Tuesday, June 21, 2016

le 21 juin - last day!!! Joyeuse dernière journée!!! ~MERCI~

FSF 1P - Félicitations!!! Nous avons fait la fête!!!  If you are writing the exam tomorrow, see you at 9am sharp!!!! ☺

FSF 1D - We wrote our written exam today.  Our listening exam will take place on Thursday at 9am sharp. Please bring a writing utensil. It is encouraged to visit the links that were provided earlier on elearning - remember you had a chance to watch some videos from Là où je dors to practice? -  to further prepare. Félicitations on being presque finished!! ☺

FEF 1D - Nous avons completé nos examens orales. On a fait la fête aussi! Félicitations! If you were not here to complete yours, please see me asap, or send me an email.  Your listening exam is Friday at 9am sharp. ☺

Thank you et merci pour un bon semestre!! Je vous souhais de bonne chance sur vos examens, et un été plein de joie (et de soleil) ☺ !!!

Friday, June 17, 2016

le 17 juin

FSF 1P - Fun day!! Students completing the exam will have their speaking component completed on Monday in class.

FSF 1D - exam practice day. Students did a mock writing exam, were given helpful hints that will help them write even better exams next Tuesday in class, and they can come review their work at any time. Students saw an example of a nicely written exam, and saw the requirements of an old exam. 

FEF 1D - Examen de lecture today! Students are to check elearning to fill out a chart they can bring on Monday to their writing exam (with their completed charts). If students haven't already answered the questions on elearning for the letter to the 7s and 8s they are STRONGLY encouraged to complete that (as Mme will be correcting and showing the good stuff on elearning Sunday) ASAP!!!! 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

le 15 juin

FSF 1P - Students used this last lab day to work on their reading activities, finish up their title pages, complete the listening activity if it wasn't done and to use wordreference to be aware of any words they needed to complete their reading activity (due at the end of class tomorrow).

FSF 1D - Speaking exams are now complete!! Students will receive a reading/writing exam practice page tomorrow, and we will do a practice written exam in class on Friday.

FEF 1D - Les examens orales ont commencé aujourd'hui!! For your speaking exam, you will have three options; you can write about la classe et nos expériences ensemble, tu peux écrire une lettre aux 8ièmes, ou tu peux critiquer les deux films qu'on a regardé contre les uns et les autres.  =) INDICE!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

le 14 juin


FSF 1P - We worked in the lab today on our listening component of our culminating activity. 

FSF 1D - Nous avons fait nos examens orales. Only three to go! Students had listening exam practice to complete and hand in at the end of this class as well.

FEF 1D - Notre blog et Main Ro extravaganza et fete was today! 

Monday, June 13, 2016

le 13 juin

FSF 1P - Students are working on their culminating activity. We are on route to completing our listening activity and reading activity to complete this work by Thursday.  This is what the students saw today to be sure they are prepared. Good work! 
My  checklist

O    Title page   (Your name, musician/athlete name, date and FSF 1P)
O    Passé compose description of your musician / athlete
O    Analysis of your music / skill
O    Listening activity
O    Reading activity

·                   Rubric

FSF 1D - Today was our first day of speaking exams. They are going well! More students will complete them tomorrow and Wednesday. They now have exam review work and videos on elearning to prepare. Students are also encouraged to complete the chart given today to prepare for the written exam next Tuesday. 
 Please check elearning for details. 

FEF 1D - Les blogs des pays francophones were completed and handed in today. We guessed our last expression du jour "Bouche bée", and we created our Cartes d'info for our Main Ro fun planned for demain.  Some of us also learned how to cook crêpes, et des gaufres. 

C'était une bonne journée!!!

Friday, June 10, 2016

le 10 juin


FSF 1P - We have finished up our written culminating activities and will be working on our listening and speaking part of the assignment next week. Students started working on listening to designated French songs (started early in the semester and comparing them). 

