Tuesday, March 29, 2016

le 29 mars

lundi le 29 mars

FSF 1P - Today we did listening activities based on what happens in some of our buildings in the city. Students completed a reading activity that was similar. We compared ideas about what is 'the best' in our town. We will have maps ready tomorrow for interactive descriptions of our town!! 

FSF 1D - New seating plan! Students completed Les Choristes and had a character chart and vrai / faux questions to complete and hand in. 

FEF 1D - Today, we looked critically at how Le Futur Simple is formed. We watched and analysed a video, created our own note on le futur simple. completed our work from last week on the film (due tomorrow) and we will be speaking all class tomorrow!  Vous serez préparés!!! =) 

Here is your homework. Enjoy!!!  Les échelles et les serpents - Snakes and Ladders game
There are also some additional helpful tools on elearning =)

Sunday, March 27, 2016

les devoirs pour la semaine prochaine

Il y a des videos a regarder...

FEF 1D - Regardez ce video - Qu'est-ce qu'il se passera a Claude? What will happen to Claude?

Aussi, regardez ces verbes. Voici les verbes qui expliquent le futur - will have, will go, ecetera
Voyez un motif? Do you see a pattern?
You can click to listen to how these verbs sound, as well. What do AVOIR and ALLER and ETRE sound like?

Sentirez- vous a jouer un jeu pour voir si tu connaitras le futur simple? Tu peux essayer ici

Je suis desolee pour etre en retard. Hope you're having a good weekend!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

le 24 mars


 I am unable to celebrate the beginning of the end of the week with you, unfortunately / malheureusement. 

Here are your instructions for today - JOYEUSES PAQUES!

FSF 1P - Lab 404 - Be sure to read your elearning instructions carefully. Hand in your LES CHORISTES responses before the end of the day, and be sure to upload your answers to your reading activity on elearning for marks!  Before you return on Tuesday, please make sure you watch the videos on directions on your elearning post today. 

FSF 1D - La bibliotheque / the library - Be sure to read your elearning instructions carefully and to use your time wisely. Hand in your two tasks - a Les Choristes listening activity and an Easter in France reading activity. Hand them in using the dropboxes provided. The rest of your time can be dedicated to the other options on elearning. Prepare yourself for our next unit! You will see some preparation activities posted here for you at the end of the day.

FEF 1D - Vous allez terminer Les Choristes.
 There is an activity to complete after. The teacher will have a folder of six packages. Work in pairs (or in groups of three). Each package has a set of events from the film. Cut the phrases (ciseaux derriere l'ordinateur, sur l'etage - boite rouge), and then add what you need to in order to describe who did the action in the film. Don't forget to put your form of AVOIR or ETRE as the auxiliary to make it passe compose. 

Ex.    rendu visite son fils Pierre.   -->   Mme Morhange A rendu visite son fils Pierre.
         fini ses 15 jours dans le noir  --> Mondain A fini ses 15 jours dans le noir.

Once you have done that, put the sentences in order, and document them in your journal or on a sheet of paper. Hand them in when completed (AA is in the orange file holder at front right of class by filing cabinet). 

Be sure to check the blog at the end of the day for your HOMEWORK THIS WEEKEND in order to prepare for next week's task. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

le 23 mars - Interim reports went home today!!!!

FEF 1P - Nous avons regardé Les Choristes. Students are completing a listening assignment (Vrai ou Faux, plot developments and characteristics of main characters) for a listening mark. Lab day tomorrow - Apportez vos écouteurs!

FSF 1D - Students completed their 'interrogations' and they were well done! We also watched Les Choristes and will complete it after Easter. Students have a lab day tomorrow. Apportez vos écouteurs.

FEF 1D - ♪♪♪♪♪♪ Nous avons résumé le partie du film Les Choristes, nous avons continue le film, et nous allons faire un petit pièce dd l'intrigue (et nos prédictions)  après avoir terminé le film. ♪♪♪♪♪

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

le 22 mars - Soyons Positifs!!! Let's be positive!

FSF 1P - Positivity workshop
FSF 1D - Journée au cafeteria. Students now have practiced;
 being able to formulate different questions in inversion and with 'est-ce que'
being able to listen to and provide answers to questions, and vice versa
can answer questions posed to them in full sentences
We are speaking and understanding more and more French everyday.
There is a speaking task tomorrow worth 20 marks. Students have 10 questions from which they will answer two to me in full sentences for marks.  (Hint: it's like our speaking exam at the end of the semester!) Prepare your answers tonight!
FEF 1D- Nous avons présenté notre contes. Très bien fait! Be sure you are always attempting to apply what we have been doing in class in your answers and the work that you do.
Bonne nuit et à demain!

