Monday, February 29, 2016

le 29th février

Bonjour classes!!!
Here are your instructions for today. Please refresh the page if you don't see your class. I will be updating them.

FSF 1P -   Bonjour! We will get back to your survey work when I am back with you tomorrow. Today, you will begin preparing for your next task; describing cities and knowing directions.
Please complete the following, and there is a video for you to enjoy after.
1. There is a wordsearch about common buildings found in cities. Which ones can you identify in English?
2. With a partner, create a chart naming as many store names you know in your community under the following titles ; les supermarches, les restaurants, les pharmacies, les banques, les dentistes, les boulangeries. TRY TO IDENTIFY AT LEAST 4-7 for each store/ building. PLEASE HAND IN YOUR WORK

 Ex. Les banques

La Banque Royale
Scotia Bank
PC Financial

3. When you are finished you may get started on an activity the supply has about questions.

4. Here are a few videos for you to enjoy!  They attempt to show you why Google Translate isn't a good choice. Can you see an example of why?

Est-ce que tu aimes cette chanson?

Aimes-tu cette chanson?




Please hand in all venomrVenn diagrams that you completed last week to the teacher.


****** If you haven't completed the homework from the blog on the weekend, be sure that you do so tonight. They are marks to be earned tomorrow!*********

1. The teacher has a speaking / listening activity to do with a partner (you may read it and complete the task independently if you wish but it is encouraged to practice speaking). Each nperson will read all descriptions. Hand in the task when it is complete. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully.

2. There is a horoscope reading activity for you to complete. Read the descriptions en français (and if you must, use on the smart board or on the phone to search for unfamiliar words) for each astrological sign and determine whether people you know under those signs have those characteristics. Be sure to analyze yourself!! The dates for each sign are listed. Please complete this for tomorrow. Ask your classmates when their birthdays are if you are looking for people under certain signs. Can you guess what my sign is based on the descriptions?

3. For your first major project, (remember Dana?), I have provided an exemplar if you are finished. Look it over with a partner and identify the elements listed at the bottom of the page. Bonnie journée! ___________________________________________________ FEF 1D Bonjour! Today you will be preparing for your first project by doing some 'rough work' that we will assess for feedback tomorrow. 1. There is a listening activity to complete. The teacher has the question sheet for you to try your best to answer in full sentences. The link for the activity is at the end of that activity and you can find it here. Http:// Be sure to read the questions first to make sure you understand what you are listening for!!! You may need to copy and paste into a new window. Listen to the story (Activité if you need to click it at the left of the screen) without speech bubbles and listen to the story three times. Hand in your work when it is completed. Then, for the rest of the period, you will work alone, in a pair, or in a group of three. Choose one or two photos from the photo folder under the Smartboard and create a story. Be as creative as possible, use adjectives, adverbs, avoid nos erreurs communs and provide at least five passé composé phrases per person in the group. You will be sharing your story in groups tomorrow so it must be ready by then. You can rehearse today. Challenge / Défi ---- use at least three DR MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs in the past and two REFLEXIVE verbs in the past. Ex. Nous nous sommes dépêchées parce que nous sommes arrivées en retards. Nous nous sommes habillées très lentement, come beaucoup de filles. Amusez-boys bien et bone journée!

Friday, February 26, 2016

le 26 février

Merci pour la bonne semaine! Ayez un bon weekend!!

FSF 1P- Students did an excellent job on their 1-on-1 speaking task with me. Très bien fait!
Voici le 'Gator Game' to practice your reading skills in questioning and responding appropriately.
Jeux de Gator!! Bonne chance!!! Remember, this is your homework!!!    Lucky ☺


Today students read aloud descriptions of famous Canadians and other celebrities and identified them based on what they read. Great comprehension. We also listened to, interpreted, and applied what we knew about action words and infinitives to a song called Sympathique.
Here is a link to the song - Pink Martini - Sympathique
Students were to find commonalities and differences of some adjectives. Some will go before, and some will go after. They are to watch the slideshow posted on elearning (found at bottom of yesterday's newsfeed).
********** Monday, they will have their second speaking task. They will be interviewed!!!
Be prepared to be able to describe yourself using 4 adjectives (and one that is used before the noun it describes ex. Je suis une bonne amie) *************
Students will also hand in their Venn diagram to be assessed.
Students will also be completing a reading activity for marks on Monday.

