Tuesday, March 31, 2015

le 31 mars

Demain, pour toutes les classes; à la bibliothèque!!!! Don't forget your earphones!!!!

FSF 1D / 2D -  Les prepositions A et AU et AUX et EN when we are describing going TO places.
We also discovered Hornussen (le sport EN SUISSE   =) ) . We talked about how projects, received the rubrics and discussed important dates next week and what to expect (project due Tuesday, speaking and listening tasks Wednesday)

FEF 1D-  We reviewed comparing words (meilleur, mieux, bon, plus, moins). We worked on our questions for petit Nicolas. Reponse help is on elearning. Be prepared to answer 4 / 18 questions (without notes) for marks on Thursday!

FEF 3U / 4U - We reviewed important themes in le petit prince and created study notes en français to be put up on elearning for exam notes.

Monday, March 30, 2015

le 30 mars

FSF 1 / 2 D- Analysis of exemplars and review to prepare for our next project.

FEF 1D - Le petit nicolas film.

FEF 3U / 4U -  Bonjour! 

Aujourd’hui vous allez… 

1 1.       donner les réponses de la lecture au suppléant(e)
2.       practiquer pour votre activité orale;

Il y a des thèmes dans le petit prince. Choisissez trois de la liste et prèparez une explication d’où vous trouvez ce theme dans le roman, et pourquoi c’est importante à l’intrigue (plot).

L’amitié  -friendship


La vie

La mort



Nous discuterons demain pour complèter notre étude du roman.


    3.     Travailler sur votre propre planète.

Ceux qui présentent aujourd’hui, présenteront demain au lieu d'aujourd'hui.

Bonne journée!

Friday, March 27, 2015

le 27 mars - bon weekend!

FSF 1D / 2D - Students were assigned their next project, and have a chart to complete for homework. We had an elearning lab day!

FEF 1D - We started to watch le film Le petit Nicolas, and students were given a listening task. At the end of the film, they will be given some questions about the film (from a list given today) that they will answer orally for a mark.

FEF 3U / 4U -  Students were assigned their creative planet project relating to le petit prince. They will create, read, comment and post all work on elearning by April 8 at 11:11.  =)   On Monday, their reading activities are due and we will do a big summary round up on the novel.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

le 25 mars

OSSLT tomorrow!

FSF 1D / 2D- today we completed a questionnaire. We learned I will have / I would have, will go / would go, will do / would do. We practiced our listening and speaking skills today by interviewing each other.

For tomorrow, students could work on their irregular charts in their booklets. If they would like, they can go on elearning to make sure they have a chosen country to research in the lab on Friday.

FEF 1D - Les présentations étaient fantastiques! Well done. Students also answered questions on the spot about le petit Nicolas. Great job!

FEF 3U / 4U - Students worked on their chapitre summary questions today. They are due Monday. It is encouraged that they take time during their day tomorrow to complete those as they will have another task to start on Friday when they return.

Bonne chance demain! Hope you have a nice Thursday!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

le 24 mars

Bonjour tout le monde!

FSF 1D / 2D - We predicted endings to stories using the futur simple, we read predictions of famous people and matched them to whom they belonged, we listened and compared a song en francais (and then the English version) that uses the futur simple.

FSF 2D -  Additionally, We noticed how the word SI with the imparfait leads us to use the conditionnel. We identified similarities of the conditionnel to the futur simple. We answered a few questions based on conditions . If I had one millions euros, I would...

FEF 1D - Nous avons fait plus d'exercices du conditionnel.
 Here is a game we played for reinforcement.  Remember, there is a slideshow and activities on elearning as well.
There are extra activities on elearning. Don't forget that you have three exercises to do for tomorrow and your presentations are tomorrow as well.

FEF 3U / 4U - Presentations of our characters in le petit prince were done well. Always make sure to read your rubric and meet all expectations to earn full marks! As well, our reading activities were given to complete le petit prince. They are due Monday. You will have tomorrow's class to work on it as well as Friday.
For students who did not present, you will receive an alternative speaking task due Monday.

