Tuesday, May 31, 2016

le 31 mai

FSF 1P - Aujourd'hui, we sequenced actions and described what happened in French, using the passé composé. We acted out actions and watched and recorded who did what activity to win some popsicles. We played a game (les filles contre les garçons) to review.  Click here to play the game for review. Can you now play it on your own?  <-- b="" for="" homework="" try="">  We then discovered how to talk about things we didn't do, and students wrote five actions they did not do from our game. They are getting the hang of things so quickly!! Bravo!! 
For homework: Click here and listen to the coversation - read along. What happened that made it a weekend formidable?!?
Students are being encouraged to check the blog for review practice in order to succeed on their final summative activity.  They know the topics and what they will do. Students will know even more about it tomorrow. 

FSF 1D - ME TE SE NOUS VOUS SE CHANT!!!! Do you remember what these mean in English now? When do we use them? To what pronoun do they belong (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles)? Students should be able to answer these questions after our activities today. They are building vocab that will help them describe their daily routines. Not only did we play Simon dit to reinforce these actions, we completed two written activities. 

FEF 1D - Nous avons continué avec nos critiques. Students are encouraged to proofread at home and tomorrow is the last day they will be accepted (rough copies and good copies). Students will have a choice to use lab time tomorrow to complete, and are expected to keep up with the lab work that they have tomorrow. Everyone is almost finished, and has done well applying everything we have learned from this semester so far in their film critique. Lab day demain!!

Monday, May 30, 2016

le 30 mai

FSF 1P - Today we compared how we say things that describe what we are doing, to describing what we did. Students learned how to describe what we cooked, added and mixed in class today and orally described some things that happened. We completed a fill in the blanks note about this past tense (le passe compose) and we completed a matching activity. We can read sentences and match them up with photos, we can create and write simple sentences into passe compose (check out our 'chalk graffiti outside) and we played a kahoot activity that helped us review how it all works en francais. Well done!!!

FSF 1D - Today we finished our film Le Petit Nicolas and we worked on our speaking exam questions. Be prepared to move tomorrow!!! 

FEF 1D - Aujourd'hui nous avons résumé les concepts importants d'un critique. Nous avons créé des exemples dans laquelle on peut employer tous ce que nous avons appris dans le cours. This critique is being written in class and is an example of how our written exam will work as well. Students are strongly encouraged to use their notes in order to apply all concepts learned this year so far in their written work. We summarized our activity on Friday, and will continue with our Francophonie unit starting Wednesday. 

Bonne journée!

Friday, May 27, 2016

le 27 mai

FSF 1P - We made food that was fabuleux!!!! La meilleure nourriture!!! It was such fun hanging out with the kitchen avec nos camarades. We will compare more on Monday!!! I appreciated all of your creativity and hard work. Merci!

FSF 1D - Lab day   =)

FEF 1D - Nous avons commence notre unite de la francophonie. We now know more about the European Francophone countries; Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Morocco and Switzerland. We deciphered geographical information sheets on these countries and became Ambassadeurs for one of these countries. We then shared our info (as well as an expression from that country) with our camarades and completed a listening chart to have some of our own data about these countries. Nous avons bien parle et explique!! Lundi, we will talk more about these expressions, and we will begin our critiques before we venture more into La Francophonie. Excellent work, tout le monde! 

Bon weekend a tous et a toutes!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Le 26 mai

FSF 1P - today we started cooking and will be able to follow our recipes well tomorrow to make delicious dishes!

FSF 1D - nous avons regardé Le Petit Nicolas. Students have a listening activity to complete.

FEF 1D - nous avons terminé le film. Students have graphic organizers that will help them write their critique next week that they have been filling out during the film.

Please bring your name tag with your nouveau nom créatif et francophone pour demain!!

Please watch this video in preparation for tomorrow's class L'organisation Internationale de la Francophonie en 2 minutes!

Due to technical difficulties, this is not highlighted. Désolée!!!

À demain!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

le 24 mai

FSF 1P - Today, we did an activity on Bon Bons Bonne et Bonnes =) It was bon! Students are starting to be able to better identify masculine and feminine words, which will be beneficial in our COOKING COMPETITION!!!!  Les machines de cuisine are ON!!! Students are working in groups, reading recipes, unscrambling and association the directions in English and French and made their listes pour le supermarché. Cooking begins Thursday and we will cook off and compare using our comparison words VENDREDI!

FSF 1D - Today, we wrote our carte postales after reviewing and analysing an examplar.  This is our end of our pays francophones unit. We also had a fire drill. Most students finished by the end of class and the others are encouraged to complete their cards at home and bring them in on Thursday. 

