Friday, September 30, 2016

le 30 septembre

Bonjour! Passez un bon weekend!!

FSF 2D- Nous étions au labo aujourd'hui! ☺ All of the work and activities are on elearning. Be sure you are caught up and have watched the video (third activity) for Monday's class. 

FSF 1D - Students demonstrated (on paper or in a discussion forum on D2L) that they can complete sentences and answer questions about their wants and abilities! Mme knows who they want to meet, the special talents students have, as well as what they want to do in certain stages of their life! 

Remember that on Monday you will be completing a listening activity based on marks on the likes, wants and abilities of a family. 

Here is a helpful video to see the level of difficulty we are at for listening comprehension. If you can watch and understand most of this video, you are on the right track!!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

jeudi le 29 septembre - Orange shirt day tomorrow -

FSF 2D - Today, we recognized; 

  * était is used in once upon a time,

* the endings of all verbs that were happening sound the same for je, tu, il, elle, ils and elles

* that we can read a story and distinguish which actions happened and which ones were happening (ex. la maison de la vielle dame était couverte de bonbons)

Students were introduced to the imparfait today, to be able to describe what was happening when something else happened. We will be reporting, reading, listening and describing past events in the near future. 

Click here for a little note that explains, and an activity where you can listen to how it is used en français

additional notes are here as well

There are charts for visual learners and an activity at the bottom

Try this game here to conjugate - no tricky ones like 'lire' or 'écrire' here

Can you complete the sentences with the correct forms? Try here

FSF 1D - Today we began talking about our abilities and what we want to do. Students completed reading activities that were questionnaires about these two concepts. We also listened to Sympathique - Pink Martini. Why does she want to forget? We will discover tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

le 27 septembre

FSF 2D -

   Today, nous avons parlé de nos weekend, and we added to our conversations by asking questions, and how it 'was' (interesting, good, bad) and how we were feeling about it (j'étais content(e) ). 
We gave values to two important speaking tasks; your dialogue for your phrase, and your expression. Please be sure you have these down on your rubrics. All students are aware of their presentation days and students can see me to verify on our class calendar as well. 
We began our introduction to our first big concept being taught. Students will be able to describe what was happening in our class and how people were feeling when we had our obnoxious, abrupt interruption!  
Students can click here to see more ways in which this tense is used. Click on the volume icon to hear the examples being said

Please take a look to see how you will be writing this in your journal tomorrow. See how we create the idea of 'was ______ing' something en français.

Looking forward to a fun activity tomorrow! 

Friday, September 23, 2016

vendredi le 23 octobre

FSF 2D - Today we successfully completed our first listening activity. Students did an excellent job! 
We had time to work further on our expressions and were given rubrics for them to peruse. Upon our return from the weekend we will decide how we will be evaluated, and start preparing to be reporters!!

FSF 1D - Have a great time at Camp Eagle! Good work on your listening activity today and we will talk about what we like and are going to do (as well as how often) when you return! 

FSF 2D- Have a great time at Camp Eagle! Students did well describing what they were going to do, and writing their own sentences independently. Most used their resources well. We also completed a listening task about three people. Students could identify who likes and doesn't like what, and could infer the correct 'frequency' word (sometimes, always, never...). 

Bon weekend! 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

le 22 septembre

FSF 2D - Bonjour! N'oubliez pas vos écouteurs!! Don't forget your headphones tomorrow. 


Self-assess: Can you answer these questions based on this video;
Remember, try to listen to this without reading the transcript first!  <-- access="" click="" i="" the="" there="" to="" video.="">Use the fast forward button to see and try to understand the other discussions.

Voici les questions pour le premier vidéo:

Comment est-ce qu'elle est allée chez sa grand-mère?
Qu'est-ce qu'elle a raconté?
Quand as-t-elle réçu son argent de poche? 

2ième vidéo

Qu'est-ce qu'il a fait avec Brigitte
Il a vu Brigitte samedi soir?
Why did he say DIS DONC?!?!!? Can you explain what happened to make him say that en français.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRACTICE MORE? Try this activity here. It uses passé composé with AVOIR AND ETRE - what good practice!   -(that is a great activity to check out - you can even practice by clicking on the purple rectangles (it says Activité __ ) à la gauche de l'écran.

