Monday, October 31, 2016

le 31 octobre

FSF 2D  - Students learned in small groups and taught themselves the following;

Choose which letters (E, S or nothing) should be added to these past participles (équipe 1s lesson)

Click the correct pronoun from the dropboxes provided

Choose if you can use Y or EN and type it in the space provided
Can you rewrite the sentences with the correct pronouns?

Want a review of everything? Click here!


 - Per. 2 -  Today, we did group activities in the caf.  Students also got to do some trick-or-treating. We voted on our posters for le plus créatif, le plus colorié, etc. et LE MEILLEUR! 
We will be in the computer lab tomorrow. Bring your earphones! 

Per. 3 - Today, students had three tasks in our lab session;
To know the verb ALLER
T know the pronom Y = there
To know and understand their authentic reading task ( A Montréal et au cinéma). 
We will be in the lab tomorrow as well. Bring your headphones! 

Friday, October 28, 2016

le 28 octobre - quelle semaine occupée!

FSF 2D - This week students ...

--- practiced pronunciation and reading aloud
--- learned the use and context of lui et leur
--- completed their reportage
--- completed a listening activity for marks (today)
--- watched an émission that is based on the book we will begin reading  (today) 
--- received and began working on personal questions using all pronouns we know so far

For homework, students are to be sure to read through the slides on elearning, and we will complete our big listening activity about the émission que nous avons regardé la semaine prochaine. 

FSF 1D  - This week students

-- learned more about irregular adjectives and witnessed where they go in a sentence
--- compared movie posters using the comparative and superlative with a poster reading activity
--- talked about strategies used to entice viewers to buy movie tickets
--- created own posters to attract an audience for marks ( and for a comparative friendly competition on Monday) 
--- (period 3) read and answered questions and understood comparisons of musicians, concerts, and forms of good better and best ! 

Here is an easy to understand note and an activity that explains what we are in the process of being able to do

Monday, October 24, 2016

lundi le 24 octobre

FSF 2D  - Today we recorded our final reportages, and we had a lesson on lui and leur. Students are to complete the work given during the lesson for homework.  Be sure to check the activities from the previous week on elearning for additional reinforcement. 

Choose correctly - would you change the phrase to lui or leur? Check your understanding with these 5 questions

Regardez ce vidéo si tu as besoin plus d'exemples

FSF 1D - Today, students recieved some work back, we introduced our mini cinéma unit, and learned about BAGS adjectives as well as how to say the most    /    - iest   (le plus effrayant = the scariest, par exemple) . 

Here is a reinforcement exercise to help with adjectives. Click on the true or false to show you can identify BAGS adjectives
There is also a slideshow posted on elearning that was discussed today in class.

Students will have a poster task that will be due THIS THURSDAY IN CLASS that will demonstrate their knowledge of adjectives, comparing things in French using movie vocab and the characteristics of a poster that entices the public to buy tickets!

Friday, October 21, 2016

vendredi le 21 octobre

FSF 2D - Today, students recorded their rough copies of their reportages, and they have feedback already that they can access through their dropbox submission on D2L. Monday they will record their reportages for marks, and will be starting a new concept (some have already started this week by going through the activities on their newsfeed on D2L).  

FSF 1D - We read pre-made profiles aloud today, recorded them, and our afternoon class completed their speed dating activity. Students were able to listen to descriptions read by their peers, identify who they were describing (someone famous) and give proof as to how they knew who was being described.  There are activities on elearning to do for homework (practice le verbe aller) . Our next unit - le cinéma!!! There are reading and listening activities to start assessing what you already know and can do. Students from period 2 will complete the listening activity later next week.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

mercredi le 19 octobre

FSF 2D - Today students were given a checklist to make sure they are where they need to be by the end of the week. They know what photo they will be reporting on, and have been preparing for many things. Check out elearning and D2L to see the details. 

FSF 1D - We rehearsed for our first major writing task today. Students know exactly what to expect, as well as the requirements for the activity. They were encouraged to access elearning / D2L to see more examplars of good work, and a rubric with how they will be evaluated. It is worth 45 written marks. 

Want to snazz it up even more? Can you add how your members are related to others**? You could also explain things about them in the negative ***

   ** (de ma grandmère): Son mari est Doug, mon grandpère. 

*** Ma soeur n'est pas gentille tout le temps. Elle est gentille de temps en temps. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

mardi, le 18 octobre - Allez Jays!!!!!

FSF 2D - 

  Today, we continued with our mini-lessons on the objets directs - le, la and les -  that represent IT and THEM in English. As students work with Mme in small groups, they are to apply what they have learned (and use their reference notes and what is on elearning) to complete some sentences on the sheet. Other students are working on their reportage (outline and examplar on elearning / D2L) and their expressions if need be. Reportages are rehearsed Friday and then presented on Monday. 

