Thursday, May 28, 2015

le 28 mai - Les examens approchent ☺

Bonjour tout le monde!

FSF 1D - We have been talking about describing things in the past and students had a creative task this week. It was due Wednesday. Tomorrow, we will be discovering fairy tales and we will be reviewing the passé compose with a 'surprise task'. SEE BELOW FOR REVIEW, STUDENTS. THERE ARE GAMES TO PLAY FOR HOMEWORK.

FSF 2D - Students have been analyzing and critiquing advertisements in order to interpret real life examples of visual French (commercials and print advertising). Our goal is to discuss how adolescents are affected by media. They will also be creating an ad as well.  EXAM DATES for note orale - mardi le 9 juin, mercredi le 10 juin.

FEF 1D - Nous avons commencé notre critique d'un film. EXAM DATES for note orale :   mercredi le 3 juin, et jeudi le 4 juin.

FEF 3U / 4U - Vous avez discuté du romanticism, vous avez écrit un brouillon pour l'essai (qui va être reviser aujourd'hui ) et voilà!!! Le date finale pour la bonne copie de l'essai est LE 5 JUIN.
LES dates pour les examens orales - le 8 et le 9 pour les débats, et les 10, 11, 12 pour les questions.

A letter will be going home next week about exam dates and we have already started preparing. Students are encouraged to visit this site (and revisit activities on elearning) in order to prepare even more.

FSF 1D practice passé compose :

Le passé composé


Bonne journée!

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