FEF 1D - Nos expressions du jour aujoud'hui était MOU DE GENOU et IL DRACHE. We reviewed completed tasks from last week, made corrections to our le/la/les/l' activity and especially to our qui/que/dont activity that were checked by the teacher. Nous avons commencé le film Le Petit Nicolas and have a graphic organizer so that we can critique the film for a written mark next week. 

Good start to the week, ladies and gentlemen! Have a great time tomorrow!! 

Friday, May 20, 2016

le 20 mai

FSF 1P - Lab day and elections. Today students did a listening activity on the song Je Suis Vegetarien. There were activities to reinforce the concept of bon and meilleur and a song by Nino Ferrer - Les Cornichons.

FSF 1D - Lab day - students completed a listening activity on Madagascar and worked on rough copies of their Postcards that they will write in class on Tuesday for marks.

FEF 1D - Lab day - students had an opportunity to do a listening activity for extra marks, and read critiques on a nouveau film - Angry Birds. 

Happy long weekend to all!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

le 19 mai - c'est presque le weekend!

FSF 1P -  Today, students played a quick into game where were matched up popular French foods to know what they are called en français. We then listened to and idenfied foods in this song (TFO Flip - Je suis végétarien parodie and talked about the struggles of the singer being a vegetarian. 
The students then read statements that compared coffees Mme likes and ice cream shoppes. We now know and can use and apply bon et meilleur properly in written, orally and aurally. Students in pairs chose a category given to compare things that are good, better and better than, and best. Some students are already starting to structure sentences in different order - the food at McDo is good \ McDo has good food. Great work! 

FSF 1D -  Final presentations today! We now know and have compared different francophone countries including Madagascar, New Caledonia, and Burundi. Great work. Listening charts are in, and students had the opportunity to complete additional work for marks, as well as start brainstorming for what they will write on their carte postale, based on what they learned from their research. CARTE POSTALE ACTIVITY FOR MARKS ON TUESDAY!!! 

FEF 1D -  Nous avons appris les expressions "Avoir les deux pieds dans la même bottine" et Etre coiffé comme le dessous de bras". Good work on the presentations. We then analysed qui, que et dont in English and French and students can confidently apply it in written form. They are able to create their own sentences out of ideas for phrases and can explain the significance of the pronouns. We know DONT and saw some uses of OU today as well.  Here is one activity we did that you can try at home for practice.   THERE WILL BE A MINI QUIZ ON QUI QUE and DONT tomorrow. 
Please do these games and activities to practice;
Scroll and click! Testez-vous!

Voici un autre!

Essayez cet exercice

SI VOUS AVEZ DES QUESTIONS, ENVOYEZ-MOI un courriel ce soir @gmail.com address, svp! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


FSF 1P - Please complete your reading task from yesterday and hand in. Here is a game to play for those already finished : How well do you know foods?  
 Enjoy the video!

FSF 1D - Today is a work period. For those of you whose names were not called yesterday, your Alamo D'Etres are overdue. They must be in by Friday before you earn a mark of zero. Blank paper is on the bottom shelf to the left of the computer, and the teacher has instructions and marking schemes. You can find exemplars that were posted on elearning as well. 
*** There are about 4 students who received an incomplete on their speaking task about recommendations and giving directions. If your Alamos are completed, you can rehearse for this mark. 

*** Want to improve your mark?! Complete #1, #2, #3, #5 of  the package that the teacher has for an additional writing mark 


You will be working on your speaking exam questions if you are completely up-to-date.

FEF 1D - Aujourd'hui vous pouvez jouer vos Kahoots ( je les jouerai demain lorsque vous travaillez et je vous donnerai des niveau (1,2,3,4) pour votre travail). Il y a un exercice extra pour des notes extras. Le professeur a les lectures. Voici les questions. Il faut ecrire des responses en phrases completes. En plus, j'ai laisse des activites pour practiquer QUI et QUE aussi. Si tu as des taches (tasks) qui sont en retard, travaillez pour les completez premierement, s'il vous plait. 

Vous lisez a propros de la France, pour notre prochaine unite, La Francophonie.  Pardonnez-moi, il n'y a pas d'accents.

Une dimanche en France

1. Expliquez deux differences entre  comment les dimanches se passent en France qu'au Canada.

2. Creez un mini-menu pour la journee chez une grand-mere le dimanche. Write a menu out with the title of each category / meal / plat and what would be served.  Start with aperatif.