After checking the slide show on elearning, test yourself on those special adjectives here

Here is a multiple quiz to assess how well you know adjectives en français

Want to get ahead and expand even more?! Listen to these phrases you can identify en français!! They will help with next week's lessons!

FEF 1D - Aujourd'hui, nous avons décrit des photos au passé composé, nous avons lu une histoire connu en haut voix en identifiant les verbes au passé composé (avez-vous trouvé les deux erreurs?) et nous avons écrit dans nos journaux lorsqu'on écoutait de la musique. BRAVO!
Voici des jeux d'aider avec ce que nous practiquions. Soyez des experts parce qu'on a commence quelquechose de nouveau lundi!!!

RAGS TO RICHES - Trouvez la bonne réponse.
Choisissez la bonne réponse =)

Conjuguemos - you can check off the verbs you want in the drop down chart below, and use the charts if you need to!  (ALSO, remember, add e and THEN click ADD ACCENT button.

A lundi!!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

le 25 fevrier

Bonjour classes! 

   I will be back tomorrow. Je retournerai demain. Have a great day!

Period 1 - FSF 1P.  There is a short assembly for grade nines. Listen carefully to announcements and then go to the library for your lab period. There is a music handout for you. 
Go to to access your work for the day! I hope you have a very nice day!

Period 2 - FSF 1D - You will go to the library and log on to complete your first lab day. Please go to to access your elearning class and READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Have a nice day! 

Period 3 - FEF 1D - Vous avez une journee a la bibliotheque. Tous les instructions sont a elearning. Lab day in the library today! Read instructions carefully. The theme for the student who is writing her journal today is: Nommez moi au moins trois accomplissements dont (of which) tu es fiere. (EO) =)    THERE IS ONE HANDOUT - IT IS TO MEASURE YOUR LISTENING SKILLS . PLEASE TRY YOUR BEST AND WE WILL DISCUSS DEMAIN. Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

le 24 février

Bonjour tout le monde!

Today students listened to authentic French and answered questions based on  what they heard. We became more familiar with CINQ choses surprenants de Paris! Click here to regarder TFO CINQ La France We thought of great strategies to help understand something even if there are words we hear that we don't understand.
Students spelled and recounted numbers aloud and listened and recorded on paper what they heard for a leveled mark.
Students started to summarize and create sentences on their own to describe their findings from our surveys. We learned the term "il y a" and tomorrow we will use the word "qui". 
Merci beaucoup, classe!!! Remember your headphones / les écouteurs pour demain!

Students had their first speaking task today. We also started talking about actions we like to do. As students were speaking with Mme, the other classmates used what vocabulary they have from our previous activities to describe the hobbies they like to do. We watched this video - Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?   An fill in the blank adjective note was given for students to complete before Friday. It will help with their lab work tomorrow. Remember your headphones / les écouteurs pour demain!
How well do you know AIMER and to describe what other people like other than you and your friend?

Test yourself on how well you know this verb and use the photo to help!

Expression du jour : Ne te tracasse pas!  (Sois content!) ☺
We self-assessed how well we can recognize verbs that need être when using passé compose. We received our journals back, revised them, added to our A Se Souvenir page, and then we had a well deserved pause. We completed the lesson applying our practice by asking questions to each other and having to create responses that were affirmative or negative. Les étudiants sont créatifs!!
Please play the following games for practice. Your first written journal is Friday!
Click on the appropriate image for the given verb

Remember all those rhyming past participles? Find the appropriate one for each verb!

Expand your vocab by giving the French verb for the English equivalent

Try conjugating au passé composé - I chose ANY verb and PASSE COMPOSE - Test yourself and see how you do

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

le 23 février

FSF 1P - Excellent work today students!!! Est-ce que tu as une classe avec beaucoup de discussion?! La réponse: OUI!! Survey analysis tomorrow!

