Today you will be doing Work Value Inventory Quizzes to discover what is important to you in terms of your occupation. You will also read and compare two stories of two characters' personal choices.
You will be asked to provide me with a small paragraph via email explaining which character you believe is happier in his / her field and why--- THIS IS FOR MARKS (5 for clarity, 5 for reasoning and proof). It can be as long as you need it to be, but no longer than half a page typed please. SEND THIS TO ME BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.
Use your time wisely in order to complete all of the tasks, and have fun discovering more about yourself!!
Try these two quizzes first (be sure to leave you enough time for the small task due today):
** Note: be aware of the time so that you can get the task below completed. You can always do it for homework by accessing this website from home!
Please read about Sam's experience. What values did he demonstrate when choosing his job?
Now read about Karen. How does she differ from Sam (in terms of values and career choices) and why?
Don't forget to write your paragraph, and send it to me via email straight away!