Monday, September 28, 2015

le 28 septembre

FSF 2D - Aujourd'hui, nous avons identifié des phrases au futur, présent, et au passé. We talked about what we hear to verify the time that the actions are happening. We created a list of key words that help. We discussed and analysed the song from vendredi (great work on your shared ideas on your exit cards), and we scanned an article about Cyclone Pam à Vanuatu for the important information to answer qui, que (qu'est-ce que), où, quand, pourquoi, comment et combien de . We then watched the video, did a class Venn to describe imparfait et passé compose of actions we saw and heard described. Students are doing an excellent job applying what they have learned. Be sure to complete the Imparfait sheet (up to and including if you want the Boucles d'or activity).

Also, click here to play a reinforcement game
Here is where you can click on whether you think it is passé composé ou l'imparfait

Here is the video que nous avons regardé - Vanuatu - Cylcone Pam était un désastre!

FSF 1D - Arbres généalogiques are due! Enjoy your day!!

FSF 3U / FSF 4U - We practiced questions for our dramatization, and we watched an episode of Raphael, Citoyen du Monde.

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