Wednesday, September 16, 2015

le 16 septembre

FSF 2D - Today, we talked about one thing that we did in the past and our goal to improve our life today. Ex. Hier, j'ai mange des croustilles, et aujourd'hui, je ne mange que des légumes.  Students were encouraged to find ways to improve something in their life and use an expression like ne... que instead of seulement to expand our vocab.  We did a listening activity (our first à première écoute) and students were strong in persevering and putting pieces of phrases together to figure out the general idea of the story (and even more). We discussed the names of punctuation in French too.

FSF 1D - We completed our review cercle de camarades, had photos taken throughout the class, and rehearsed for our listening and speaking tasks. Tomorrow is our first speaking task for marks!
Please complete the online activities from this week if you haven't already and here is one for today.
Can you identify when we use HAVE / HAS and when we will say BE / AM / ARE?

FSF 3U / FSF 4U - We are entering into our first unit about jobs, work, our futures, how our experiences will help us create the future we want and developing a CV (resume). We added more to our journals and talked about 'family words' in French (cuisine, cuisinier, cuisiniére), identifying parts of speech. Great work. We completed a quick listening activity online as well!

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