Friday, October 21, 2016

vendredi le 21 octobre

FSF 2D - Today, students recorded their rough copies of their reportages, and they have feedback already that they can access through their dropbox submission on D2L. Monday they will record their reportages for marks, and will be starting a new concept (some have already started this week by going through the activities on their newsfeed on D2L).  

FSF 1D - We read pre-made profiles aloud today, recorded them, and our afternoon class completed their speed dating activity. Students were able to listen to descriptions read by their peers, identify who they were describing (someone famous) and give proof as to how they knew who was being described.  There are activities on elearning to do for homework (practice le verbe aller) . Our next unit - le cinĂ©ma!!! There are reading and listening activities to start assessing what you already know and can do. Students from period 2 will complete the listening activity later next week.


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