Thursday, April 23, 2015

le 23 avril


Vos devoirs aujourd'hui -  cliquez ici!!!

Bon soir!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

le 21 avril

FEF 3U / 4U

   Aujourd'hui vous pouvez voir mes commentaires sur votre histoire. Ajoutez plus de details et soyez certains que vous rencontriez les attentes. Be sure that this is a showcase of all that you are capable of applying / writing in French up until this point. Use your notes, and please no telephones. 
This story should be at least 250 - 400 words by the end of this class. 
If you run out of ideas for your photo, write a journal entry of your choice to continue writing.
If you were away Friday, you can begin today. The teacher should have extras. 

Please see this link for an English rubric that best explains what I am looking for; word choice, creativity, variety, and grammar (worth more than the other criteria because you are showing me you know lots about it). I have given you a level so far as a starting point to give you an idea. You will receive a level based on this rubric for your real work. Notice how the cat is coloured and detailed in level 4? Give me a colourful story!!!    =)  A colourful, detailed story that showcases your knowledge and creativity

Here is a fun playlist for you to listen to while you're working.  Voici une liste de chansons a ecouter lorsque vous travaillez. Playlist de chansons francaises

It would be a good idea to play it with the screen off so that you're not distraits  / distracted!!

You may begin on our plus-que-parfait/p.c./imparfait review if you are finished. There are sheets on my desk. 

Enjoy your day!

Bonne journee et a demain!

Friday, April 17, 2015

le 17 avril

FSF 1D / FSF 2D - All of your instructions are on elearning today.  We were in the lab yesterday as well. Your writing task is due at the end of class. Have a good weekend, class!

FEF 2D - Bonjour classe!

Le prof a tous les instructions. Avez un bon weekend et je vous verrai lundi!
Il y a un note a lire sur elearning pendant le weekend. Ayez un bon weekend, classe! 

FEF 3U/ 4U - All of your instructions are on elearning today. We were in the lab yesterday as well. Your writing task is due at the end of class.Ayez un bon weekend, classe!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

le 14 avril

FSF 1D - We finished our film! We also started working on pronunciation in practicing some fun vire langues! We worked on S and C.  Tomorrow, we are starting a new lesson. Here is something that can help you get started;

Reflexive Verbs

FEF 1D - Today we worked more with pronoms with our Mad Libs type activity. We reviewed Y and EN and there are links on elearning if you are interested for those. We will talk more about LE LA et LES demain.  Here are some useful links for these things (called les pronoms objets directs)

Pronoms objects directs - Practice   --- FOR SURE TRY THIS ONE!!!

FEF 3U / 4U -  We continued our work on describing actions that have happened (le plus que parfait) , and on having actions done by others (le faire causatif).

   FEF 3U - verify your homework activity here Check your answers by clicking here and choosing your answers. Read the instructions that are below pour les resultats
Many useful links are below

Le plus-que-parfait - les utiles utiles   =) - Practice - Practice

For tomorrow, we are going to talk about le conditionnel passé
et les pronoms possessifs ( watch at 8 min here to see How do you say 'it's yours' or 'it's mine?' )

FEF 4U - Le Faire Causatif
  -vidéo pour l'expliquer
 - Voici un bon exercice et j'ai des réponses!
Remember there is also help on elearning

Monday, April 13, 2015

le 13 avril

FSF 1D- We discussed en franc le film and watched more of it!

FEF 1D- We have been applying our 'quick draw' hand skills at reformulating sentences to apply pronoms! Students have been learning Y and will learn EN, as well as le, la et les demain!

FEF 3U / 4U - We discussed the role of social media and weighed it's pros and cons. We watched a news report about a group qui a pirate TV5Monde and answered questions orally. This will be a thesis topic for our final essays and debate. We also started le plus-que-parfait et le faire causatif. Students have a little cahier (11s have homework) and there are additional resources on elearning.

Bonne journée, everyone! Great work today!

Friday, April 10, 2015

le 10 avril

FSF 1D / 2D - We tested our geography knowledge and applied what we know to talk about where one find certain places (cities, capitals, countries) in the world using the correct prepositions et questions. We also started to watch a movie that we will compare to another one we will watch later in the course.

FEF 1D - We practiced and learned the pronom Y and its uses.
   See the slideshow from a few days ago if you haven't already, complete the work given in class for reinforcement in the present and here are some useful links and quizzes to test your knowledge.



FEF 3U / 4U - We are learning new concepts and did a bit of work on those ideas before visiting the Cultural Fair. Merci beaucoup pour la bonne nourriture!!!!  C'était une bonne manière de terminer la journée scolaire! ALL HOMEWORK AND PREP IS ON ELEARNING! GO THERE NOW!!!!!   =)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

le 9 avril

Bonjour! I hope you are all having a good week!

FSF 1D / 2D - Today, we started working on speaking with one another en français with less help. This is great exam practice and great application of what we have learned so far. You all did such a good job! There are question prompts to help us, as well. We read a cute story that may have been familiar to us in English and answered reading comprehension questions on it to finish off the concepts we have been studying.

