Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Le 13 janvier

FSF 1D - We learned and rehearsed another pronom relatif ;  le, la, les. We discussed good exam practices and we are gearing up to be successful!!! I am in my room every lunch for additional help if you have any questions or need a quiet place to study.

FSF 1P - Felicitations!!!   There is a movie waiting for you to be watched! There are questions on the side board for you to answer and complete for marks. YOU WILL HAVE A CULMINATING SPEAKING TASK TOMORROW. REMEMBER THAT YOUR MAJOR MUSIC PROJECT IS NOW OVERDUE IF IT IS NOT IN. Students have been encouraged to hand in their work if it is still overdue and remember, I am always available at lunch!

FSF 3/4U-   Bonjour! Your exam outline is available on elearning, and you will be receiving your marks at the end of class. Please work quietly on exam review, including your speaking exam questions. In addition to the questions you have received, you will have a photo that you will have to discuss for a maximum of 2 minutes. The photo will be a reflection of concepts and themes from the course. Use this time wisely!!! 

Bonne journee et a demain!

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