Friday, November 30, 2012

vos activités de cuisine

Quelle recette avez-vous lu?    Qu'est-ce que vous allez cuisiner?

Choose from the list below to figure out what recipe you have.

Here are your options. You may have to google the food item to find out what is what.

                     ---   French toast  ---
                  ------ foie gras--------
                    ----des gibulets----
                      ---des huitres---
                ----les croque-monsieurs----
                        -salade nicoise-
                     --quiche lorraine--
                          -coq au vin-

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

le 28 novembre

Students are encouraged to read the whiteboard and calendar in the class to stay informed of upcoming tasks.  They are also aware that there will be homework more often until exams. Reinforcement links for some concepts will be on the elearning site and students are encouraged to check the site regularly for additional practice.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

le 27 novembre

Bonjour les classes,

 Aujourd'hui nous practiquons l'usage du pronom EN.
Be ready, you never know when something may POP up this week (hint hint ;^) !
Scroll down to yesterday's page for online help.

FSF 1P - Today you completed a reading activity, and we will be practicing IR and RE verbs.
Don't forget, all projects will be due le 5 décembre, and I am always available at lunch for help.

Bonne journée!

Monday, November 26, 2012

le 26 novembre

Bonjour les filles et les garçons!

Today you did your first self-directed learning with the pronom EN. Remember, it follows the same rules as the pronom Y.  Be sure to keep that note handy! It will be useful in your speaking and writing exams.

Here are some links to practice;

click here for a note and fill in blank exercises below

click here for flashcards and games

Thursday, November 22, 2012

le 23 nov

Here are your instructions for today.

1. You must complete the quarter sheet listening task and hand it in asap. The url is on the activity page you will also receive.

2. You will complete the activity sheet which is some review and some new work. You may have to google work to fill in the blanks. When you are finished, you may work on your project (DUE DECEMBER 5)

3. You have two pages of homework that have clear instructions written on them. They are due on Monday. Use the crepe recipe to surprise someone special with a nice breakfast this weekend!

4. There are links on yesterday's blog below to practice mettre and prendre.

Period 4 has GSS reads for the last thirty minutes of class.

Bon weekend ! Bring your new vocab knowledge and completed homework on Monday !

le 22 nov

The verb mettre and your project are the highlights of today's class.

Here is where you can practice that verb. click here

We will also be learning the verb prendre next week click here to practice prendre

and faire click here to practice faire with aller, avoir and être

Remember, you can tally up for your bonbons demain, and it's lab day! Bring headphones!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

le 21 nov

Bonjour classes,

   Aujourd'hui nous practiquons bon/meilleur. Be sure you know how to use these adjectives and prepare to compare!

You will also start brainstorming for your next major project. You will create your own dish to present to the class. Details in class!

Bring your headphones for a listening activity in the lab on Friday.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

le 20 novembre


   We are practicing present tense verbs and creating recipes / instructions for food items.
We are learning how to compare nouns as good, better, better than, and the best.
Your homework is to complete your handouts and have them ready for tomorrow.

Nous cuisinons le 3 et 4 décembre! Be sure to be present!

go to (or google DSBN ELEARNING ONTARTIO)  for the links to test yourself and to practice
If you have yet to do your listening test, you must come in at lunch to complete it for marks!

Monday, November 19, 2012

le 19 nov


Aujourd'hui, nous practiquons le présent. Nous jouons au BATTLESHIP, et vous avez un quiz!
FSF 1P, we practiced the present tense ER verbs and played Battleship.

Remember all, you had a listening test last Thursday. You must see me if you were absent to make up that mark.

This week will we be talking about


 Click here WATCH FROM 2:40 on please

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

jeudi le 8 novembre

Here are your task links.

FSF 1P - Here is your map. Remember that a cathedral is une église, and you may use le zoo to describe where the zoo is. Enjoy!  click here to access your map - you can enlarge it!

FSF 1D - Here is your interactive map that will help generate ideas to complete your task.
Click here to access your interactive map!

Remember, this work must be completed before the end of class. Bonne chance!


