Thursday, January 7, 2016

le 7 janvier

     Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait des activités qui explique le temps, la météo, les comment on réagit (how we react to certain weather - les vêtements qu'on porte, les actions qu'on fait...
Here is a link to a resource that we used. We now know more clothing vocab and when we'd use it en français!
Here is what the goal was : S'il neigeait, je m'habillerais avec un toque / des gants.
When we use a hypothetical situation and use the conditional, just like in English, we need to introduce it with the imparfait.
Si + imparfait + conditionnel   - If it was raining, I would bring an umbrella.

Here is a link to practice;
Can you change the missing verb to le conditionnel

FSF 1D - Today we discussed studying and good exam-taking habits to develop and practice. Students did their reading activity for marks and they look good!!! Bravo!!! Tomorrow we will continue our exam preparations.

FSF 3U / 4U - We played some review games and summarized chapitre 2. We read chapitre 3 and tomorrow we will be doing a practice written piece in preparation for our written exam. There will be questions for chapitre 3 tomorrow. Head's up: chapitres 4 and 5 will be for homework this weekend!!!

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