Thursday, September 10, 2015

le 10 septembre

FSF 2D - Nous avons discuté les activités que nous avons fait dans le passé. Nous avons lu et décrit une bande-dessinée de Garfield et nous avons écouté à une chanson à propos d'une petite fille très frustrée!!   That poor mom!
Here is a link for our chanson;
Bébé Lily - Les bétises
Stay tuned tomorrow for links that will reinforce what we have been reviewing.

FSF 1D - Nous avons fait notre evaluation diagnostique. After some introductory activities and warm up, students completed a diagnostic assessment from which it will be determined what we review and where we start in terms of new material. Ca me réjouit that students were comfortable in demonstrating and sharing what they knew. What a respectful, and happy group!! =) Way to go, class! Looking forward to a great year!

FSF 3U / 4U -
We talked about differences between English expressions and French expressions and recognized how similar they are. We interpreted quelques proverbes et expressions en français.  Grade 12s were assigned their presentations of proverbs. We gave values to our oral marks we will receive for them. We also started some diagnostic assessments by listening to this story;
Juliette et son chien - Tapis Volant au passé compose

Great week so far, everyone!! I hope you are all settling in nicely!

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