3. Qu'est-ce que ces traditions qui se passent le dimanche (le dimanche = every Thursday) renforcent? 

La France et la religion

1.  Expliquez le mot "laic" en francais. La religion, est-elle une chose important pour le gouvernement francais? 

2. La region Alsace-Moselle est une region differente. Expliquez. 

3. Quelle religion est la majorite des francais? Quelles autres religions sont identifies?

4. (Based on what we know about Canada and Quebec): Nommez comment la religion en France etait important pour nous au Canada, en particulier au Quebec? Quelle influence avait-elle sur les religions au Canada? Quelles similarities voyez-vous entre nous au Canada et la France?

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

le 17 mai

FSF 1P - Today we completed some listening and writing activities to reinforce how we can compare foods, and places that serve food. We watched three new advertisements and analysed them (as well as critically compared them) and decided that we may make our own instead of having recreating our own restaurant!  Students started (and some finished) a reading task for marks which nicely demonstrates students understanding and application of everything we have been learning the last two weeks or so. Great work. Please spend time on your reading task tonight, and it will be completed tomorrow.

FSF 1D - presentations and listening chart completing all class. Last presentations will be Thursday. 

FEF 1D - Students today played a guess the flag game to introduce countries around the world that speak French. We then discussed films and the video that was on the blog yesterday, and listened for what she critiqued, discussed, and some words that would be helpful to us when we do our film critique. We also learned how QUI and QUE work in English and in Frrench there are tools on elearning to help you (as well as what we did today). By the end of class, most students were capable of using all three new RELATIVE PRONOUNS (qui, que, and dont) in sentences on their own. Great job!!!  Remember DONT is of which and used with verbs that require DE. 

try this s-cool game to see how well you can already use these pronouns!!

Monday, May 16, 2016

le 16 mai

FSF 1P  - Today, students started by discussing and analysing their activity from Friday. Students were very successful on that listening task. Then, we completed and talked a bit about the cultural elements of the film the students finished last week. That activity was handed in as a listening mark as well. To continue our work on comparisons from Friday, the students and I discussed what makes good commercials and how some are more memorable than other ones.
We then watched three commercials, identified slogans, effectiveness and tactics to engage us as an audience. Students are creative, and are also very media literate!!
Publicité du resto quick
rPublicité de resto St. Hubert et Sugar Sammy
Publicité de McDo - great listening today les filles et les garçons!

We are learning how to compare things and actions and we have started criticizing and critiquing... look out!

FSF 1D - Today, we witnessed some great presentations about different Francophone countries around the world. Presentations not in by Thursday will result in a zero.

FEF 1D -  Due to some difficulties Friday, students who hadn't completed their work in class and didn't do it for homework were given time to complete it today. These tasks need to be in tomorrow for marks. We played a Kahoot that was very well done. Students will receive a levelled mark for their work.
We then introduced our new mini unit in which we will be critiquing films, a show and some commercials and hopefully become more media literate. After listening and taking up our elearning activity of Florence's critique click here for the critique , we came up with a list of strategies and categories that we can examine films. Students talked about their favourite films with explanations why they enjoyed them, and wrote a short journal entry. They are strongly encouraged to keep up to date with activities online. Students who would like supplementary activities for their poor reading task completed today can see me at lunch tomorrow. 

Here are some videos to watch / links to read in preparation for tomorrow's lesson; think about what words are used in these critiques

 Quel film a-t-elle critiqué?! Elle l'aimais?

Est-ce que The Nice Guys sera un bon film? Quel est l'avis de cette personne?

Choisissez une critique du film Petit Nicolas à nous raconter demain

Friday, May 13, 2016

le 13 mai - une lune pleine ce soir!!!

FSF 1P - Lab day, listening activity for marks. Please log onto elearning to see details. 

FSF 1D - Lab day, PRESENTATIONS ARE DUE MONDAY, students have Alamo D'êtres overdue (please make sure they are in asap). Please log onto elearning to see details.

FEF 1D - Journée au labo, activité de lecture (pas d'écoute, celui d'aujourd'hui est plus facile). Students worked on their kahoots and were to email me a list of their questions. Please log onto elearning to see details. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

le 12 mai

FSF 1P - Today, we did a practice activity for our listening activity for marks tomorrow. Students are going to be categorizing foods based on what they hear tomorrow in the lab. We read two more dialogues au resto to practice for our next speaking task, as well. We know that we will be cooking en français in two weeks, and in preparation, we watched a video on how to mark poutine simply at home. We also watched a short video on the history of poutine (link here) and where it came from, and how it got its name  ... all en français. Voici la recette de la poutine!  Nous avons mangé du yaourt, aussi. Une bonne journée! 

