FSF 2D - Today, our expressions commenced! Elles ont fait du bon travail! The first group did a good job! L'expression était "Acheter quelque chose en prix d'or". Remember, there will be an activity on your final exam about these expressions. Be sure you understand their meaning en anglais.
We wrapped up our activity our listening and speaking activity and students will be expected to use passé composé and imparfait well and accurately on their JOURNAL activity IN CLASS on Thursday. We listened to a story en français and deciphered it, talked about what was a continual action in the past and what things just happened. Then, through our song analysis, students discovered that l'imparfait can represent an -ed action in English, it can set a scene, describe weather, habitual actions and emotions. Students can now answer the following about their 'enfance' / childhood;
Quel émission était ton favori quand tu étais jeune?
Avait-tu une peluche (stuffy) Comment s'appellait-il ou elle?
Est-ce que tu avais un (e) ami (e) imaginaire?
Qu'est-ce que tu aimais faire?
Here is a useful site to explain imparfait vs. passé composé
Want additional practice or a note? Click here.
FSF 1D - Today, students read their first conversation aloud en français. We pieced together our knowledge of question words and phrases to and completed our first reading comprehension activity (open questions, vrai ou faux, and guess the English / French equivalent to the expressions). We can identify how to ask if someone is available to make plans for the weekend.
THURSDAY is your first READING TASK for marks!
Next Wednesday, Thursday (and maybe Friday) you will be interogated ☺ ? One on one interviews to come!
Le premier ministre de l’Ontario a consulté sa carte du ciel. Il croit les
astres alignés. Les citoyens de la province iront donc aux urnes le 27
février, ...
5 hours ago
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