Students are strongly encouraged to use time wisely and to access their additional resources in order to practice this concept.  There are two additional notes on D2L students can use as reference. 

FSF 1D - 

Today students completed their speaking tasks, a film and an activity based on our film Le Petit Nicolas. Students from period 3 also created their speed dating list, chose one character from that list they will portray and wrote 5 adjectives about them to get them started. Tomorrow is our rehearsal day for our first big writing task, and also time to create our 'Speed Dating Profile'. Students will demonstrate that they can listen to one another speak, and then write down who that person is acting as, with proof that supports their decision.  Want to practice Vouloir Etre Avoir and Pouvoir to strengthen your knowledge of these for your Arbre Généologique (happening Thursday?)

Associez-les! Match these up!
Choose the correct form of vouloir
Write in the correct form of Pouvoir and check your work
Can you choose from the dropdown list the correct verb (être or avoir) and it's correct form to make these sentences logical?


Période 2 et 3 - FSF 1D - banque de mots - word bank -

FSF 1D -  Voici la banque de mots pour l'activité du film Le Petit Nicolas.

Choose the correct form of the adjective that best describes each character on your sheet. Write it down on the blank provided. 

Banque de mots

*** gourmand = aime manger

riches           n'est pas intelligente         gourmande           curieux               gentil              gentille                  sympas                créative     très intelligent         aimables           gourmand                  riche       jeune       jeunes       méchants           n'est pas intelligent            fatigué    content

Once you have completed your activity, double check your work and HAND IT IN!!!!

Here are your options of activities to work on before you leave today;
- You may completed your adjectives organizer for your ARBRE GENEOLOGIQUE
- You may read and determine whether you match the description of your Chinese zodiac animal
- You may create a list of famous characters that you can provide to start our CELEBRITY SPEED DATING activity that we will start tomorrow!

Monday, October 17, 2016

lundi, le 17 octobre

FSF 2D -  Les élections, et puis, beaucoup de choix;
Students have a ppt on elearning to read, a lesson avec Mme to recieve, a reportage to be working on and possibly an expression or phrase to be preparing.

FSF 1D - Students watched Le Petit Nicolas, and came to be interrogated for a speaking mark! They are doing a great job identifying questions and talking about themselves and a few others. Great work. 
Here is your homework for today, afternoon class;
Please read through these five slides

Bonne journée!

Friday, October 14, 2016

vendredi le 14 octobre - bon weekend!

FSF 2D - Practice day - 

Students can work on their reports for their photos this weekend. They will take place on next Wednesday and Friday.

Do you remember pronouns? Check elearning to see what we will be learning next week! There is a ppt presentation

and here is...
a listening activity we will try next week! Do you know how certain words can be replaced with "there" "it" "them" "to him" or "to her" en français. You can click to listen as well!

FSF 1D - Students read and analysed an example of our speed dating profile task that will take place next week. We also talked more about adjectives. 

Click here to see the chart of irregulars that will help with your homework!

Click here to try to apply adjectives correctly in jeopardy form

Next MONDAY we have our first real speaking tasks one-on-one! Students have been preparing a pink sheet to be successful. It is encouraged that they practice!

Next Wednesday will be our ARBRE GENEOLOGIQUE in class writing assignment. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

le 13 octobre - jeudi -


La ligne chronologique!! Students were very successful on listening to a story (spoken in REAL French =)  ) and plotting different events on a timeline. Excellent work! 

Nous avions un peu de temps pour travailler sur notre reportage, aussi. Students now are generating ways they can talk as a group about an event that happened based on a photo. 

FSF 1D  - 
Aujourd'hui in the grade nine world...

 - we showed through drawing (and writing) that we could listen to descriptions of people using adjectives and accurately describe them on paper
- we demonstrated we can listen and read descriptions of people and compare them with adjectives to other people
- we see and can use the correct forms of adjectives, whether we describe a girl (or girls) or a boy (or boys)
- we worked on our adjectives organizer to describe people in our family
- we received the ten questions that we must prepare (and Mme will 'nterrogate us' for marks NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY) and be ready to answer three chosen at random.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

le 12 octobre - mercredi -


      Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait une exercice écoute qui allait nous aider (to help us) pour la ligne chronologique (timeline)  demain.  Be sure to access elearning to try the reading activity that will help you be successful tomorrow. 
We also checked our answers from our activities in class yesterday, formed groups for our first big speaking task, chose three photos that we will tell stories about (also available on elearning). Timeline listening activity tomorrow and nous deviendrons les journalistes demain!!!! 

