La ligne chronologique!! Students were very successful on listening to a story (spoken in REAL French =) ) and plotting different events on a timeline. Excellent work!
Nous avions un peu de temps pour travailler sur notre reportage, aussi. Students now are generating ways they can talk as a group about an event that happened based on a photo.
FSF 1D -
Aujourd'hui in the grade nine world...
- we showed through drawing (and writing) that we could listen to descriptions of people using adjectives and accurately describe them on paper
- we demonstrated we can listen and read descriptions of people and compare them with adjectives to other people
- we see and can use the correct forms of adjectives, whether we describe a girl (or girls) or a boy (or boys)
- we worked on our adjectives organizer to describe people in our family
- we received the ten questions that we must prepare (and Mme will 'nterrogate us' for marks NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY) and be ready to answer three chosen at random.
Le premier ministre de l’Ontario a consulté sa carte du ciel. Il croit les
astres alignés. Les citoyens de la province iront donc aux urnes le 27
février, ...
6 hours ago
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