Tuesday, September 22, 2015

le 22 septembre

FSF 2D -  Nous avons discuté les activités d'hier. Students were encouraged to reflect on what they were doing when they heard K make un gros bruit. We started our written introduction of L'imparfait and there is a helpful handout (do ex A pour les devoirs, s'il vous plait!). We also created our own chart to apply the three steps we learned, and we played kahoot!!
LAPSE de MME - mangeait mais mangions.
Want to play a kahoot from class? Try this link! Essayez ce lien.
Aussi, il y a un autre kahoot d'aujourd'hui
Voici un 'slideshow' mignon pour aider. Leçon de l'imparfait, if you require further clarification

Practice here - can you complete the sentences with imparfait?   Click on VERIFIER LES REPONSES to check how you did!!
Song tomorrow for sure. =)

FSF 1D - Students today conducted surveys en français asking what others have / are. We are applying what we know about adjectives and using AVOIR and ETRE in preparation for our new concepts. Students spoke French by asking questions and learning how to respond (affirmatively and negatively). We are talking about strategies that help us understand the context of sentences as well in case we aren't confident about what every single word means (when we talked about our self-assessment quiz yesterday). We are speaking more and more and I appreciate your participation. Students also had an activity to complete about adjectives - listing who they knew that conveyed that description words and whether they are like that or not. Je suis aventureuse / Je ne suis pas aventureux.

Here are some links of games to help;

Les adjectifs - Rags to Riches - read the instructions carefully. Do you recognize what these adjectives mean en français?
Avoir - Faites les associations! Match these too!!
Etre - Etre - pouvez-vous relier? Can you match?
To rehearse and practice for later  (plus tard)  - How many action words are already a part of your vocabulary!?

  Students were given a list of vocabulary pour le monde du travail to help enhance what words they have already learned. They completed a reading activity based on this vocab, to help apply les nouveaux mots! Students also worked on les annonces.
Pour le revision -  Future simple

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