Monday, December 8, 2014


Bonjour tout le monde! I will be away today and will return tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today! 

FSF 1D -  Bonjour! 
Please verify your answers of your work from yesterday with a partner.   You may continue (or begin) working on your exam questions.  There are des mots caches (wordsearches) for you to enjoy as well. 
 If you are working well and if the teacher agrees to it, you may watch FLIP.

Click here to watch FLIP - You may need to open it in INTERNET EXPLORER instead of Firefox. 

FSF 1P -  Bonjour!

Please finish the film from yesterday. Here is the link for L'apprenti Pere Noel.

Click here to watch FLIP - You may need to open it in INTERNET EXPLORER instead of Firefox. 
 Please write down these questions first to be answered tomorrow.

Quels animaux est-ce que vous avez regarde? 
Quels sont tes jeux-video preferes? 
Ou est-ce qu'ils ont donne des high fives?
What is the trivia question of the day?
What is the answer?

FSF 3U / 4U - Bonjour! 
Today you will receive your essay outline and your rubric. In groups, there are three examples to read. Please write down the arguments and the proof given for each of the three essays and each of you will receive a plan to fill out to begin the thought processes of your essays. 
Here are some links to help with the additional subjects that we have yet to discuss in class. Please use your time wisely, and think about which subject you would like to debate for a speaking mark. We will discuss tomorrow!

Click here to read about l'influence de la tele sur les enfants
Les etudiants et la sante mentale
Les deux cotes des medias sociaux pour les jeunes

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