Voici ce que nous avons fait;

Aujourd'hui, nous avons joué N'IMPORTE QUOI
Nous avons écrit un tableau des irréguliers (qui emploient avoir avec passé composé)

Don't hesitate to ask me if you'd like me to review your questions tomorrow morning!

FSF 1D - We discussed, listened to and started to compare and contrast our likes and dislikes en français. Students started to create a reference tool (venn diagram or graphic organizer of their choice) to demonstrate their ability to write what they like to do and don't like to do and how it is similar or different to other people they know. We are making good strides in being able to use french (with helpful reference tools of course) on our own. Bon travail! 

FSF 1D per. 3 -  Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?! Students had a lot to say!!! Here is the video they understood well. 

We talked about how we can form sentences to say what we like. Students are speaking more and more and are becoming more comfortable. They are encouraged to respect others and allow for one person to talk at a time!!!  Students also formulated questions and could respond to oui / non questions aloud (some without any prompts!). Students also now have a resource they will use for the rest of the semester with activities. It should be complete and accurate. 

Tomorrow, we will watch this video and identify what we can understand so far.   This video is a good exemplar of what students will be able to do in the next two weeks! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

mercredi, le 21 septembre

FSF 1D1 - Période 3 - you are encouraged to complete unfinished work, and there are activities provided for you to complete. You may also use your phones to review the activities on elearning to rehearse for your assessment tomorrow. Bonne journée!

Here is a video that you can enjoy while you are here, if you would like. We will enjoy it as a class later this semester ☺

FSF 2D--

Here is the link to the activity - try to listen to it without speech bubbles first!!! 

FSF 2D - Today, we completed a listening / training activity based on our paragraph that was on elearning. Students also were introduced to our game "N'importe quoi" and they listened to statements about Mme's past and had to guess which ones were vrai ou faux (and comprehend what they meant!). Students wrote 10 of their own "N'importe quoi" statements, and then were introduced to this video to practice their 'listening training' for their first listening activity Friday. 

Complete the irregular verb activity posted on yesterday's blog if you haven't done so, and please complete the crossword if it is incomplete. I will be checking tomorrow!

FSF 1D - Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?! Students had a lot to say!!! Here is the video they understood well.


We talked about how we can form sentences to say what we like. Students are speaking more and more and are becoming more comfortable. They are encouraged to respect others and allow for one person to talk at a time!!!  Students also formulated questions and could respond to oui / non questions aloud (some without any prompts!). Students also now have a resource they will use for the rest of the semester with activities. It should be complete and accurate. 

We completed the class with this video and identified what we could understand so far.   This video is a good exemplar of what students will be able to do in the next two weeks! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

le 20 septembre - the 400th post!! -

FSF 2D -

   Bravo class! You are becoming more independent learners. We completed a reading comprehension activity and corrected work from our listening task yesterday. We also played a kahoot and discovered a bit about a famous soccer match. =)  Tomorrow, you will listen and answer questions on the task we read today, you will listen to another story to practice for our evaluation, and you will prepare for our BALONEY game =) 

Just like yesterday's activity at the beginning of class, can you complete these sentences? Hint - pleuvoir - to rain --> plu

Click here if you would like to see and hear what we will listen to tomorrow!

Want to know more? Here is a complete list of irregulars with a note

FSF 1D - period 2

   Aujourd'hui, we reviewed what we completed in the lab, we completed our Questionnaire activity by filling out the blanks on our note au verso *on the other side, we played a kahoot for reinforcement and we started our very own questionnaire. Students are getting more and more comfortable speaking on their feet with less prompting, can read, understand and respond to simple yes / no questions, and tomorrow we apply what we have learned about interrogative phrases to ask questions with more detail. 

FSF 1D - period 3

Today was a lab day. All instructions are available on elearning. 
Tomorrow you will have a video to watch!

