Friday, November 28, 2014

le 28 novembre

FSF 1D- Scroll down to see what you were up to!

FSF 1P - Aujourd'hui nous travaillons sur nos projets FAIRY TALES. They are due Monday December 1st.   We are catching up on overdue Alamos too.

FSF 3U / 4U - Nous exécutons nos projets. Nous regardons une émission des personnes qui travaillent comme humanitaires. Vous avez des devoirs sur elearning! N'oubliez pas. On va discuter de notre prochain sujet mercredi.

Bon weekend à tous et à toutes!

FSF 1D-  Bonjour!  Merci beaucoup pour votre articipation hier! I hope you had fun! a special thanks goes out to those who helped clean. Mille fois MERCI!!!

     For today, you have three things to be responsible for;

1). Be sure your speaking tasks are in and please hand in your sheet with your ten sentences today.
2) Please be sure that you have handed in your exit cards to the supply teacher.
3) You are beginning a new task today that AND presentations will begin Wednesday next week. 
      Read instructions carefully and thoroughly and follow them well! Use your time wisely.

Bon weekend et à lundi!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

le 27 novembre

FSF 1D-   Nous avons crée beaucoup de gouters délicieux!!! Très bien fait! I hope everyone s'est bien amusé! Please don't forget to send me your sentences via email!

FSF 1P - We started working on our new task - presenting a petite sommaire of a Fairy Tale or Nursery Rhyme. It will be due on Monday.

FSF 3U / 4U - Nous avons travaillé sur nos projets . J'ai laissé les réponses pour la révision du vocab sur elearning. Aussi, vous trouverez les réponses pour les pronoms possessifs.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

le 26 novembre

FSF 1D -
   Today we prepped for cooking and students were assigned a small speaking task to do in groups for an individual speaking mark.

Today was elearning and students wrote a quick quiz at the end of the period on MRS DR Vandertamp.

FSF 3U / 4U -
 Students worked in the lab on their projects and on elearning. Remember the upcoming important dates!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

le 25 novembre

le 25 novembre

FSF 1D - We worked on our recipes so that we can begin cooking tomorrow! We read ingredients and instructions in French and matched them all up to English equivalents. We worked in groups to decide les responsabilités de chaque participant and nous avons discuté comment nous pouvons faire notre recette comme originale!
Tomorrow we are working in the food lab. It is our preparation day!

FSF 1P - We enhanced mountains, beehives and ant farms and transformed them into Alamo D'Etre

1.     Draw figures doing the actions of MRS DR VANDERTRAMP verbs

2.     On the backside of your sheet, say what the figure did.

3.     Then, rewrite that sentence in the negative.

You will have 32 sentences in total on the back of your sheet


Below, see the man going down the hill?   Il est descendu.

             In the negative :     Il n’est pas descendu.


FSF 3U / 4U - Nous avons travaillé!!!!! Vous avez des projets, des petits quiz pour lesquels il faut étudiiez!
LAB DAY FOR FSF 1P and FSF 3U / 4U demain!


Monday, November 24, 2014

le 24 novembre

FSF 1D -  Bonjour! Today we arranged ourselves in our food lab groups and got started on how to compare things (as we will be cooking and comparing many foods / items throughout the week). Due to the bell today, you will be completing these activities online.
If you missed your quiz on Friday, you are responsible for coming in at lunch to complete it.
ALAMO D'ETRES were due Friday.
Homework links below! Please do them!!

Please read through and complete the activity at this site for reinforcement of today's lesson.

Will you use an adjective or an adverb to compare and describe? Use your note from today to help if you need to choose the correct answers here!

FSF 1P - We completed some work on MRS DR Vandertramp and you filled out an Alamo D'Etre.
If you missed your quiz on Friday, you are responsible for coming in to complete it at lunch.

FSF 3U / 4U - Today you started your independent week.
You received a worksheet for possessive pronouns.
You saw your rubric for your presentation for your project finale.
You received your work on negation and we read Maman ne m'a jamais dit   =)
You received your vocab quiz outline for our novel.
We now know all of our important due dates; le premier décembre, le 3 décembre, le 5 décembre.