FSF 1D - Tomorrow you will have your first speaking task. Take a look on elearning for some useful help if you need it.
You will spell, recite a number and answer a few questions from the questions below, or of our conversation / greetings we know.

Flash questions

   (all answers start with        Oui / Non     and je suis / je ne suis pas         OR    j’ai   / je n’ai pas

                                                                                ****  eux à euse for féminine

1.       Es-tu comique?

2.       Es-tu sérieux?

3.       As-tu des parents sérieux?

4.       Est-ce que tu as une sœur gentille?

5.       As-tu des professeurs intelligents?

6.       Es-tu organisé?

7.       Es-tu bavard (talkative)?

8.       Est-ce que tu as beaucoup de devoirs?

9.       Est-ce que tu as un petit chien?

10.   Est-ce que tu es curieux? 
Be sure to use past posts for additional resources to help if you need it.
You will be marked on pronounciation and accuracy. It is a mark out of /20.
FEF 1D   Nous avons discuté de nos expériences au passé. Students are being strongly encouraged to elaborate and speak as much as possible en français to apply language structures learned. Students wrote a journal applying their written knowledge of the passé compose. Journée au labo jeudi et journal pour les notes vendredi.

Monday, February 22, 2016

le 22 février


 FSF 1P - Students today are developing confidence and good listening skills by learning and applying the alphabet. They are able to spell names and listen to other names spelled and write them correctly! Excellent pronounciation! We also started surveying skills by applying what we know about asking questions and responding to questions on our own. Tomorrow, answering questions aloud, compiling info and analyzing surveys. Great work!!!

FSF 1D - Students today were meant to have a lab day. This has been postponed til Thursday. Students today discussed the importance of Feedback. We created a A SE SOUVENIR page to record ideas of how to improve and of mistakes to be aware of for our next tasks. Students also completed activities that applying their use of adjectives, and started a review of action words that will come into use with our next task : describing others and their interests aloud, recording our info, selecting traits they admire and explaining why those traits are important to them. Speaking tasks today were also to apply their knowledge of the alphabet.  In addition, we completed a questionnaire about how we learn best.
For tomorrow:  Comment est-il ? Music video pour vous!
Here is a cute alphabet video for your enjoyment.
Do you know these infinitives?

FEF 1D - Aujourd'hui, nous avons discuter l'importance des expressions dans les langues.
TFO - expressions
Nous avons crée une liste des expressions, nous avons deviné l'expression de VIDER SON SAC.
Nous avons écouté à Camelia Jordana - Carmelia Jordana - Non Non Non
Nous avons identifié  la significance des infinitives et nous avons commence à remplir une liste d'infinitives pour demain.
Soyez préparés de discuter plus demain!!!

Friday, February 19, 2016

le 19 février

FSF 1P - Great work on creating your own questions today! Be prepared to do some speaking and survey taking next week! Bon weekend!

FSF 1D - Your first written task was today. You read an exemplar and drew it out and now it is time to complete your arbre généologique for lundi (have it done for Monday). Also if your homework was incomplete, be sure to complete it for Monday.

FEF 1D - Bravo!!! Vous avez complete votre première tâche! Be sure to mail it to if you have yet to do so!

La semaine prochaine - Les descriptions du passé!!!

Bon weekend à tous et toutes!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

le 18 février

Bonjour! C'est presque vendredi!!!  ☺

FSF 1P - We are formulating our own questions already! I feel we are building confidence everyday! BRAVO!!!

FSF 1D - You must fill in your activity from yesterday's song. The activity was starred in class. Here is the link to the song

 Here is a level 4+ example of what we will be doing in class tomorrow for your arbre généologique;

You will be describing approximately 8 people in your family tree (fictional or non fictional). You could even do a family tree for a cartoon family if you wish!


Voici mon grandpère. Il s’appelle Doug.        
Il a 85 ans et il aime la musique! Il est creatif.       
Il aime jouer du fiddle.  Il n’aime pas manger les bananes.       