FSF 1D - Today, we played Qui est-ce where students listening to clues about celebrities and well known people in the school and identified them using adjectives. Students then read aloud clues and identified people, and associated adjectives to people they know personally, selecting the appropriate masculine or feminine form of adjective. 
Homework: your chart if it is incomplete and Décrivons-nous list where a name must be selected that best fits the adjectives given. Remember: bavard (e) = talkative.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

le 11 octobre - reports out

FSF 2D  - Students completed a choice of activities today in preparation for our 'reportage' that we will start tomorrow. We also had an expression "ton amour est aussi précieux que l'or". 
Photos of what you could be reporting on is on elearning. 

On Thursday, students will have a listening activity for marks. They will listen to a story and draw a plotline describing imparfait et passé composé actions. Go to elearning for the story we will do for practice tomorrow. 

FSF 1D - Students had a day in the lab where they were introduced to adjectives in a lesson and in a song. 
Here are some links to help better understand and practice adjectives. 

Match ! Associez-les!

By looking at the pictures and your note from today's lesson, which numbers would you scroll under which photos?

Thursday, October 6, 2016

le 6 octobre

Joyeuse Action de Grâce!!

Aujourd'hui vous avex taffé (you worked hard - phrase de la journée) . =) Good first dialogue, don't be afraid to elaborate on your next one. 

Our first journal entry for marks was completed today. Students did really well attempting new structures and applying concepts taught to talk about their childhood. 

FSF 1D- Students completed their first reading activity in class for marks. Be sure to always use time wisely. =) 

Have a great long weekend! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

le 5 octobre

-   Aujourd'hui, nous avons analysé des petites histoires de la jeunesse de Mme . She told us some characteristics of her childhood. We answered and discussed what type of children we were in our youth, and provided proof with stories of things that happened that supported those characteristics.
We then broke down Hansel and Gretel in English and French to determine and solidify when we use l'imparfait as opposed to le passé composé. We completed our very first Imparfait handout (that has the note on its construction). 
Students will be posed a journal question tomorrow in which they will write a large entry and apply passé composé and imparfait well. This will be their first written piece for marks.  They can expect to write about things we have talked about in class this week. 
First dialogue presentation tomorrow!

This note would be a great help if you need reinforcement

This self correcting quiz will tell you if you're on the right track about when to use each tense

FSF 1D - Students are prepared for their reading activity tomorrow! They can read and understand preferences, abilities and necessities. They can now discuss future professions they want to have, what they are able to do as those professionals (and can't do, or don't want to do) as well. The reading comprehension activity will take place in class and will be worth 20 reading marks. Students will be demonstrating their ability to understand interrogative phrases as well. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

le 4 octobre

FSF 2D - Today, our expressions commenced! Elles ont fait du bon travail! The first group did a good job! L'expression était "Acheter quelque chose en prix d'or". Remember, there will be an activity on your final exam about these expressions. Be sure you understand their meaning en anglais. 
We wrapped up our activity our listening and speaking activity and students will be expected to use passé composé and imparfait well and accurately on their JOURNAL activity IN CLASS on Thursday.   We listened to a story en français and deciphered it, talked about what was a continual action in the past and what things just happened. Then, through our song analysis, students discovered that l'imparfait can represent an -ed action in English, it can set a scene, describe weather, habitual actions and emotions. Students can now answer the following about their 'enfance' / childhood;
Quel émission était ton favori quand tu étais jeune?
Avait-tu une peluche (stuffy) Comment s'appellait-il ou elle?
Est-ce que tu avais un (e) ami (e) imaginaire? 
Qu'est-ce que tu aimais faire? 

Here is a useful site to explain imparfait vs. passé composé

Want additional practice or a note? Click here.

FSF 1D - Today, students read their first conversation aloud en français. We pieced together our knowledge of question words and phrases to and completed our first reading comprehension activity (open questions, vrai ou faux, and guess the English / French equivalent to the expressions). We can identify how to ask if someone is available to make plans for the weekend. 
THURSDAY is your first READING TASK for marks!
Next Wednesday, Thursday (and maybe Friday) you will be interogated  ☺ ?  One on one interviews to come! 

Monday, October 3, 2016

le 3 octobre - journée au labo!

FSF 2D - Students had their lab day of the week today. All instructions are on elearning. Students will complete their first in class journal entry for marks on Thursday this week. 

FSF 1D - Students completed their first listening activity for marks. Well done! All of our instructions are on elearning. Students will have an in-class reading activity for marks on THURSDAY.