Wednesday, February 8, 2017

mercredi le 8 février

FSF 1P - Today we are completing our diagnostic assessment. We are also going to complete some activities to be sure that we can greet and ask basic questions well for our FIRST SPEAKING TASK ON FRIDAY! We also listening ed ZAZ ☺ 

FEF 1D - Today, we are going to continue getting into the habit of speaking in French with others. We are a quiet class and we will be speaking to better reinforce and rehearse what we are learning (because  we will use French in the real world mostly by speaking!). Students are describing things that are happening in their life, describing a story, and producing info en français by using the present tense. They are also compiling a number of different ways that they can expose themselves to more French and thinking about their 'language log' and how they will use it.
They will be creating their own personal goals and sharing them with Mme and as a class we will create our classroom BUTS (goals). First in class writing task for marks is on FRIDAY! 

Here are some links to help with the present tense review we are doing in class. 

Click here for a note - an excellent and thorough note   There is a cute video to show it's application as well! 

FSF 3U FSF 4U - Today, students will be playing 'menteur' games by recounting things that have happened in their past and, using the Harkness method (which they will use for their final spoken demonstration / speaking exam) to speak with others in the class. Friday will be their first evaluation - a speaking one! 

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