 J’ai une grandmère. Elle est grandmère de 27 personnes. Elle s’appelle Della. Elle a 87 ans et elle ADORE jouer aux cartes! Elle est toujours contente. Elle est la femme de Doug.
FEF 1D- Vous avez discuté aujourd'hui !!! Participation in discussions is important pour améliorer! You will be showing off your skills and applying proper use of le présent in your first speaking task tomorrow. Tonight, it'd be a great idea to brainstorm what types of things you can talk about to describe your camarade. Bring them to class tomorrow!!!!


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

le 17 février

Bonjour! Welcome back!!

FSF 1P - Today we received our diagnostic assessments back, we talked about asking l'interrogation, we completed a chart and a matching activity to know who JE TU IL ELLE NOUS VOUS and ILS and ELLES are. Students will be generating questions to demand more information from one another by the end of the week!! Well done!  Don't be afraid to practice more on the blog's previous posts to remember the questions words for tomorrow's activity.

FSF 1D - Today students worked on how we can avoid repetition when talking about people, we listened to a song and started describing ourselves and our friends.
For homework, please listen to the song and read along with the lyrics (les paroles) to verify which adjectives were discussed. Did you check them all off today correctly? Self-assess and make corrections!
Here is the video avec les paroles

FEF 1D - Nous avons fait une journée au labo. Vous pouvez trouver tous sur elearning aujourd'hui. N'oubliez pas de completer le tableau au présent, et de remettre les questions d'exercice écoute au DROPBOX sur elearning. Merci!!

Friday, February 12, 2016

le 12 février

To all students!

   Thank you for the nice week. Be sure to practice the sites already posted from this week.
FSF 1D - You will be assigned your first few tasks for marks next week.
FEF 1D - Please complete at least the side of the chart with les verbes irréguliers au present. Technical difficulties prevent me from posting the passé compose side for you as a guide.

Have a wonderful long weekend ☺

Thursday, February 11, 2016

le 11 février

FSF 1P - Excellent work today! We were speaking, asking questions and responding complètement en français!! Tomorrow we complete our speaking task for marks. Please try out the websites from yesterday if you haven't already!

FSF 1D - Today we tackled our first listening task. We are rehearsing some previous knowledge of avoir and être so that we can begin our first task - Un arbre généologique. AVOIR and ETRE are verbs we need to know, and for homework you are to rehearse the links from yesterday. Are you already ready to step it up a notch?  If so, please try these sites here for reinforcement on other concepts (that we will use for our arbre généologique);

Do you know verbs like CHANTER, REGARDER et ACHETER?
Do you remember all of your ER, IR and RE verbs?
How about the passé composé?


FEF 1D -  Nous avons commencé notre 'révision round robin' aujourd'hui in order to become experts in what we already know. Students are gearing up to do their first tâche ; un egoportrait!

Here are some links that will help. N'oubliez pas de remplir votre tableaux. Je vais mettre mon example demain. My chart to help will be posted demain. D'accord?! ☺

Practiquons! Etre ou Avoir?

Essayons avec MRS. DR. VANDERTRAMP!

Jouer au présent!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

le 10 février

Thanks again for une bonne journée!! BE SURE TO READ YOUR APPROPRIATE CLASS! It goes in order of period.

FSF 1P - Today we matched and rehearsed introductions aloud, we completed our diagnostic assessment, we worked in groups on familiar sounds, letters and numbers, and started on a questionnaire that we will complete tomorrow for fun, posing questions to one another.  Signed letters were returned and merci!!! 
Tomorrow, your first speaking activity for marks!! You are ready already!

Here are a few websites to practice for tomorrow.

Can you match the JE form to its appropriate translation? How about the rest of AVOIR?

Can you identify and match all of ETRE?

Can you apply these questions inverted / inverted questions? =)

Can you take it a step further and match the blue squares with their equivalent translations?

