Monday, January 25, 2016

le 25 janvier


We have been very busy doing exams and exam reviews. Things have been going smoothly!!
Bonne chance to all during the last week of school and a big bonne chance for all of you on your other exams.
This week;
 FSF 1D writing exam Wednesday, reading exam Thursday.
FSF 2D speaking exams Monday and Tuesday.
FSF 3U 4U writing exam today and reading exam Thursday.

Monday, January 18, 2016

le 8 janvier

FSF 2D - Nous avons fait un activité en employant le participe present / le gérundif. There are questions online for our reading and you will receive a handout tomorrow. Questions will be updated tonight on elearning with true and false and fill in the blanks.

FSF 1D - We started our speaking exams today. Students who are waiting are doing review activities to rehearse for their written exam.

FSF 3U / 4U - Round robin activity in preparation for our first written piece in class for our writing exam! Be sure to check elearning for the details.

Friday, January 15, 2016

le 15 janvier

FSF 1D - Please be sure to rehearse for your speaking exam.  Letters went home today identifying the important dates of the French exams. They begin Monday!!

FSF 2D - Presentations will continue Monday.  Please be sure you are prepared if you were absent today.  Your reading exam in Wednesday the 20th and your speaking exams begin Thursday.

FSF 3U FSF 4U - Merci pour le travail dur on the speaking tasks today.  =) All of your exam info is on elearning. Start preparing as soon as you can!

Bon weekend!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Les instructions pour le 14 janvier

Période 1- FSF 2D
   Bonjour! Today is your exam review day, and tomorrow you start your expression presentations. You may rehearse your speaking exam questions, work with your partner(s) on your expressions, or rehearse for your reading exam en lisant (by reading) the handout that the teacher has. There are questions posted on elearning for you if you'd like to do the reading comprehension. I hope you have a nice day and I will see you tomorrow!!

Période 2 - FSF 1D
 Bonjour!! Today is your exam review day. You have a few options and remember, one sheet must be completed for tomorrow.
* The teacher will be giving you a handout to practice le futur simple. You may work on that, and I will be checking your work tomorrow.
* You have a list of speaking exam questions that you may rehearse. Remember, your speaking examinations begin on Monday.

Période 4 - FSF 3U / 4U

    Students know what their responsibilities are today. The questions to prepare for in groups are on e-learning. There is also one additional question to prepare for tomorrow;
   Est-ce que c'est necessaire que les parents soient conscients des problèmes d'amours de leurs enfants?

Bonne journée à tous et à toutes et à demain!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

mercredi le 13 janvier

    Aujourd'hui était la leçon de Connor. Merci Connor! Nous avons regardé une émission du petit Nicolas aussi pour la practique de l'examen écoute.


     Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait nos propres prédictions pour les étudiants dans la classe. We read and created our own predictions of the future! Students also watched another Là où je dors and answered questions to practice for their listening exam.

Here are your links that are for homework;

FSF 3U / 4U

    Aujourd'hui, nous avons lu les chapitres 7 et 8 en haut voix. Les questions à répondre sont à e-learning. Il y a une activité orale à complèter vendredi.

Bonne journée!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

le 12 janvier

   Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait ces choses;
-  le petit Nicolas recap
-  reading sentences that use the participle présent and le gérundif.
- higher level thinking about new concepts to understand how to apply these new concepts. Qu'est-ce que c'est un dragueur? =)
-  quick self generated note, a kahoot activity and reminder to check the blog for these activities;

Click here for the activity. Scroll down to the bottom for the exercice and check your work!

  We have been gearing up for our exams. Here is what we accomplished today;
- listening and speaking activities for speaking exam practice
- we discussed and modeled how to generate even fuller and more descriptive answers when we speak
- we watched some videos for Là où je dors and tackled some listening comprehension questions. - Play jeopardy avec le futur simple!

- Reading activity for marks today!
Please read chapters 7 et 8.

Monday, January 11, 2016

le 11 janvier

Today we did a reading comprehension activity to prepare for our speaking exam. Students recognized answers and matched them with questions. We did a listening activity about le petit Nicolas in preparation for our listening exam, and wrapped it up with an outstanding presentation done for le petit Nicolas.

Today we did a listening comprehension activity to prepare for our speaking exam. Students recognized answers and matched them with questions from their speaking exam. We then created our own phrases by using flashcards, reviewing how to apply what we know to describe the past. Students wrote phrases down to demonstrate they can do this (which will be very helpful on their written exam).

FSF 3U / 4U - We discussed which scenario from our "drame" Mes Deux Amours could have been the most likely en français. We did some true and false, read out loud with Mme the starting of chapter 6 and completed it as we became aware of our marks. Please be prepared for a reading activity for marks tomorrow.

I am happy to review work and questions from exam review or otherwise.