Drag and click your cursor to learn and be able to identify orally French food vocab

More french vocab to learn

Food games

Fun review games -- choose what you would like

More food games

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

mardi le 6 nov

Bonjour classes!

 You did a great job on your presentations today. Merci pour être préparés.
Remember that you have a task that you will have only Thursday to work on. Be sure to practice your verbs, and your use of aller. You also have a Paris fill-out that you can complete to prepare for your task.

Have fun at Take Your Kids to Work day!

Monday, November 5, 2012

lundi le 5 novembre

Bonjour les étudiants,

 Here are some review links below for the verbs Vouloir, Pouvoir, Aller. Please be sure you know them well!
You may play as a class.    Bonne journée! 

Also, by this time we should be able to answer the following questions. Please take a moment to rehearse these with a partner. Use Y whenever possible, and be as specific as possible!
Please be prepared to answer these questions tomorrow (hint hint ...)

1. Où veux-tu aller ?   
2. Où vas-tu aller ces vacances de noel? these Christmas holidays
3. Quand veux-tu y aller?
4. Comment peux-tu y aller?   ( à pied, en auto, en taxi, en avion...)
5. Qu'est-ce que tu peux faire à cet endroit?
6. Pourquoi veux-tu y voyager?

Click here to read and answer with Vouloir or Pouvoir

click here to play Vouloir Pouvoir conjugation games

Click here to practice the verb aller

Friday, November 2, 2012

le 2 novembre - DEVOIRS

Bonjour tout le monde

 Here are some links that will help you with aller

Battleship ALLER

ALLER CLICK QUIZ Be sure to press start!

  Here are some links that will help you with le pronom Y

Scroll down and type your answers - click the yellow bar to see how you did
(for this exercise, be sure to identify the form of à + noun , whether it's a place or not)
(there may also be other words like EN - En Italie that can be replaced with Y)

Click here for more practice on Y - more challenging
(now replace Y with any preposition  in, on, under, infront of, behind  sur, sous, dans devant, dérrière + noun)

Be sure your presentations are ready Monday! You will have time to practice then.
You will have a listening activity on the verbs we have been learning and on y this upcoming week.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Le 1 novembre

Les filles et les garçons,

 Here are the seven questions that you must ask and respond to in your explanation of how you would spend $1 000 000. Remember, how you present is up to you! Feel free to use the template below.

Y and Aller practice links will be up later.

Peux-tu imaginer ta vie avec 1 000 000???!
Où vas-tu voyager?

Pourquoi tu vas voyager à cet endroit? (to this place)
Quand peux-tu aller à cet endroit?
Quand veux-tu aller à cet endroit?
Qui veux-tu visiter?
Veux-tu partager (to share)?

Here is the example

A. Bonjour!!! Je suis ici avec Mme Bell. Elle a gagné la lotterie!! Je vais demander ses intentions avec l'argent. Bonjour Mme!! Ca va?

B. Bonjour!! Ca va, oui. C'est fantastique! Je suis trés contente et surprise!!! J'ai gagné!!! J'ai gagné!!

A. Oui, tu as beaucoup d'argent. Peux-tu imaginer que tu as gagné?!? Tu es chanceuse!!! Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire??

B. Je ne peux pas imaginer! Moi, je vais voyager à l'Amérique du sud et aux musées d'art. Je ne peux pas attendre!!! Ma famille et moi allons y aller ensemble.

A. Excellent!! Pourquoi vas-tu y voyager, Mme Bell? Quand pouvez-vous y aller?? Quand est-ce que vous voulez y aller?

B. Nous pouvons y aller en décembre. Je vais y voyager parce que j'adore l'español et la culture.

A. Deux autres questions, Mme. Qui veux-tu visiter avec cet argent, et est-ce que tu veux partager l'argent avec moi?

B. Hahahaha! Je veux partager avec toi, et beaucoup de personnes, mais je ne peux pas. Je vais visiter mes amis en Espagne et à Yukon.

A. Profitez-en, Mme. Tu es chanceuse. Bonne journée, Madame.

B. Et toi, aussi. Merci! Bonne journée! Whoo-hoo!