Thursday, December 22, 2016

- le 22 décembre -

FSF 2D -  Aujourd'hui, we completed a little listening activity about le météo. Students received an activity and a note and spoke and listened with partners to practice reading a weather report / saying one with prompts. They can listen to basic weather descriptions and draw what they heard on a map. On their note is an exemplar, and students will be completing an activity on a real weather report for marks when they return. Students will see on elearning THEIR SPEAKING EXAM QUESTIONS THAT WE DISCUSSED IN CLASS (and students can send me answers for feedback to be as prepared as possible) AND ACTIVITES TO PRACTICE knowing and understanding le météo. 

FSF 1D - LAB DAY and SPEAKING EXAM PROJECTS assigned. All détails (and questions that students can answer ahead of time and send to me for feedback) are on elearning. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

le 21 décembre

FSF 2D - Aujourd'hui, nous avons practiqué le vocabulaire du météo. We played a speaking Bingo game, completed this matching activity Click here to play what we played!
We started a heartwarming film to celebrate the holiday! There will be more in the next few days! 

FSF 1D - morning - journée au labo and students worked so well! Great focus today!
afternoon- we peer assessed a crossword done on Monday, and checked our answers, and completed some Christmas activities and a film. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

le 20 décembre

FSF 2D - Today, students started preparing for their speaking and listening task that will occur after the holiday break. They are researching about a francophone country and will be sharing their information with others complètement en français after the break. Students were working in groups to divide up the responsibilities, detailing their findings on visual organisers in Google docs. We will learn more about our 'dramatisation' to come in the next few days. 

FSF 1D - morning - le film de noël et travail pour nos tâches (un voyage inoubliable)

FSF 1D afternoon - travail au labo! Students have access to the evaluation, the outline of the task (un voyage inoubliable), a checklist to be sure they are on the right track, and the examplar slideshow all on elearning. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

le 19 décembre - la dernière semaine!!!

FSF 2D - Students had 10 minutes to look over previous activities from Petit Nicolas and ask questions before beginning the test, and then wrote the test! Tomorrow is a lab day!  

FSF 1D  morning- Today we rehearsed le vocabulaire de noël and how to say things in passé composé using être. We played our board game speaking out loud en français, talked about our project and began watching our holiday classic. 


1. Attendance. 
2. Please get out your notes for passé composé with être.
3. Complete the crossword while the teacher sets up the film. This classic will be en français with English subtitles. 
IF YOU CANNOT WORK QUIETLY, THE TEACHER HAS MY PERMISSION TO SHUT OFF THE FILM and I have attached additional work for you to do instead. 
4. Hand in the crossword when it is completed. 
5. Don't hesitate to grab something to colour from the front of the room if you would like to keep your hands busy during the film. 
6. Lab day tomorrow for your projects! 

Friday, December 16, 2016

le 16 décembre - c'est vendredi!!

FSF 2D  -  Today, students listened to and watched catchy (entrainant) Oreo commercials and completed a listening activity (identifying what WOULD (le conditionnel) happen if one had an oreo).   All of our activities are on elearning and should be reviewed if students were absent. 
We were introduced to some new vocab about weather (that will be used in our final discussion after the holiday break) and there were games to reinforce terms that identify new weather terms (sleet, drizzle, freezing rain, fog, for examples). 
Le Petit Nicolas test de compréhension is LUNDI  / MONDAY. The outline is available on today's elearning post.  Please be sure you have read the chapters that we read in class to be prepared and to use time as effectively as possible. 

FSF 1D - Today, students listened to an additional conversation that is AFTER the one we saw yesterday --- Hit the forward button twice on this site to access. This time, students tried it without a script to read along to in order to self - assess the amount of practice we will require to be successful on our listening exam. We listened to it a few times, discussed helpful strategies when completing a listening task, and then listened with the script - during which we used a different colour to make any corrections that we could find with our additional visual clues.  Students had instant feedback and should be more aware of how our listening exams will take place, as well as useful strategies to do one's best!
In addition, this activity discussed the events of one's past weekend (and students described Bernard as a drageur parce qu'il était occupé) that students could understand well. 
Bien fait! 
Morning class = We also had time to work on our projects and saw and analysed an exemplar (with a listening activity)
Afternoon class = We had a friendly challenge where the winners were allowed to use the SMARTboard dice instead - It was a reading activity where we had to read the story, identify it, and count how many actions happened. Well done ! Also, we reinforced our knowledge of the passé composé by actually playing our board game with die!! 

Here is a game for reinforcement ALL GRADE 9s - Choose whether or not this verb requires AVOIR or ETRE !

Bon weekend! 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

jeudi le 15 décembre

FSF 2D - journée au labo! We completed and submitted our projets du Petit Nicolas, we practiced a bit of conditionnel by watching an oreo commercial, we were introduced to our new lesson with interactive geography quizzes en français and we have a lab day tomorrow as well!!! 