Monday, March 23, 2015

new term, new os, updated blog

le 23 mars

FSF 1D / 2D - We watched and listened to  Claude's future  and discovered how will can describe actions that will happen. We also read and found students in the room (by asking en français) whose futures matched some statements in our activity. We received some reinforcement work (grade nines). Here are some helpful links below. Grade tens will be reviewing this and we will be discovering something new that is already accessible on elearning.

Le Futur Simple

We discussed 'gâcher du temps', and solved other people's problems by giving advice in the conditional tense. Students worked on their presentations for Petit Nicolas. They are due Wednesday! There are links on elearning for reinforcement that went up over the break.
FEF 3U / 4U - We watched an episode of Le petit prince et la planète du serpent
 There are listening comprehension questions that are due tomorrow that are bonus listening marks.
Presentations for character analysis are due tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

le 4 mars

FSF 1D / 2D
Bonjour classe!

 Grade nines, please work well on your projects and I can proofread them tomorrow for you if you wish.

Grade tens, there is an answer sheet for you to circulate and check your answers from yesterday. 

There is also one activity sheet to rehearse LUI et LEUR. 
Please also look at these slides to introduce yourself to LE LA LES and its agreement in the past.

Click here for the slides and pay specific attention to slide 4 please!!!

click here to watch the beginning of our play in English.

Bonne journee!

FEF 1D - Vous avez une activite d'un chapitre qu'on a lu hier. Aussi, vous pouvez continuer a lire les prochains chapitres avec une partenaire. On discutera vos projets plus demain. 

Bonne journee! A demain!



Je voulais dire que j'aimais beaucoup la discussion d'hier!! Bien fait!!!   Il y a des papiers pour ceux qui ont demande hier, aussi.

Vous allez travailler en groupe de 3 ou de 4. Je vais ajouter une question de la discussion d'hier, aussi.

Il y a une feuille avec les responses des exercises au passe simple. Verifiez vos reponses si vous avez fini.

Choisissez 3 questions, creez des bonnes responses avec temoignage, et enregistrez vos responses avec une cellulaire. Envoyez-les moi   mmejbell@gmail.com   avant la fin de la classe.

Les questions

  Est-ce qu'ils sont tristes et seuls? Vous pensez qu'ils veulent être acceptés par l’un et l’autre?


   Imaginez que tu étais le petit prince et que le narrateur te parlait avec frustration comme dans le petit prince. En savant que tu ne connaissais pas beaucoup du monde et des personnes, quelles impressions des humaines auriez-vous? (would you have)?


   Comment est-ce que le narrateur est devenu plus sensible a la fin du chapitre 7? Pourquoi a-t-il change son comportement, pensez-vous?


   Identifiez deux hommes sérieux avec d’orgueil gonflé (inflated pride) et les impressions qu’ils ont laissé aux autres. Pensez-vous qu’ils ont perdu leur créativité?


   Expliquez pourquoi vous pensez que le petit prince s’occupait lui-même et le narrateur des choses ce dont il était curieux (with what he is curious about).


   Quelles choses sont importantes au petit prince que le narrateur n’apprécient pas?  Est-ce que le narrateur appréciait les chiffres plus, commes des grandes personnes et peut-il changer son avis de ces choses?


   Les émissions qu’on voit (ou qu’on peut voir) a une plus grande influence violente (si vous choisissez cette question, ne choisissez pas #8).

   Les jeux-vidéos ont une plus grande influence violente (si vous choisissez cette question, ne choisissez pas #7).

Voici comment tu seras évalué:                                         /15
Tu as donné des idées claires et planifiées.   1     2    3    4    5 
Tu as parlé en français et  avec précision    1     2    3    4    5       
     (parlez autant qu’aux autres dans ton groupe pour une bonne note)
Tu  as montré une bonne connaissance du roman    1    2    3   4   5
    (ajoutez les details)

Bonne journee et a demain!!!