Monday, March 21, 2016

le 21 mars

Bonjour! Bon retour!  ☺

FSF 1P - Today, we reviewed vocabulary of town and city buildings and we began watching a great film called Les Choristes. Students will have comprehension questions given to them tomorrow.

FSF 1D - Students are reviewing question words and how to identify, understand and respond to questions that will provide more detail. They are encouraged to replay the activities from Friday's Elelarning day before March Break. Students will have a mini-interview with me to ensure they know those questions in order to continue on successfully in the course.

FEF 1D - Nous avons practiqué nos presentations pour demain, et nous avons commence Les Choristes aussi. Il n'y a pas de devoirs et soyez prêts pour demain! Be sure you get a good sleep! =)

Bonne journée!

Friday, March 11, 2016

le 11 mars


We had lab day today, and all of your activities are on elearning.

Please check elearning over the break to practice and prepare for what is coming next.

Have a safe and fun (and relaxing) time.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

le 10 mars

FEF 1D - Students had appointments today and while those happened we continued our maps. We now have a wonderful word wall with many édifices en français et anglais on our white board. Merci, les filles! Tomorrow is a lab day. Please remember to have your écouteurs!!!

FSF 1D - Today we wrote our first major writing task that will be similar to how our written exam will take place. Students were encouraged to use their notes and recent work that had been assessed and returned (some with feedback) to write approximately 25-35 sentences about their likes, wants, preferences and abilities. Tomorrow is a lab day. Please remember to have your écouteurs!

FEF 1D - Aujourd'hui nous avons fait une ligne chronologique pour expliquer une intrigue d'une histoire. Tomorrow during our lab day students will be creating a timeline based on what they hear. They will distinguish between 'things that were happening' and things that 'happened' on their timeline. Here's a link to what we listened to today. We are prepared! Mme gave us feedback and we are prêt à écouter!!!  Tex - de Texas à Paris  Students had time to complete their stories that they will present Monday after the break.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

le 9 mars

FSF 1P -
 We have started our new unit (and we used some time to complete what we needed to for our final activity for marks). We will be talking about our community, buildings, being able to compare amenities, give and follow directions and much more! Students compiled a list of necessary info to give to a newly landed refugee and have started to create maps that will be labeled en français and used at a later date for a speaking activity.

FSF 1D- Be sure to check elearning for our infinitives completed list if you haven't completed it yet . It will be so useful for your activity for marks tomorrow. You will find the activity there as well.
You will be answering the following questions
1. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?
2. Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire?
3. Nommes les choses qu'un (e) ami(e) ou un member de famille peut faire qui est intéressant.

FEF 1D -  Bravo! Nous pouvons raconteur des histoires qui sont a) créatifs, b) logiques (et droles) et c) qui employent des bon temps de verbe. Your speaking projects will be due on the Monday after our conge. =)
Stay tuned tomorrow... we will talk about expressions a bit more and j'ai trouvé un que vous connaissez bien!!! =)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

le 8 mars

FSF 1P - Students have been completing their surveys, and they will be done tomorrow. Excellent work and such great initiative!!! New unit begins tomorrow!!

FSF 1D - Students completed a speaking task in groups for a listening mark. They are ready to receive a task for a written mark tomorrow. We were introduced to Diam's music, and attempted to read a website about her.

FEF 1D - Nous avons corrigé nos devoirs, nous avons créé une histoire intéressant de Jack, Jill et un ogre, et nous avons commence une tâche orale.
Voici plus de ce qu'on faisait dans la classe si tu avais besoin de practiquer...
practique que nous avons fait en classe
une chanson et une activité amusante

A demain!

Monday, March 7, 2016

le 7 mars

Une semaine jusqu'aux vacances de mars!!!

FSF 1P - Students are working on a task today where they are polling their classmates. They have great pronunciation of questions and can develop answers independently.  Good work! We will continue tomorrow, chart and summarize our findings, and we will receive (very very good) listening, reading and speaking marks for our hard work.

FSF 1D - We took up the activity posted on the blog for homework, checked homework (have it ready for Tuesday if it was incomplete) and we created profiles for imaginary types of people listed on the board. Here is an example;
Qui est-ce?

    Bonjour! Je m’appelle Bob. Je suis un grand garçon fort. J’aime aller au gymnase lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi et vendredi. Je veux plus de muscles. Je peux gagner aux compétitions de ‘weight-lifting’ et je veux aller aux Olympiques. Je ne peux pas manger les frites et les hot-dogs parce qu’ils ne sont pas nutritifs.

