Thursday, March 23, 2017

le 23 mars

Bonjour FSF 1P !

Here are your instructions today! I hope you have a nice day and I look forward to seeing your important people tonight! 

1. You have a fun song to enjoy called LES CORNICHONS. On the handout, you will complete the activity on the 2nd and 3rd pages. You will listen to the song (three times and more if you'd like) and fill in the blanks with the missing words that are on in the word bank (à la droit ---> to the right of this Smartboard).  Cliquez ici pour accéder la chanson LES CORNICHONS (Pickles) par Nino Ferrer!!!

2. Complete the reading activity as best you can and hand it in before you leave today. 

3. You have a Food Guide that you can peruse (skim through and become familiar with) for your activity you will have for the weekend. 

4. Tomorrow is a lab day - please bring your écouteurs! If our lovely teacher leaves your name as someone who used time inappropriately today, you will have alternative work instead of lab time! Please be hard working and use your time wisely!! 

Here are some links of commercials for you to enjoy if you've worked well:
Des meilleurs joueurs de hockey?? Publicité de McDo
Des meilleures publicités très drôles!  --- Veux tu manger du fromage Panda?

À demain!!  Bonne journée!

Bonjour FEF 1D  !

1. Vous allez toute la période de travailler et de lire à haute voix aujourd'hui.  Travaillez bien en groupe, et vos petits romans sont dans une boîte a la droite du Smartboard.

2. S'il vous plaît, read through your handouts carefully to see how you will be evaluated tomorrow for your reading mark (starred criteria on your evaluation is what I am listening most for).  I will also be asking you a question to see how well you can apply passé composé et l'imparfait in your explanation and will provide feedback. 

3. You will create 5 vrai/faux questions per student, and a list of important events in the story (scrambled up and with the correct order) to demonstrate a good understanding of the plot line. Please write your names and the title of the story you read on the front page of the package and hand it in by the end of the period with your completed work. 

4. You may take the petits romans home to practice pronunciation and will have a chance to ask me for clarification before you read to me tomorrow.

5. Journée au labo demain! Apportez vos écouteurs!!

I look forward to meeting the people who care about you tonight!

Bonne journée et à demain!

Bonjour FSF 3U / 4U 

        You have une période de travailler sur vos publicités aujourd'hui. 
Please remember that I am going to be marking with even more precision on Monday when you present because you've had even more time to make it as impressive as possible! I will be happy to provide feedback on all of your work tomorrow. You will have a lesson in class as well as time to work on your project. 
Please remember as you work : our big question of the semester that you will be talking about in your portfolio is "how can I be my most creative when I apply my French skills in my work".

I look forward to meeting the people who care about you tonight!

Bonne journée et à demain!!

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