There will be a checklist on elearning for you to be sure you have met all expectations of the week.

Here are some links on la negation;
choose the correct answer - choix multipleCan you put these words in their correct order to make logical sentences?

Friday, November 21, 2014

le 21 novembre

FSF 1D-   We wrote our HINT HINT passé compose quiz that we have been preparing for all week!!
We handed in our Alamo D'Etres. We did a listening activity. We watched Flip et nous avons décrit les actions que nous avons regardé!  Don't forget that your big handout worksheet is due Monday.

FSF 1P - We wrote our passé compose quiz and the rest of our lesson is on elearning! We listened to a song, watched some slides and interpreted some phrases in the past. Well done today, class!

FSF 3U / 4U - Nous avons lu et puis nous avons discuté et dessiné ce que nous avons lu. Nous avons discuté de nos projets. Be ready for our independent learn and work week!! Have your idea for your project ready on Monday!!

Bon weekend à tous!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

le 20 novembre

FSF 1D-  Nous avons trouvés nos matchs de verbes d'être  (MRS D.R. VANDERTRAMP) et nous avons organisé les verbes. We also watched a video Click here to watch the rap again!! and we worked on our Alamos D'Etre (DUE DEMAIN!!!!)

Don't forget that something just might POP up for you tomorrow!!!   =) Know the passé compose how to form it and AVOIR et ETRE.

Here are some links to practice;   - Practice irregular AVOIR verbs too!   - Can you choose the correctly conjugated ones? Know Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp?  VERY GOOD ACTIVITY!

BRING YOUR HEADPHONES for tomorrow s'il vous plait!

FSF 1P - We worked on creating phrases to describe the past and completed reinforcement worksheets.  It was a thorough quiz review. We have a quiz tomorrow that will be applications like the ones we did today.  - Practice AVOIR  - Know how to form passé compose

FSF 3U / 4U   - Nous avons lu chapitre 9, nous avons fait une activité, nous avons discuté et puis nous avons travaillé sur nos journaux. DUE TOMORROW!!!!    =)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

le 19 novembre


Aimez-vous les chiens du jour?           Voici le mien!!

FSF 1D-   Lab day! There were activities on elearning, and students could work on their Alamo D'Etres, or the reinforcement activities. Alamos are due Friday. Worksheet is due Monday.

FSF 1P- We played our game using the dice and game board we played for le passé compose. We completed a quick listening activity as well. Passé compose quiz FRIDAY!!!!

FSF 3U / 4U - We completed the film, discussed and created some good points de l'intrigue pour Amélie et L'homme qui plantait des arbres, et puis nous avons écrit dans nos journaux.   Journals are due VENDREDI!!!   Helpful hints, photos of notes and questions (as well as what I'm looking for in the journal) are on elearning!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

FSF 1D-    Today we took up the story we finished (Les trois petits cochons), We listening to INDOCHINE's J'ai demandé à la lune and we found sentences in the past.
We watched and read "A Day in the Life of Homer Simpson" and discovered MRS DR VANDERTRAMP verbs.
You now have an ALAMO D'ETRE Task to complete. It is due Friday. We looked at exemplars and here is the extra criteria that isn't on your evaluation.


-       Label the action you have described in FRENCH and ENGLISH

Ex. TOMBER – to fall    (beside a picture of an ant falling from a tree)

-       Then, create a sentence describing WHAT HAPPENED – it can be written on a separate sheet of paper

Ex.   Il est tombé !!   He fell.

FSF 1P - We watched FLIP and we worked more on our game boards as we enter into PASSE COMPOSE realm.
FSF 3U / 4U - We rehearsed POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS and we finished Amélie. You will have tomorrow to work on your journals and they will be due LUNDI.

Monday, November 17, 2014

le 18 novembre

FSF 1D-  We spoke in affirmative and negative, we unscrambled, we completed a fairy tale with a bunch of irregular verbs. Bravo!! You have been working so well!