Monday, September 19, 2016

le 19 septembre


We started off by changing the blanks to describe 'what happened' au passé composé Click here to try the activity tout seul / all alone

Nous avons étudié au labo aujourd'hui. All of today's events are on elearning.  Students are encouraged to use the notes from elearning for their own resources if necessary.

Drag and click the irregular passé composé to their infinitives

For homework, As-tu vu le match de soccer de la France contre l'Italie? 

Pourquoi est-ce qu'il a frappé le joueur italien????! We will listen to a song about this tomorrow.

Here was the link from the weekend if it wasn't working 

Listening activity from the weekend ici!

Période 2- We had a lab day today. All is accessible on elearning. 

Fériode 3 - We will be in the lab tomorrow. Today we listened and concluded 3 different questions. We completed a questionnaire where we read, wrote, spoke and responded to questions about ourselves. Students will have a 'pop' identify the phrase activity for assessment purposes THURSDAY.

Friday, September 16, 2016

vendredi le 16 septembre

FSF 2D - Vous avez bien compris aujourd'hui! Great listening and reading comprehension! We also chose and talked about our expressions in class today. 

Please visit the links provided in Thursday;s posts if you haven't yet already done so. 

Here are the links to practice your comprehension and application of what we have been doing in class;

‎Click on this activity. Try listening to Sylvie's day. Can you answer the questions below? Instructions are provided!

‎Now try reading the statements to the right and match them with their correct photos.  Say them aloud for practice!

Challenge yourself: Can you tell a story of what happened according to these pictures? Yikes! Here is an example.  Julie a oublié qu'elle a un examen. Elle a fit  << Oh la la, je ne vais pas réussir!>> et elle a commencé à étudier. 

Bon weekend!

FSF 1D - great job today! You now know how to identify, listen to and respond to three different types of questions !! We had fun doing our questionnaire. Excellent work. 

I look forward to a fun semester! Have a wonderful last weekend of summer 2016!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

jeudi le 15 septembre

FSF 2D - Aujourd'hui nous avons... 

* lu les phrases, comparé ces phrases, traduit ces phrases, et crée plus de conversation (by asking questions, and using new expressions to continue conversations)

* écouté une chanson Des Bêtises et nous avons écouté pour nos paroles (our lyrics)

* écrit trois réponses des questions que Mme a écrit (dans nos journaux). 

Maintenant pour les devoirs (homework) Mme veut que vous écoutiiez à cette chanson; cliquez ici pour la chanson d'Indochine

Regardez le vidéo avec paroles ici

Tu vas venir avec une réponse de cette question; à qui est-ce qu'il a chanté?  To whom did he sing? In your opinion. 


Would you like a refresher on passé composé? (remember the sentences we circled in blue on the board today?) If so, 

Click here for a simple note with an activity and audio

Click here for passe composé with ETRE (do you know MRS DR VANDERTRAMP maybe? )

know avoir verbs in passé composé and want to test your skill? Click here

FSF 1D - Today, students completed their first small written project, demonstrating their knowledge of different parts of speech. This is due tomorrow (or Monday if students next French class is Monday).

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

mercredi le 14 septembre

FSF 2D - Quiz today! Well done! Bien fait! 
   (et quiz opportunity rewrite tomorrow at lunch).
We were introduced to expressions used during conversation to encourage our speakers. 
Bon! Ah bon? Dis donc! Donc... Alors...Eh bien... D'accord... C'est _____________, ça were some terms we are going to practice while we speak aloud. 
We also practiced asking questions that demand more information. Students can now ask the same question in three different ways and should be able to identify all interrogative expressions (pourquoi, où, comment, combien de, qui, quel / quelle / qu'est-ce que, quand, ). Tomorrow, they will be conducting a questionnaire as part of their review. 

FSF 1D - Today we spoke without looking at a sheet (or almost!). Students identified different ways to open up and close a conversation based on the time of the day, they posed questions to one another and are able to recount that information using different pronouns like 'he' and 'she' to share that info with a friend. We are working on speaking more and more and becoming more confident in trying to express ourselves without reading off a prepared sheet. Students also can identify nouns and their corresponding articles, and are in the midst of preparing a poster exercise that will be due Monday, September 19.

