Thursday, September 17, 2015

le 17 septembre

FSF 2D - We analysed qui  était le plus difficile à comprendre from our last listening activity. We also tried a second activity found here and students really can piece together spoken French well, in different dialects with different speech paces. We played a board game to enhance pronunciation, confidence and application of completed actions. Next up, students will have a listening activity tomorrow for marks and will find out what type of fun French colloquialism they will be presenting to the class!

FSF 1D - Speaking tasks took place today, where we applied good techniques to apply to every task for marks. Students were encouraged to prepare ahead of time, make notes on the page and all spoke with confidence. Mission accomplished! Pronunciation has improved, and students are speaking!! We took a style of learning quiz and worked in our review booklet while we waited our turns to speak. Students who didn't complete the speaking task will tomorrow. There is also a listening activity for marks tomorrow! It is a comprehension activity where students will listen to a conversation and answer questions.

FSF 3U / 4U -  Today, we identified qui travail où, ce qu'ils y font, as well as dissected an article for a play that was based on le chomage <-- a="" by="" gary="" href="" listened="" new="" song="" sylvain="" target="_blank" to="" unemployement="" we="" word="">Click here to access it!
   We identified jobs we heard, about what he was singing and how he felt about le monde du travail. We also recognized the difference of Je suis étudiant / Je suis un bon étudiant.  (notice how un is taken away.  Some questions we discussed en français dans nos journaux were;1. Quand on cherche un emplois, qu'est-ce qu'on veut trouver?
2. Dans n'importe quel boulot, quelles connaissances sont les plus importantes?
3. Quels types de travails existeront à l'avenir?

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