Friday, January 8, 2016

le 8 janvier

FSF 2D -
   Today was dedicated to preparing our "expressions". We watched an expression demonstrated and figured out that it was FAIRE GAFFE. Les étudiants, il faut FAIRE GAFFE et ne gaspiller vos temps en class pour travailler!!!  =)

FSF 1D -
   Today we received our official speaking exam questions. We started review for all exams with activities and games, un scrambled 6 sentences and received back responses written out yesterday (pay attention to feedback!)

Here is a game to practice what we were unscrambling today (EXCELLENT PRACTICE AND REVIEW) ; Play rags to riches. Identify the appropriate phrase!!

FSF 3U / 4U -
   We did a fill in the blanks activity to piece together chapitre 3 of Mes Deux Amours. We also discussed how we feel about the main character's imagination, discussed pros and cons and all the while, summarized the story so far. Great work and comprehension! We started our first texting session to gear up for our writing exam.

Bon weekend, tout le monde! Thanks for a great week back!!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

le 7 janvier

     Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait des activités qui explique le temps, la météo, les comment on réagit (how we react to certain weather - les vêtements qu'on porte, les actions qu'on fait...
Here is a link to a resource that we used. We now know more clothing vocab and when we'd use it en français!
Here is what the goal was : S'il neigeait, je m'habillerais avec un toque / des gants.
When we use a hypothetical situation and use the conditional, just like in English, we need to introduce it with the imparfait.
Si + imparfait + conditionnel   - If it was raining, I would bring an umbrella.

Here is a link to practice;
Can you change the missing verb to le conditionnel

FSF 1D - Today we discussed studying and good exam-taking habits to develop and practice. Students did their reading activity for marks and they look good!!! Bravo!!! Tomorrow we will continue our exam preparations.

FSF 3U / 4U - We played some review games and summarized chapitre 2. We read chapitre 3 and tomorrow we will be doing a practice written piece in preparation for our written exam. There will be questions for chapitre 3 tomorrow. Head's up: chapitres 4 and 5 will be for homework this weekend!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

le 6 janvier

FSF 2D - We reviewed 'erreurs communs' of speaking exam questions. We also confirmed our expression criteria and how much they are worth (presentations begin next Friday, one is worth part of our speaking exam mark). We continued our review of questions possibles for the exam, worked on our weather task, and are ready to conquer our speaking exam review coming tomorrow.

FSF 1D -  We did well working on our reading activity that is not only excellent exam review, it is great for our reading comprehension task for marks that is taking place tomorrow. Students can read about a person's daily morning routine and lifestyle and understand it very well!

FSF 3U / 4U - We reviewed chapitre 1 of Mes Deux Amours, did some predicting about l'intrigue by saying how much we agree or disagree, we checked our vocab from that chapter as well as matched English equivalents to their French counterparts from chapitre 2. YOUR VRAI OU FAUX QUESTIONS SHOULD BE READY FOR TOMORROW!!!
Les voici!!!


1.     Elle réfléchissait à ses problèmes d’amour parce qu’elle a lu le mot ‘aimer’.       _____

2.     Sa grandmère peut bien peintre. _____

3.     Julie accompagne Christine à la baignoire. _____      

4.     Le père de Pascal est mort de cancer.   _____

5.     Julie et Pascal sont le même âge.            _____

6.     Pascal n’aimait pas célébrer son anniversaire. _____

7.     Il a reçu un disque compact pour son anniversaire.  _____

8.     Le père de Julie veut qu’elle sache comment travailler comme chef d’un hotel. ____

9.     Julie respecte le travail que les travailleurs font à l’hotel.



Monday, January 4, 2016

FSF 2D - On est revenu!!! Welcome back!

Please check out the following videos in preparation for tomorrow;

La météo- Voici un video avec vocabulaire à regarder;

Here is a quick and easy dialogue and matching activity to look at;

Can you match up the weather statements with the right weather maps?

Can you answer cette question? Pouvez-vous décrire le plus beau temps à ce moment?

FSF 1D- On est revenu ☺ ! Welcome back!

Today, we discussed and reviewed answering questions to find out more information about past events. Students started rehearsing for their speaking exam and have a sheet with questions already on it. The calendar is already up to remind students of important dates in January.
Be sure to visit this site to help prepare for exams!

Here is a fun link to start you off.

FSF 3U / 4U -

Nous avons commencé avec quelques discussions to catch up and review concepts for exams.
Nous avons regardé quelques video à introduire le theme d'amours
Cliquez ici pour le 2ième chanson d'amour

Nous avons écouté et discuté à propos de l'amour en préperant pour notre roman: Mes Deux Amours.
It has been so nice to see you again. I hope you all had a great return!!

Bonne journée! A demain!!!