Tuesday, January 12, 2016

le 12 janvier

   Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait ces choses;
-  le petit Nicolas recap
-  reading sentences that use the participle présent and le gérundif.
- higher level thinking about new concepts to understand how to apply these new concepts. Qu'est-ce que c'est un dragueur? =)
-  quick self generated note, a kahoot activity and reminder to check the blog for these activities;

Click here for the activity. Scroll down to the bottom for the exercice and check your work!

  We have been gearing up for our exams. Here is what we accomplished today;
- listening and speaking activities for speaking exam practice
- we discussed and modeled how to generate even fuller and more descriptive answers when we speak
- we watched some videos for Là où je dors and tackled some listening comprehension questions.

https://www.quia.com/cb/85337.html - Play jeopardy avec le futur simple!

- Reading activity for marks today!
Please read chapters 7 et 8.

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