Thursday, September 24, 2015

le 24 septembre

Bonjour!!!  Great day, everyone! Merci pour la participation!

FSF 2D -  we completed a listening activity on Vietnam, and we continued our Imparfait / Passé composé en groupe. Nice work, everyone and felicitations to our winners- great cooperation en français! Don't forget that tomorrow is a lab day, et vous avez besoin vos écouteurs.

FSF 1D -  Today, students listened to and drew / wrote a family tree about a fictional character that they heard. We recapped our activity from yesterday. They also became aware with different actions that students like / dislike doing by completing a move-up match activity, and a quick listing activity on action words/ activities. Tomorrow we will be completing a family tree task in class. Students have been encouraged to think about and plan at home what they may describe.

FSF 3U / FSF 4U - Today, we took up our vocab questions, we completed an assessment on skills and behaviours that are useful in work environments en français, and we practiced interview questions en français. Those questions will be on elearning tomorrow. We also have a lab day tomorrow so please bring your écouteurs!!

Have a nice night! Bonne nuit!

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