FSF 1D - Students worked on their speaking exam questions today. Speaking exams start Monday. Students have a list of potential questions from which they will be asked three. In addition, they will be asked to give a recommendation of a supermarket, pharmacy, restaurant or church and give detailed explanation why they chose the place they did.

FEF 1D - Nous avons travaillé sur nos blogs francos, nos cartes d'info, et everything explaining our cartes will be on elearning. In addition, you can see the outline of the exams on there as well. 

Bon weekend à tous et à toutes!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

le 8 juin - assembly day

FSF 1P - We have been working away on our culminating activity and students read and analysed an examplar of a song description analysis. They are using that model to critique their own song / athlete's skill. Most students are now working on their analysis. Great job! 

FSF 1D - Today we did some reinforcement on futur simple. We have been discovering how it looks and sounds and how we can use it to describe each other's futures. Tomorrow students will have activities on the blog to practice. LISTENING EXAMS start next Monday! 

FEF 1D - Aujourd'hui nous avons continué notre travail sur notre blog d'un pays francophone! N'oubliez pas, c'est la journée de ketchup demain! 

Monday, June 6, 2016

le 6 juin

FSF 1P - Today students read about the day in the life of Homer Simposon in French. They are such good critical thinkers. We discovered that we can describe events that happened in two different ways, and now know that there are MRS DR VANDERTRAMP verbs that signal we need to use être. More to come tomorrow. Students also worked on their MAJOR PROJECT =) and created ten sentences of things that happened in their musician/athlete's life. Step 2 tomorrow- analysis of a song or a skill. We have been reviewing and analyzing many exemplars to help us as well.

FSF 2D - Today, students were informed of their exams and how most of them will work.


MONDAY JUNE 13 - 15 ~~~  Speaking exams in class
MONDAY JUNE 20 ~~~  Reading exam in class
TUESDAY JUNE 21 ~~~ Written exam in class

We also completed our daily routine snapshot posters, and listened to how differently "will do" something in French sounds than in English. Students are already reading and creating their own sentences to predict what activities our fellow classmates will accomplish in the future.
Great job!
It is encouraged that students visit the blog every day until exams for helpful hints, pointers and follow -up self correcting activities.
Futur Simple jeopardy - RE verbs will not have an E

Try this - you should be able to listen to a conversation and answer the questions

FEF 1D - Nous avons travaillé sur nos projets - les blogs francos!
Students should have completed 7 actions that happened on their trip .
Please scroll down to see the TOONDO that explains the subjuctive and complete the activity listed until April 14.
We will do a similar activity in class tomorrow. ☺ You will be expected to use the subjunctive in your written exam and your blog franco.

Friday, June 3, 2016

le 3 juin



FSF 1P - Lab day! All of our details are on elearning. Students are working on their final MAJOR task =).

FSF 1D - Lab day - Today students listened to and critiqued two songs. They can identify ME TE SE NOUS VOUS and SE in written form and by listening in a song. They practiced the daily routine phrases and were given more exam prep for their listening exam (23rd of June). Students speaking exams begin JUNE 13th!!!!!

FEF 1D - Nous avons dansé un peu! =) C'était amusant, et merci!!! 
Nous practiqions le subjonctif, nous avons fait une analyse d'une exemplar de notre tache de blog d'un pays francophone. Nous avons choisi nos pays et nous avons expliqué ce que nous voudrions faire comme tache. 


Bon weekend! 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

le 2 juin

FSF 1P - Today we read an examplar of a good description of a band with comparisons. Students have excellent reading comprehension at this point and can identify what elements they have learned from this semester in the reading. We also played "Guess who" where students read accomplishments of musicians they know and matched up which musician accomplished what actions that were described in passe compose. This is all to show students examples of good way to demonstrate what they have learned in their major music project. We did a quick listening activity where students heard actions in the past and  had time to work a bit more researching our group / athlete. Lab day tomorrow! Bring your earphones!