Want to know some basic rules to be able to identify masculin ou féminin? Cliquez ici! Click here!

FSF 1D - Today we spoke without looking at a sheet (or almost!). Students identified different ways to open up and close a conversation based on the time of the day, they posed questions to one another and are able to recount that information using different pronouns like 'he' and 'she' to share that info with a friend. We are working on speaking more and more and becoming more confident in trying to express ourselves without reading off a prepared sheet. Students also can identify nouns and their corresponding articles, and are in the midst of preparing a poster exercise that will be due Monday, September 19.

Want to know some basic rules to be able to identify masculin ou féminin? Cliquez ici! Click here!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

le 13 septembre

FSF 2D - Nous avons discuté COMBATTRE LES CARIES that we saw on our DENTIFRICE ce matin ☺. We reviewed the two different ways in which we can formulate questions and played a speed '20 questions' type of game with a partner. We completed work on AVOIR and ETRE to prepare for our quiz tomorrow; know AVOIR and ETRE in their present tense forms, and be ready to read and choose which verb you would use in that sentence. 

Here is the activity for avoir we completed in class - other activities are on the left / gauche

Here is the être activity - try the activities à la gauche!!

FSF 1D - Today, students began collecting expressions, pronouns, articles, and nouns in many different ways in order to have a great resource from which they can reference to succeed on future tasks. We are learning how words will be working together in French to create our own sentences, so that everyone is capable of doing this by the end of next week. Students received their diagnostic assessments and reviewed common errors and all have completed their speaking tasks. Please refer to D2L elearning if you were away today and practice the links posted on the newsfeed from yesterday. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

le 12 septembre

FSF 2D - First lab day!!! Students created a portfolio, and have links on their D2L (elearning) site to rehearse for their avoir / être quiz mercredi!!   Please watch the video to prepare for tomorrow's class. Commen dit-on "fights cavities" en français???  ☺

FSF 1D - First lab day and grade nine extra curricular fair. Students completed their speaking tasks. 

FSF 1D afternoon - We completed our speaking tasks today ( a few will go tomorrow ) and students re familiarized themselves with commonly used expressions that will now become words always used in our classroom. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

vendredi le 9 septembre - quelle bonne semaine!


Today, we did some preparing for our routine "Quelle heure est-il activity". Students have a clock now in their binders that will describe with whom in the class they will be speaking during certain times.  We discussed how to enhance our French experience throughout the day to amplify what we know en francais and to use it more often. We started our review activities - by the end of next week, our pronunciation will be better, we will remember question words, common verbs, pronouns and prepositions, animals, months, days and expressions. 

Don't forget - COMMENT DIT-ON  toothpaste  EN FRANCAIS?! Know for tomorrow.

You will have a quiz on AVOIR and ETRE next Tuesday. These are foundation tools we must know well. Here are a few activities to practice. 

click here to see avoir and etre in writing, to listen to audio examples of when they are used, and to hear the pronunciation. KNOW ONLY THE PRESENT TENSE for the quiz

Avoir / Etre quiz

take it a step further if you want and practice with the verb aller

Bon weekend!    Lab Monday!


 We completed our diagnostic today and prepared for our first mini speaking task. Students will spell a name, read a phone number aloud and answer one of the three questions posted yesterday. 

Here are the ways we answer them. Match which answer is associated with that question :
 J'ai ______ ans                                       Je m'appelle ______________.                           J'habite à _____________________________.

Here are some links to help;

scroll above the number to hear how it sounds. Try the challenges (click red squares at top right) !!

Scroll down on this link and click on the letters to hear them if you need practice!

You will have some time to practice before you present lundi. 

