a Mexican newpaper. Choose from the following and list the source.

1. ¿Que leiste en el noticiero? (Choose 1 event to descubrir)

2. ¿ Quien es el (la) reportero(a)?

3. ¿ Quien es el fotografo? (if there is a photo)

4. (Imagene que tu eres el victimo). ¿Como reaccionaste cuando te entraste estas noticias?

4. What similarities did you notice in terms of what news was being presented?

5. What differences did you recognize?

6. Did the news presented compare to Canada's news? If so, how?

Be prepared to discuss tomorrow with proof.

Manana – Tu eres un / una reportero(a) y vas a escribir un parrafo sobre que hace. You are a reporter and you are going to write a paragraph about what's happening.

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