Friday, January 9, 2015

le 9 décembre

Great first week back! I hope everyone is feeling good about the end of the semester and is getting ready to succeed on all exams!

FSF 1D - We talked about EN and Y and have some work that should be finished for homework. Here are some helpful sites for reinforcement;

Here are some links that will help you with le pronom Y

 Scroll down and type your answers - click the yellow bar to see how you did

(for this exercise, be sure to identify the form of à + noun , whether it's a place or not)

(there may also be other words like EN - En Italie that can be replaced with Y)

Click here for more practice on Y - more challenging

(now replace Y with any preposition in, on, under, infront of, behind sur, sous, dans devant, dérrière + noun)

Here are some helpful links to practice Y. Don't forget to check out the helpful links from yesterday!

click here for a fill in the blanks / rewrite activity
click here for an activity
Click here for another activity with a challenge : Why isn't Y infront of the verb sometimes? Can you figure it out?

You may notice that Y doesn't just replace à + a place / noun... there are other words - some you may have used today in your work, even - and we will discover more about that tomorrow.

FSF 1P - We had a lab day. Students worked on their final culminating activity. Monday January 12 is the last day to hand it in. There are examples on elearning if students need additional examples. We will have a reading and a listening culminating activity in class that day.

FSF 3U / 4U  - We completed our debates, discussed the events in Paris, and prepared for our speaking exam.


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