Bon weekend!   Lab Monday!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

jeudi le 8 septembre

FSF 2D  - Today, students completed their first speaking task that will be measured and compared to what they are able to do at the end of the semester. Our mot de la journée was TOMBER !! Facile!! 
Students remembered that word, which is a great sign. Individually, students were asked to write their first journal entry; how can you enrich your life with some French on a daily basis, and identify 3 goals for this class. Exam audit took place after. 
Tomorrow, we begin our reviews. There will be a quiz in your near future!!

FSF 1D - Today we discussed the course outline. Students are becoming more and more familiar of the processes and how we will have fun and learn in this class. We used manipulatives (die, letter cut outs) to become familiar with speaking out loud with classmates, practicing the names of the letters in French, and numbers. We begin with baby steps to establish a comfort level from day one. As an activity to better know students' experiences with French, we completed an activity called the Foolscap Scrap, where students wrote about previous poor experiences in the class, and crumpled them up and left them behind. =) New school, new classe de français, new teacher!!!  Thanks for sharing today.  Diagnostic assessment takes place tomorrow in class. 

Here are some questions I will see if you know tomorrow. They will be on your speaking task Monday.

1. Comment t'appelles-tu?
2. Quel âge as-tu?
3. Où est-ce que tu habites? 

Hope to see you tonight! ☺

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

le 7 septembre

Bonjour! I hope you all had a good second day and survived the heat!! Thank you for a nice second day! ☺ 

FSF 2D - Today, students received some useful organizational tools that will be helpful throughout the semester and during our review unit. They now have a calendar, a sheet with "to remember" and "common errors" to write in as a reference tool, and a code of conduct to ensure the right that everyone has in our class to learn.  We completed an activity to ensure that we are always thorough in reading instructions, and to be aware. =) They rehearsed their first speaking activity (and were given a review sheet that can amplify the detail of their conversation) and will record and send it to me tomorrow. We had an assembly during the second half. 

FSF 1D (both classes) - Today, students reflected on their first day by writing to me on a sticky note a positive and a negative experience from yesterday, as well as if they looked at the blog. Then, we started our focus on being thorough when we read instructions, and on organization. Students now have a course outline, table of contents, a calendar, and a code of conduct with which we did a speaking activity; students are aware of the classroom expectations and consequences. 

They know now that their first speaking activity will be on Sept 12 during our lab day. We discussed learning styles, and students completed a questionnaire about their strongest learning style. Tomorrow we reflect on our previous experiences in French.
BIG NEWS: You will have your diagnostic assessment on Friday. Your first speaking task will be spelling a name in French, reading a number aloud and answering 2 commonly asked questions during introductions. 

Would you like to know how to pronounce each letter's sound in French ? 

Click here for the alphabet presented by a francophone

Would you like to get ahead by remembering the numbers en français?

Click here for a cute video on the numbers 1 (un) to 20 (vingt)

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

le 6 septembre - Bonne rentrée!!!! Bienvenue


   This is a daily blog posted to help students stay aware of what's happening each day, to reinforce concepts taught, and to provide challenges and supplementary activities. It is encouraged to check the blog daily (and to be sure to check it when you are away).
I am always available at the beginning of lunch if anyone would like to talk - I am here to help!

FSF 2D - Grade Ten Academic French

Bonjour les filles et les garçons! It is so nice to see you again! Welcome back! I hope you had a great first day.  FIRST WORD OF THE DAY - PAR BONHEUR
Today, we organized ourselves; we have our lockers, we completed an interview sheet, we began speaking with introductions and talking about summer events. Students are now aware of the blog and how to use it and its effectiveness.  I am looking forward to an excellent semester! 

Big news: tomorrow we start review activities and we will have our first evaluation next Monday!! 

FSF 1D - Grade Nine Academic French 

For these two classes, students were encouraged to be observant; we searched around the room and made predictions on what it will be like. We talked about the importance of being organized, how to be organized and students were introduced to the blog and its importance. Be sure to check it each day! We started off with simple introductions, and the alphabet. 
Students now have a seating plan and encouraged to always ask questions or talk to me about anything to make their first year a comfortable to fall into.  BBQ is THURSDAY - lundi

I hope everyone had a nice day and that you are looking forward to un bon semestre!