Remember, we have a petit Nicolas test LUNDI 

FSF 1D -  We listened to this conversation and tried talking about it as best we could entirely en français with our elbow partners. We were assigned our next (and last) project and had time to brainstorm. Students will be exploring a French speaking country that they may not be familiar with and will present their information as if they had traveled to their country.  There are many options and choices for students for each to be as successful and as comfortable as possible. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

mercredi, le 13 decembre

FSF 2D - We spoke and spoke and spoke today! We have practiced talking about things that would be and could be possible, and identified many polite ways to ask and say things using the conditionnel.
Remember, presentations are due tomorrow!!! 

FSF 1D - Today, we watched and responded to questions about a lost group of filmmakers. Students did a great job! We started to brainstorm about our final project, and created a list of places we will discover more about. We had some time to catch up on missed work and played some geography trivia as a group to introduce our final activity for the year!!! 
Afternoon class - we enjoyed the beautiful concert this afternoon. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

le 12 décembre - le 2ième jour de noël ☺

 FSF 2D -  Nous avons discuté ce que nous dirions aux camarades s'ils avaient des problèmes! We gave advice using sentence starters "Si j'étais toi " and using le conditionnel. Nous avons parlé 'au téléphone' aussi and are warming up for our last task and for our exams.  We spent the rest of class wrapping up our Petit Nicolas présentation and Mme is always available to look over brouillons (rough copies) and to give feedback. Congrats to the students who have already taken advantage of this opportunity. Bien fait!!!

FSF 1D - Today, we wrote our critiques for a written mark out of 25. Students explained what happened at their building of choice that they critiqued and used recommendations to explain and justify their sentiments. They had 15 minutes to prepare and look over exemplars and wrote for approximately 20 minutes. Students then played a kahoot to reinforce our new passé composé endeavour with the verb être  - Voici le jeu!!! Here is the game!!!
They will be assigned their final project tomorrow and it will be available on D2L (elearning) by the end of the week for viewing. 

ALSO UPCOMING FOR ALL CLASSES : students will receive their QUESTIONS FOR THEIR SPEAKING EXAMS in order to begin preparing in advance (and over the holidays)!!!

Monday, December 12, 2016

le 12 décembre

FSF 2D -  Today, we started to talk about what you would do if something else was happening. Si je pouvais être un animal, je serais...    si j'étais riche, je voyagerais...   and nous avons joué au téléphone pour proactiquer. Today students also  had a lab day and typed up their scripts. Their presentations are due on Thursday! Vous serez prêts pour jeudi, j'en suis sûr!!

FSF 1D - Today students talked for 30 minutes en français au passé composé. They answered questions, played a game by describing past events, and matched sentences with photos on the SMARTboard. We are rehearsing for our final speaking exam (and for our critique). The final half of class was dedicated to preparing for our critiques that we will write in class for marks tomorrow. Examplars are on elearning. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

le 9 décembre

FSF 2D - Quizzes were written by students who were absent yesterday, students worked on their présentations de Petit Nicolas, and quizzes were handed back. Lab day Monday! 

FSF 1D - Today we completed our speaking tasks 1 on 1 with Mme! Well done!! We worked on our Alamo D'Etres and some were handed in! All others are due Monday at the beginning of class. 

Bon weekend à tous et à toutes! ☺

Thursday, December 8, 2016

le 8 décembre

FSF 2D - Today students had 5 minutes to look over their notes and asks questions for the quiz, wrote the quiz, listened to the examplar, and worked on their petit Nicolas presentation. If you were away today, you will write the quiz in class tomorrow. The exemplar is posted on elearning if you'd like to take a look  (and check out the colour categorizing!!)  

FSF 1D - Lab day; students were divided into groups, practiced their authentic speaking tasks (REAL SPEAKING TASK TOMORROW FOR MARKS), worked on their Alamo D'Etre (due at the end of class Friday) and played reinforcement activities on elearning.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

mercredi le 7 décembre

FSF 2D - QUIZ  TOMORROW      Students completed an activity to review for their quiz.  It is important to know the rules, similarities and how the futur simple et le conditionnel end. The notes and activity are on elearning. They were assigned their Petit Nicolas activity and it is due le 15 décembre.  Students were given a reading activity as well as a written activity to apply le conditionnel that Mme will check on Friday. 
Here is one review that we did today as a class

Feeling like a challenge? Read the sentences and complete with either futur simple (if the sentence starts with si... présent), or with conditionnel (if the sentence starts with Si... imparfait). 