FSF 1D - Today, we rehearsed reflexive verbs by acting them out, taking a quick note on how they are formulated (with a kahoot for reinforcement and self assessment) and then by reading them to see how the forms are different depending on who is doing the action (to themselves). We had two readings to choose from; one from Giliane de Martinique, and one about One Direction. In groups of three, students applied what they have learned this week to give "une journée quotidienne" about one of the characters in the readings, or creatively on their own. We will finish this Monday. Lab day tomorrow ! Last listening activity for marks!!!! Bring your headphones. THIS IS WHAT WILL PREPARE YOU FOR YOUR LISTENING TASK TOMORROW. PLEASE READ (you saw it today): 

Giliane : Fort de France, Guadeloupe

Je me réveille de bonne heure tous les jours, vers six heures, car c’est la seule période de la matinée où il fait à peu près frais.  Je prends du thé et du pain avec du beurre et je me prépare.  Pour l’école je m’habille en chemise et en short.  Je vais à l’école à vélo avec mes frères et mes cousins.  Il commence déjà à faire chaud.  Les cours commencent à huit heures et demie.  A midi nous retournons à la maison pour manger.  L’après-midi, les cours recommencent à deux heures et se terminent vers cinq heures.  Avant de rentrer, nous nous amusons un peu.  Quelquefois on fait une partie de volley-ball, ou on fait de la musique ou on s’assied sur le trottoir pour bavarder et plaisanter.  Puis je rentre à la maison et je commence mes devoirs.  Je dîne avec ma famille et je me couche assez tôt (vers huit heures), vu que je dois me lever à six heures le lendemain pour aller à l’école.

Here is the Kahoot we played =)

FEF 1D - Aujourd'hui, nous avons appris le subjonctif. Students are expected to read through the notes on elearning if they haven't yet already from yesterday's class for reinforcement. Students acted as doctors, pyschologists, and therapists to apply different phrases (Il faut que, il est essentiel que... je veux que...) to give advice to a sick, tired and sad Mme. We know how to avoid subjonctif (il faut + infinitive = il faut visiter un docteur), we know the equivalents in English (it is necessary that he leave this party NOW!!) and we can speak using the subjonctive. We will continue with this demain. Students are encouraged to play this game to know how to formulate it better
Here is a helpful note if you need

Il faut que vous fassiez les associations!!! Match them up!!!

Il faut que vous essayiez les irreguliers aussi! Read and try the self correcting activity!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

le 1 juin - instructions for today

FSF 1P - Period 1 - Bonjour!!

Today you will review the link that was posted for homework last night. There is a handout to follow along with the conversation that you will hear and see on the screen. Please read the questions and answer them on the handout provided.

Here is the link to the conversation you are to experience today!!

Once you have finished the questions (don't be afraid to work with a partner), you may begin your brainstorming for your MAJOR MUSIC / SPORTS PROJECT . Please use the graphic organizer that the teacher will hand out to you to start brainstorming about your musician / group / team or athlete.
You may use your phones if you'd like to research.
If you would like to look through some exemplars, there are some in the package that the supply has that you may see.

Have a nice day! Bonne journee!!

FSF 1D - Period 2 - Bonjour! 

Today, you have three goals - to listen to a routine, to read a conversation, and to work on your speaking exam questions.

1. Please click on the link, listen to the conversation and complete the chart provided  
Listen and compare Thomas and Anne's routine. You may have to listen to the conversation more than once. Have a student (or the teacher) click to continue the video (and be sure to click on the speech bubbles to see what is being said).  If this is too problematic, it can be given for homework.  

2. Students are to read through the other dialogue that they didn't read yesterday with a partner. Decipher what is being said, and highlight all ME TE SE NOUS VOUS SE actions that are being described. 

3. Students are to work on their speaking exam questions. Their speaking exams will begin JUNE 13th. 

Have a nice day! Bonne journee! 

FEF 1D - Period 3 - Bonjour! 

Students have a library period today and all of their instructions are on elearning. They must hand in their critiques at the end of the period.