Friday, March 10, 2017

le 10 mars - joyeuses vacances de mars!

FSF 1P -   Thank you for your hard work up until this point! Have a relaxing break!  ☺

FEF 1D -  Merci pour les devoirs que vous avez faites jusqu'à ce point! I hope you're feeling comfortable and more confident in speaking French on a regular basis! 
There are additional activities posted online starting Sunday for reinforcement on our latest grammar concepts - le passé composé vs. l'imparfait. 
Upon our return, we will be reading aloud. We will be enhancing our ability to pronounce words properly, and will be working on reading comprehension, making predictions and practicing inferencing and summarizing texts. 

Je vous souhais des bonnes vacances!!! ☺

FSF 3U / 4U - 

Bonjour tout le monde! 

D'abord, je suis très fière de vous !!!!  J'ai adoré vos idées que vous avez ajoutées à la gauche avec les images D'UNLEARN. BRAVO!!!! 

Please check elearning for your updates; you will see examples for your grammatical criteria for your publicité! Use this time to work diligently, to plan out what accomplishments will take place over the break, and to work on being able to answer those questions that the Dragons will pose to you!! 


We will complete your listening task in class on that same Monday - if you would like to complete it over the holiday in order to work on your project on Monday, it will be available to you after Saturday.  The worksheet is available with the teacher if you'd like it. 

Please be sure to go onto elearning today. There is a vote for the 2 final questions that will be added to make our 10 possible questions for our pitch, and there are additional activities to complete for reinforcement's sake. 

Jes vous souhais des très bonnes vacances!!!  ☺

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