FSF 1D - Nous avons fait deux activités orale et de lecture pour practique le passé composé avec être. Students heard more examples of sentences they could use for their presentations. The rest of the day was a work period for their speaking component of their presentation. Presentations begin Monday. 
Some activities for marks that are outstanding are;
          - Alamo D'Etres
          - Reading resequencing story on elearning from last week
- crossword for homework last night (not for marks, but good reinforcement activity!)
These will be given a zero if they are not completed and handed in on Monday.

FEF 1D - Students today completed their last revision of pronouns. Tomorrow they will have a listening activity for marks. We had lots of one-on-one time to ensure everyone understands how these pronouns work, and we read and spoke using them today as a way to practice for the quiz. Here is the activity we tried to assess our skills. We all feel more confident and will be applying all of our knowledge in our upcoming critiques! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

le 11 mai

FSF 1P - Today, we read une carte (un menu) du restaurant Crudessence You can check out the link to the quebecois restaurant here. We are great at deciphering menus and we can ask what is in a plate if we are not sure. We talked about how to ask about costs, and read, analysed and created dialogues from templates (that will ressemble what we will do for marks later). Great work!

FSF 1D - Today, some students were away for music. Today we assessed our knowledge of our etre verbs and how we can describe things in the past. Students played some kahoots in teams, and have some practice to do to improve. We saw an examplar of a good presentation, what is required in the presentation and we now have how we will be evaluated. Presentations start Monday.  Students have a crossword to do and were STRONGLY encouraged to catch up and practice by doing the previous activities posted and the activities on the blog. 

FEF 1D - Today, nous avons fait une révision des pronoms. Nous avons écouté la chanson de Carla Bruni pour voir les pronoms (me, te, se, nous vous) sont employés. Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un m'a dit . Nous avons rempli les tirets avec les pronoms corrects et nous avons recréé des phrases tous seules en remplaçant les phrases avec les pronoms. Nous avons un note sur laquelle il y a un drapeau d'ordre des pronoms. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

le 10 mai

FSF 1P - Today, we read a critique about le Petit Nicolas, the film we started watching yesterday. (Here is the link we read). We also listened to an introduction of the film and answered listening comprehension questions. Students were given some sequencing phrases, true and false and matching statements to complete after we finished the film. Great understanding of a lovely story!!!

FSF 1D- Last lab day! Students have been collecting information and creating presentations on francophone countries. Tomorrow, we will analyse an exemplar and be sure we understand how we are being evaluated. 

FEF 1D - Today we learned and guess two great expressions; au bout de la langue, et de la bouche à l'oreille. Great work, ladies!  Nous avons fait un activité orale, écoute et écrit sur les pronoms. Students are encouraged to complete all activities that have been provided for them online. They have a listening activity this week that they may feel is very challenging if they are not prepared. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

le 6 mai

FSF 1P - Today we made a list of our new expressions to use when we are asking and ordering food. We also completed two written activities that help us describe what people PUT on food. We created a list of how we say Bon Appetit in other languages and now we know when to use this term! We ended our day with a bit of last night's episode of FLIP where special food to celebrate Cinco de Mayo was made. Bon weekend!  How can we say Bon appétit in different languages? See here!

FSF 1D - Today was a lab day. Students made their own note on verbs that use AVOIR, they rehearsed this new concept, and read and restructured the order of a well known story in French and handed it in for a reading mark. This is due Monday if it was not completed in class. ALSO, PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOUR ALAMO D'ETRE is DUE MONDAY!!!  Everything is accessible on elearning.   Monday and Tuesday are also lab days. 

FEF 1D - Today we rehearsed our pronouns by splitting up and working in teams to create thoughtful critical thinking questions to put on a kahoot. We will be assessing how well we know these pronouns. Monday will be a lab day to complete this task, and to practice the rest of the pronouns. Students are advised to check the links from the previous posts this week (as well as what is on elearning from Monday) to practice. There will be a listening activity for marks next week on pronouns. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

le 5 mai

FSF 1P  -  Today, we did some listening activities categorizing foods we are learning. Students know the four food groups, and many foods! With our petites présentations in class, we have demonstrated today that we can say foods in certains plates (salades, omelettes, pies), as well as words that sequence instructions (first, then, next) and some instructions words (I put, I add, I mix, I cook). 
Students also listened to and mimicked a marché in which a petit dialogue was rehearsed. We can politely order foods at a market and respond as an épicier (a grocer). All without notes in hand.  Well done! 

