Monday, September 14, 2015

le 14 septembre

FSF 2D - Nous avons fait un cercle de camarades!  We are continuing our review of descriptions in the past. We will be completing a listening activity for marks on Friday le 18 septembre.

Can you identify some meanings here? Try this quiz!

For which activities will I use Etre? Here is a cute photo to remember!!

Here is our link to our new list of ways to enhance our French vocabulary!

FSF 1D - Aujourd'hui  (et demain )we are reviewing useful phrases and ways we can start using French today! We reviewed our diagnostic assessment and discussed the importance of being aware of feedback. We received a booklet and some reference tools that we can always refer back to for help. We have a speaking task Thursday for marks, as well as a listening task Friday for marks in the lab.

Click here to play WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE et practiquez ce que vous apprenez! Practice what we have been listening and speaking about en français!

FSF 3U / 4U - Nous avons écouté une chanson d'Indochine. Nous avons lu un conte fameux, et nous avons commence de jouer MENSONGE ou LA VERITE? Students created their own descriptions of their past from which we will decide if they are true or false.  Great comprehension and warm ups so far, les filles et les garcons!

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