FEF 1D - Today, we worked on using the prepositions à, au, aux et en to describe going TO or being IN places around the world. We rehearsed some geography knowledge as well! Bravo!!
We started to answer questions about videos we watched of important Canadian geographic locations and we will be talking more about pronoms Y, EN, et LE, L', LA, et LES tomorrow.

FEF 3U / 4U - We finished our film and handed in questions. They are due tomorrow if you missed part of it. The movie is available on Netflix. Also, we are starting a few new grammar concepts so buckle your seatbelts! We will be applying these concepts on our egoportrait activity that will be due next Friday.
Planets for le petit prince were due (and the responses to 2 other planets) yesterday at 11:11 p.m.  Aimes-tu les Arkells?   =) 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

mercredi le 8 avril

FSF 1D / 2D - Today we shared our pays francophones in groups of 5 and received a speaking mark. We also did a listening activity based on the work . Those who were not prepared have overdue work now and will be doing a supplementary listening activity during our next lab day. 

FEF 1 D - We are getting to know our classmates en français. We are practicing common conversations and applying all the concepts taught in class so far. We started talking about proper prepositions and pronouns. 
Please click here to access the lesson we will be working on tomorrow View this slideshow and take notes if you would like!

FEF 3/4U - We had some expressions du jour to present, and continued Amélie. There are comprehension questions to complete for marks. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

le 7 avril

Bonjour tout le monde,

Here are your instructions for today. Please read and follow carefully!

FSF 1D / 2D

 Hi class! Today you will edit, rehearse and practice for tomorrows sharing of information on your latest project.

A. Please take time to exchange your work with another student. Ask yourself these questions as you peer edit;

1.  Can I easily identify the important information shared about what I will do in the country of choice?
2. Has the writer met requirements?
3. Does the writer incorporate things that will happen and use the appropriate subjects (je, tu, il, etc.)?
4. Could you constructively share whether you would add / enhance anything to improve the work so that it meets level 4 requirements on your rubric. 
Share your info with your partner and if you need to make changes, your assignment will be due tomorrow.

B. You will read your project aloud with a partner. Please pay attention to new words or vocab, and the sounds of the futur simple and conditionnel (for grade 10s). You and your partner can self and peer evaluation using the marking scheme below.

I am prepared and speak with confidence and without hesitation   1 ----  2  ---- 3 ---- 4 ----- 5 
I  pronounce pronouns well         1 ---- 2 ---- 3 ---- 4---- 5
My verbs are well pronounced   1 ---- 2 ---- 3 ---- 4---- 5
I can clearly identify info about the country as the listener     1 ---- 2 ---- 3 ---- 4---- 5

C. Can you answer these questions about your own work and about your partner's work after listening? Practice and practice writing out answers.

1. Ou iras-il / elle?        GRADE 10s  --- Ou irait-il / elle?
2. Que fera-t-il /elle?     GRADE 10s  --- Que ferait-il /elle?
3. Quelle information de ce pays est interessant?
4. What new information did you learn about this francophone country?
5. Can you write three summary sentences using at least 2 different pronouns to identify what your partner's work was about?

D. Then, please watch some episodes of La ou je dors. Click on this link to access the videos.    Select any students you see on the site and watch!

Can you determine a) in which francophone pays they live?
                              b) what they do with their time (for fun, for work, for school, with their families)?

**** You will be watching and listening to some questions for your LISTENING EXAM. This is great practice!!!!

Bonne journee!

FEF 1D-  

Bonjour!  =)

Today you will  /  aujourd'hui vous ...

1. Hand in Si j'etais la maitresse,
 If it is not in today, you will be completing it at lunch tomorrow.

2.  Vous pouvez voir tous les emissions ici CA BOUGE.  Regardez tous les endroits (nous avons deja regarde ile de Vancouver ) et nous pouvons discuter demain. Decidez ou tu voudrais voyager et pourquoi.

Bonne journee! 

FEF 3/4 U

Il y a un video  Les musees et les reseaux sociaux. (#8)
Vous discuterez pour notre prochaine debat, vendredi.
Discutez ces questions avec vos partenaires.

1. Est-ce que les reseaux sociaux aident notre societe plus qu'ils n'existeraient pas?

Quelles types de media sont plus utiles? Moins utile? 
Si tu pouvais eliminer n'importe quel media sociale, lequel eliminerais-tu? Pourquoi? 


3. Vous pouvez commencer le film. Il y avait des questions du film demain.

Bonne journee!


Thursday, April 2, 2015

le 2 avril


   We have been working on elearning. Students are encouraged to look and catch  up on work missed during the long weekend.

FSF 1D- Projects due on Tuesday April 7 (we will have time to edit and practice for our listening and speaking tasks on Wednesday)

FEF 1D - if you weren't here for your speaking task today on le petit Nicolas, you will make it up mardi at the end of class / lunch.

FEF 3U / 4U - Your planets should be posted over the weekend and you have until Wednesday night at 11:11 to post and comment on the planets for marks. No lates accepted.

Have a good long weekend et joyeuses pâques!