FSF 1P- We presented our food creations today. Some presentations will be happening during lunch tomorrow - bring your lunch!!

FSF 3U / 4U -  Nous avons discuter dans les perspectives d'Amélie (ou de son père) l''intrigue (the plot). We also practiced possessive pronouns et nous avons regardé le film.
Your next journal topic will be explaining the values of Amélie et Elzéard and how they compare to one another. You can always watch the movie on Netflix, remember!!!

A demain! Don't forget to wear your school colours!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

le 13 novembre - il neige!!!

Bonjour les filles et les garcons

FSF 1D- Nous avons joué un jeu des films. Nous avons joué 2 jeux du passé compose. Nous nous sommes amusés beaucoup et nous avons parlé beaucoup!!   We have talked about irregular rhyming past participles and will be completing PC next week with an assignment or two.   =)

FSF 1P- We were in the lab to complete our projects. Be sure to scroll down to the previous posts this week to see an example and a template to follow for your presentation. DUE MONDAY!!!
There is also the green sheet (and we were to fold useful worksheets completed in class) that will help you meet all requirements!

FSF 3U / FSF 4U -- Nous avons parlé des titres de films. Nous avons lu les sommaires de chapitre 7 et 8, et nous avons deviné ce qui était 7 et ce qui était 8. Nous avons discuté de ces chapitres.
Nous avons regardé une presentation de 'passer du coq à l'ane' . Nous avons discuté et appris les pronoms possessifs. Nous avons commence Amélie- le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain.  Tu peux le regarder sur Netflix!!
There is a chart to compare Amélie to Elzéard, and you can get that lundi.

Il y a des notes sur elearning if you weren't here pour vous et voici un lien pour vous aider.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

le 12 novembre

Bonjour tout le monde!   Les devoirs pour mercredi, le 12 novembre

FSF 1D - After our opening activities, we worked on our storyboards.  We cut our stories in half, attached them to another group's story and we answered the following questions;
Qu'est-ce que la narrateur a fait?
Qu'est-ce que la police a fait? 
Est-ce que la fin de ta nouvelle histoire a fini comme la votre?
 Qu'est-ce qui s'est passe apres ca?

FSF  1P -
You are using this entire period to work on (and work on completing) your creative Creation Project. 
Scroll down to yesterday's blog to see my example, which can also be a template. Be sure to use your time wisely and remember that your work will be ready to present at the end of the class on Monday!

FSF3U / 4 U  -

Bravo on your review yesterday! 
Please work with your groups to read, discuss, understand chapters 7 and 8 and answers the questions found in the back of the book for both chapters. Complete chapter 9 if you have the time as well please.  Use your time wisely and come back jeudi with your questions.
Be prepared to discuss tomorrow! 

ET, voici un video a regarder:   Cliquez ici!

On discutera demain!

Bonne journee et a demain!    = )

le 11 novembre - on n'oublie pas

Bonjour classe!

FSF 1D- Nous avons fait activités et des jeux en écoutant (by listening) et en écrivant (by writing) pour renforcer le passé compose.

It is becoming more and more important to complete your homework!!!!


   Here is an example of what your project could look like. Remember there is a level 4++ example on your green sheet (your actual project outline).

We talked about which worksheets will be good resources for our project. Students were advised to mark them to refer back to them when they can work on their projects tomorrow.

Students A and B have this fictional presentation for you. You can read their write up that they could present below. YOU COULD EVEN USE THIS AS A TEMPLATE!!!!! 

A et B : Bonjour!! Nous avons un plat spéciale. Nous avons un dessert ... La crème brulée glacée !!!

Nous mettons de la crème glacée. Puis (then) nous mettons du sucre fondu. Nous voulons mettre de la crème fouettée et une cerise, aussi. Est-ce que tu veux de la sauce au chocolat? Oui? Tu en veux? Nous en mettons!!! C'est délicieux!!!