FSF 1D - Tomorrow the first thing you will be asked was what was on the website. Let's make visiting this site a habit, a daily occurrence! You will have a self-assessed quiz at the end of the period.
Today we played téléphone - you are great messengers and listeners!
We talked about what we have and how we asked others.
We identified the difference between Je suis and J'ai
We answered a questionnaire en français about what we have and are.
We posed questions to others en français about what they have and are.
We reflected and then talked about organization.

Links to practice and help (need to know by Friday)

Can you match the JE form to its appropriate translation? How about the rest of AVOIR?

Can you identify and match all of ETRE?


Watch this video - What is happening?

FEF 1D - Nous avons discuté de la chanson de Black M que nous avons regardé hier. Nous avons joué un jeu orale en décrivant nos camarades et les auditeurs devaient deviner 'qui est-ce?'
Nous avons découvert les stratégies différentes pour mieux comprendre quand on lit.
Nous avons lu un peu de ce lien du journal de Montréal.

Nous avons crées une liste de comment employer le français HORS de la salle de français.
Nous avons écrit une réflexion dans nos journaux pour un diagnostic.
Nous avon reçu une feuille pour 'SE SOUVENIR et POUR EVITER' ☺

Voici un lien pour vous pour aujourd'hui comme devoirs;

...parce que c'est presque le 14 février
Que;s sont leurs avis / opinions?

Pour vous - ce que nous avons regardé
Regardez - Chez Maya - Quelle bonne utile!

Essayez ce jeu pour practiquer pour notre révision!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

le 9 février


FSF 1P - Bravo! You did a great job today, and I am glad we are already speaking. You are able to ask and answer many questions already!! Letters went home to parents to inform them of a fan out email list to join if desired, in order to encourage work completion.
We also talked about and completed an exercise to remember the importance of being thorough when reading instructions.

Here is a fun game about question words for you for homework. We will continue our diagnostic assessment tomorrow.

Match them up and check to see how many you know already!! Practice until you have them matched correctly!

FSF 1D - We are checking the blog FOR SURE TODAY!!
You completed a diagnostic assessment today. Thank you for working hard and for being honest.
We talked about and completed an exercise to remember the importance of being thorough when reading instructions.
I am glad you did because you will have an activity on AVOIR and ETRE tomorrow.
Here are two games to play to remind yourself of these important verbs and to be prepared for our activity tomorrow. You will have an assessment quiz at the end of tomorrow's class.

Also, from yesterday, here is our song;
Qu'est-ce que tu as? Check the blogpost from yesterday to see the hints!

Please check out this site and game for the verbs TO BE and TO HAVE. Which one is AVOIR and which one is ETRE?

FEF 1D- Bonjour! Merci pour visiter le blog aujourd'hui. Faites-le chaque jour (cada dia) por favor!!
Here is a link to our virelangue du jour

Nous avons fait une vire-langue. Amusant! Bonne pronunciation!!!
Nous avons lu en haut voix à propos des Bals de Finissants au 6ième année. Demain on discutera les choses à se souvenir pour améliorer la pronunciation.
Nous avons décidé si nous sommes d'accords ou pas avec un explication.
Nous avons partagé des infos de nous mêmes de se mieux connaitre et nous avons discuté du Bal en faisant un 'speed dating' type scénario.


Monday, February 8, 2016

le 8 février

FSF 1P - Bienvenue!! Welcome! We are going to have a great time this year. Thanks for joining us!

FSF 1D - Bienvenue!!   Welcome! We received course outlines, talked about how to observe effectively, how we would like to be successful in the class. Tomorrow we will have diagnostic assessments.

Your homework today is to visit this site;
Click here to access the song - HINTS: Tête = head, Pied = feet, Gorge = throat

FEF 1D - Bienvenue à la classe! J'espère que tu as passé une bonne journée!
Aujourd'hui, nous avons crée des buts pour le semestre, nous avons rempli un profil informatique, et nous avons discuté de ce cours.

Réfléchissez; Quelle est ta definition de l'amitié? Quelles sont les meilleures qualities d'un ami?

Pour les devoirs, visitez ce site web;

Sur ma route - Répondez à "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a sur son chemin?"