Thursday, February 9, 2017

jeudi le 9 février

FSF 1P - Today, students learned how to describe what they like and don't like. We played SIMON DIT to see what actions we already know and we have been asking others what they like to do as well. We wrote some sentences down about our likes and dislikes and compared them with others in a Venn diagram. Here is the video - Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire?

FEF 1D - Today, students started with the easiest Kahoot they will play all year. They were very successful! We completed their Quelle heure est-il activité and now have 12 different speaking partners for the semester. We read and completed expressions about love and attempted to make inferences and give examples to them. We listened to Jenifer's Je dance and tried our first listening activity. Tomorrow we will talk about la musique encore et we will do a simple writing activity for marks at the end of class.   voici le vidéo de Jenifer - Je danse

FSF 3U /4U - Les étudiants ont parlé en français toute la période. We asked one another to be speaking partners for our 'horlages', we deciphered a chorus of a song, we began a discussion about love and talked about one of our final activities for marks this semester : presenting a proverbe. 
 Students were given a sheet about their personalité for review. They are to pick the top three traits and then explain two of them to Mme for marks tomorrow. 
Ex. Mme would say : Je suis optimiste parce que j'ai décidé de vivre à Paris quand j'avais 10 ans et j'ai suivi un bon chemin pour rencontrer cet attente.    
Je suis joyeuse parce que j'aime ma vie et j'ai fait des bonnes décisions et j'ai travaillé dur pour être certaine que je serais contente. 

Here is your marking scheme  pour ta première note de communication orale:     ( / 15 notes) 

Je peux
    - identifier mes traites et donner des explications appropriées    ---- 1     2     3    
    - parler avec la bonne prononciation                                          ----  1    2     3     4     5  
    - expliquer avec clarté mes idées sans hésitation                        ---- 1    2    3    4     5 
    - comprendre et répondre aux questions posées                         ---- 1     2 

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