A: Je veux mettre des oignons.
B: Non, je ne veux pas en mettre!!!
A: Est-ce que nous mettons du poutine?
B: Non, je ne veux pas en mettre.

A et B :  Ca coute $5.00   (5,00 $) au restaurant ZING. Venez manger à notre restaurant!

FSF 3U / 4U -   Students discussed chapters 5 and 6, and we played a review game for our novel. Be sure to have questions (in the back of the book) prepared for tomorrow's class for chapter 7.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Voici les photos, FSF 1D!!!


Merci à nos artistes créatives!!

le 10 novembre

FSF 1D- Completez tes devoirs! Be sure to check the older posts from September to practice avoir and être if you need to. There are many many resources on here for you to practice.

Here is another note on passé composé if you need
Here is a game to practice demonstrating what you know! Try it, it's amusant!

Also, don't forget to bring 5 sentences au passé compose from our creative drawings!! I will post them on here in an additional post, with some examples.

FSF 1P- It's always important to listen and follow instructions and to use our notes and references as guides to help!!!

 You were assigned a project that you will have a class period to work on tomorrow. You will be presenting your very own food creation   (real or made up entirely by you!) . Today you brainstormed after practicing EN and you will see some good examples tomorrow.

FSF 3U / 4U  -  We had our vocab test. Vous avez bien réussi!!
Be sure you have done the chapter work from Friday for tomorrow.
Your final project for our novel is on the hand out drive and we will discuss more demain!
The listening test that was missed on Friday due to extra-curriculars will take place mercredi dans la classe.


Bonne journée!

Friday, November 7, 2014

le 7 novembre

All classes instructions are on elearning!

FSF 3/4 U - Vous avez des devoirs du roman, et il y a un test lundi.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

le 6 novembre

Bonjour les étudiants!

FSF 1D- Today we completed some lovely MERCIS   =)
We also created some sentences to describe Les Choristes and you read, distinguished and described actions en français!!

You are expected to know avoir and être without help now. Be sure to search the blog and elearning for helpful sites if you need online practice.

Here is a short note on passé composé.   Remember, tomorrow is a lab day! Bring your headphones!!

Passé composé note if you need a refresher

FSF 1P - We watched a funny parodie qui s'appelle FLIP - Reprise d'Animal de Maroon 5
Watch this video - FLIP- Reprise (Je suis végétarien)
Students are expected to know and recognize words from the song, especially the food vocab!
We completed an activity for marks.

Lab day tomorrow!! Be sure you can follow instructions independently.  ;)  Bring your headphones!

FSF 3U / 4U -  
Nous avons travaillé sur les journaux, nous avons regardé un video amusant, des presentations interessantes de deux expressions et c'était bien passé!

Les réponses pour le guide d'étude sont sur elearning. Vous aurez le test de vocab LUNDI   - n'oubliez pas!

Vous aurez une exercice d'écoute demain pour les notes.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

le nov 5

I hope everyone had a great time AT WORK aujourd'hui!!

Merci beaucoup pour l'aide que j'avais aujourd'hui?

FSF 3U / 4U - Nous avons travaillé en groupes des questions du vocab, de la comprehension et de l'intrigue du roman. Ensemble, en partagent ce que nous avons trouvé, nous avons fait une révision. Hopefully you wrote down les réponses que nous avons discuté!!!

 Les réponses pour vos exercices de mardi (tu as réçu un study guide  guide d'étude) seront sur elearning jeudi soir.

Monday, November 3, 2014

FSF 1D- Les choristes!!

FSF 1P- Les choristes!!!

FSF 3U \ 4U - We had excellent discussions en français about les écoles unisexes, we dissected a paragraph in our novel, we found all the passé simple from chapitre 3 and we were assigned our journals and  le voilà :

Journal #2   en franglais

 Tu peux écrire de la paragraphe de l’homme qui plantait les arbres, or you may write about les écoles unisexes.

Il doit avoir 300 mots.

C’est due jeudi, vendredi .

Correct verb conjugations

Conditionnel   , imparfait

Qui          que              ce qui       ce que      dont       ce dont