CHALLENGE – Add some adjectives before the noun (BAGS adjectives)

-        Put sentences into the negative using ne… pas
Students will say their profiles to classmates tomorrow who will have to guess based on what they hear what person was being profiled. They will earn listening marks and will receive feedback on their pronunciation to gear up for their major task that will be handed out on Wednesday.

FEF 1D - Students spoke in French so well the entire class!! We didn't choose what type of prix we would receive though!!!?! We applied l'imparfait to describe ourselves as children, we read a French Canadian story and chose why some verbs were passé composé and others imparfait, we charted the events of the story on a timeline, and we received a sheet with a proper note on l'imparfait  with some practice activities.  It should be done for tomorrow's class.
Here is an additional link to help ; Le passé composé et l'imparfait
Here is a game - Can you choose the correct verb tense?

Friday, March 4, 2016

le 4 mars

FSF 1P - Today students had a journée au labo. Everything is accessible through elearning.

FSF 1D - Students today read text messages in French.  They worked an assortment of speaking, writing, listening and game-related practice on our new grammar concepts in order to explain their wants, abilities, responsibilities and what they know. The backside of the worksheet with the texts is due on Monday.

How well do you think you know TEXTING language en français? Try here

listen and practice here!

This is a very useful and fun reading game. TU PEUX LE FAIRE - YOU CAN DO IT ! ☺

FEF 1D - Pour mardi, il faut que vous soyez prêts à discuter;
(employer l'imparfait et le passé compose dans vos réponses, s'il vous plait!)

Voici un des jeux qu'on a joué

Où grandissais-tu?
Quelle emission était ta favorite quand tu avais 8 ans (ou quand tu étais plus jeune)?
Quels jeux était les meilleurs quand tu étais jeune? Quels jeux étaient le plus amusants?
Quels livres / contes adorais-tu? Quels histoires est-ce que tes parents aimaient partager / dire / lire avec toi?
Qui lisait avec toi quand tu étais jeune?

Thursday, March 3, 2016

jeudi le 3 mars

FSF 1P - Students are thinking on their feet en français! Don't be afraid to speak up more!
   Here is a link on question words if you'd like to practice. Tomorrow, we are in the lab to do a survey, listen and compare a few chansons en français et de créer un sondage.

This link is great! Check out the HEAR IT, WRITE IT and READ IT exercices at the bottom!

For more practice and to take it further, check this out and click on the speech bubbles to hear how the questions sound!

FSF 1D - We had a lab day today! Today, we listened to descriptions of people and charted what they like and don't like. Students are listening to authentic French and understanding by using context and cues basic interests. They earned a listening mark today. Everything is accessible through elearning.  Bravo!

We will be starting to ask more questions and talk about things we want to do, can do and must do.  Here is a list of the words we will be able to apply in our next task for marks.

After reviewing this photo, voulez-vous jouer un jeu pour practiquer? Do you want to play a game to practice?

Practice another way: listen, and then record your own voice!!!!  Click on the exercice and it will slide over to you!

FEF 1D - Tous ce que nous avons fait est sur elearning. Nous avons eu une journée au labo. Soyez certaines que vous faites vos devoirs!   J'aime bien le padlet que vous avez faites avec moi et ça me réjouit que vous aimez la chanson et les activités que nous avons fait!

This site is super useful with a note, exercices to practice and to record. Cliquez sur l'exercice and it will slide over to you!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

le 1 mars

BEAUCOUP de 'CRITICAL THINKING' aujourd'hui, les élèves! BRAVO!!!

FSF 1P - Nous avons regardé et ecouté à un video rempli (filled) avec les questions et les réponses.
Students are doing a great job comprehending information being shared amongst friends about themselves and their families.  Click on this link to see what video (activité 1) we were watching
 Students then created their own summaries for questions based on example, and demonstrated they could listen to summaries and give questions that would result in those. Tomorrow is our exemplar activity and then students are doing their first full performance task ; creating a survey!

FSF 1D - Today, students accomplished three things; 1. They completed a speaking task describing themselves by answering three questions, 2. Students read clues about individuals and wrote adjectives that best described them (using adjective agreement), and 3. Students completed a creative  mini Mad Libs activity to demonstrate their understanding of articles (un, une, le and la), nouns, and adjectives and how they all agree en français. Attention: lundi, you will have your first speaking / listening activity for marks!

FEF 1D - Nous avons raconté nos histoires, nous avons joué un jeu d'action et nous avons appris l'imparfait!! Voici le kahoot qu'on a joué!!

Regardez ce video pour les devoirs Mon weekend dernier avec Johnny Depp