FSF 1D  -  Today, we talked about our speaking exams. Students had three goals - to unscramble sentences using the past tense irregulier, to complete a written activity and create a storyline to two comics, and to identify and highlight and convey the differences of ways we can describe events in the past. This last activity was given on their exemplar. Students were given an examplar to provide ideas on how they can use passé composé to describe their trip for their written project. Some students who were not caught up will be talked through this activity tomorrow. Tomorrow is a lab day! Bring your écouteurs!
Don't forget, you will have an activity to do this weekend. =) 

FEF 1D -  Nous avons décidé de faire nos vlogs demain. Aujourd'hui nous avons practiqué des questions oralement qui sont sur elearning. Aussi, nous avons completé un exercice de CODs (le la les). Si vous plait, faites les activités ici et qui sont sur elearning (le post de lundi) pour le renforcement. 

Choisissez entre le la les lui ou leur

Choisissez la bonne réponse - This one is great because you can listen to the pronunciation of the correct answer!

Tapez le mot correct: le la les lui leur

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

le 4 mai

FSF 1P - Today we completed two listening activities. One was a recette for croque monsieur Click here to watch, one was a dialogue au marché (click here for the video and dialogue). We identified cooking vocabulary, sequencing words, and we compared words that describe foods (râpé = shredded, for example). Students can listen and comprehend a dialogue, pricesand questions used when purchasing food. We then compared and contrasted how prices look in our country and in France and Québec. We saw four different receipts and read them! We then completed our GRANDS PLATS that we will use in a speaking activity tomorrow. Bravo, classe!!

FSF 1D - Today, we watched a funny story about a young liar. Click here to see the video.
We discussed irregularities of the English language and the French language when describing past events, completed a listening activity, took a note to have a reference tool about these irregulars, and then played a kahoot to reinforced what we learned today. Great job to all, and to Team Julian!  Click here to see the game we played in teams!

FEF 1D - Nous avons continué nos études des pronoms.  =) Nous avons créer des cartes pour LUI et LEUR . Nous avons fait nos propres phrases en cartes, et nous avons lu et completé un sondage en comprennant lui et leur et l'ordre des pronoms pour voir si nous sommes généreux. La première présentation était aujourd'hui et c'était bien fait. Nous ne marchions pas sur les bigoutis sous les pieds.

Essayez ce quiz pour vérifier si tu le comprends!!!

Pouvez-vous réécrire les phrases en employant LUI ou LEUR correctement? Scroll down to test yourself sur ce site-web

Si vous n'avez pas encore fait les liens sur elearning (mis lundi) faites-les!!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

le 3 mai

FSF 1P -  Today, we ventured to a supermarché, where we were searching for les meilleurs prix des collations. Students also expanded their food vocabulary today and we will continue tomorrow. Great day!

FSF 1D - Students received their project outlines, wrote a small quiz and researched their French speaking country. We are creating voyages inoubliables! 

Here are some links to help you practice what our quiz was on in case you need to take the requiz =) tomorrow;
Jouez au jeopardy for practice! Test yourself!

Here are some links to get ahead;

Here is a note and an activity on which verbs don't follow the rule we just had our quiz on

Want to see something that would demonstrate strong written info as an example for your project? 
Click here for an example

FEF 1D - journée au labo. =) Please do the links that were listed on elearning pour les devoirs. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

le 2 mai

Joyeux Music Monday!!!

  FSF 1P - Today, students looked at and listened to clues to guess a fun French delicacy... frog legs!! 
Click here to see Obama eat some and to read more about what we discussed!
We listened to this conversation, matched up the vocab words to fruits and vegetables, and learned how to compare what foods are good, which ones are better and which ones are best. Students are designing and identifying some special recipes on paper, on which we will elaborate this week. Great work!!! 

FSF 1D - Students had a lab day where they were to practice the passé composé work left, (and that from last week from the blog if it was incomplete), and to start on our VOYAGE INOUBLIABLE project. All info is on elearning. TOMORROW THERE IS A QUICK QUIZ to make sure we are on the right track. It will be 5 - 10 minutes. Be sure you know how to form the passe compose and complete your homework! 

FEF 1D - Nous sommes allés au labo pour écouter de la musique où elle emplois les 'pronoms' que nous avons appris, et de travailler sur nos expressions du jour. En plus, il y a beaucoup d'exercices de renforcement de ce que nous avons fait vendredi. Soyez certains que vous regardiez elearning si vous n'étiez pas ici.