Ex. If you drive (conduis) too fast, you WILL HAVE (auras) un accident. 
Click here to try this self correcting activity

FSF 1D - Today students worked on their Alamo D'Etres (due Friday) and wrote a dialogue to prepare for tomorrow's speaking activity. They will be earning marks on Friday for their speaking activity. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

le 6 décembre - on se souvient - we remember -

FSF 2D - Today, we completed our last listening activity for marks on Petit Nicolas. Students will receive their marks tomorrow and will choose the best mark of the two for entry. 
Students are assigned their speaking task for Petit Nicolas in which they will recreate and reminisce scenarios and characters they have come to know. They will receive marks for speaking about details, advice, expressions and shared thoughts. Tomorrow they will receive their specific criteria and marking scheme /30. 
 Remember that your grammar quiz will be on Thursday. We will do a few quick activities to remember le conditionnel et le futur simple. Please review the activities on the blog for reinforcement. 

FSF 1D - Today we read about the life of Homer Simpson and what he accomplished in a day. We observed the differences between uses of the passé composé (and know the importance of DR MRS VANDERTRAMP) and can identify which verbs take ETRE. We read through and completed a dialogue that will be used for our SPEAKING ACTIVITY ON FRIDAY FOR MARKS.  Some of us even started our own dialogues for practice. 
ALAMO D'ETRE will also be due FRIDAY FOR MARKS. There are examplars on elearning. 

choose your game for passé composé avec être

Try this pink panther game!

Try this one - être ou avoir ? Click on the correct answer!

Can you type in how the response should look? C'est criminel!! ☺

Monday, December 5, 2016

C'est lundi, le 5 décembre -

Bonjour tout le monde!!

FSF2D - C'est de l'ironie ; nous avons lu Je suis malade pour les devoirs et maintenanent, je suis chez moi et très malade.  J'espère que tout va bien avec vous!

Here are your instructions today;

    1. Be sure to have read Je suis malade from Petit Nicolas if you haven't already. We will complete our listening activity on that tomorrow. Complete the reading comprehension questions at the back of that chapter. We will have a test on the novel next Monday. If there are chapters you need to review please do that today, once your work is completed.

2. You have a handout that futher explains the uses of the conditionnel. Please complete activities 1,2 and 4.  Remember this for #1: we use the conditionnel to express a doubt (une doute), a condition (une condition), a wish (un souhait) or a form of politeness (la politesse). In exercise 1, you must identify what circumstance it is (a wish, a doubt, a condition or politeness). 

3. Our grammar quiz will be on Thursday at the beginning of class. You will fill in the blanks about rules and complete some conjugations (regular and irregular). You will read and complete the sentences with a logical answer as well. You are now able to complete the backside of your futur simple irregulars (which is the conditionnel irregulars). There is one mistake. Can you find it? 

  There are holiday colouring mandelas (and a review sheet for futur simple) if you have completed everything! They are at the front desk under the smart board.

Be sure to use your time wisely please! We will start our final projects on Petit Nicolas tomorrow after our listening activity. 

Aaron: I am sending you an email regarding tomorrow's announcements. 

Bonne journée!!

FSF 1D morning and afternoon


Today you will prepare yourselves further for our speaking task later this week and you will be familiarizing yourselves with some holiday vocabulary. 

1. You will receive a small handout with situations that will look familiar to ones you will be hearing during your speaking task. Please read each situation with a partner (out loud to practice pronunciation) and then identify and discuss a) who is speaking    b) what their problem is   and c) where they need to go .   You can write this down on a sheet of paper if you wish to help you remember as we review tomorrow. Then, you need to choose a place you would send that person and justify it (ex. I would send Grover to Food Basics because he needs a supermarket and Food Basics has the best prices and nicest service). 

2.  There is a booklet to begin that we will be using to discover more about French holiday traditions. Please complete as much as you can today. The first page is the vocab page and it is a little blurry so here is the real photo. 

Have a great day and I will see you tomorrow. =) 

Friday, December 2, 2016

vendredi le 2 décembre

FSF 2D - Today, students were challenged to read answers that students had written and were to guess what was the question . The question was "Qu'est-ce que tu ferais si tu avais 1 000 000 euros?" We then watched some presentations on expressions like "made up like a stolen truck" and "se mord la langue".  We watched a music video to the song "Mourir demain' as well. 
We are going to make 'bucket lists' next week and students were encouraged to read and understand Mme's examples. 

FOR HOMEWORK - We are going to read chapter 9 to prepare for our next listening activity on Monday (for marks- remember you get to pick the best mark out of the two).  Je suis malade is a cute and fun chapter and once we watch the video, we can start our project!!! 

Please also complete these online games to reinforce your knowledge so far on le conditionnel;

Cliquez ici pour un exercice! It is self correcting!

Cliquez ici pour une note du conditionnel et une activité (en bas - at the bottom of the page)

FSF 1D - we played a kahoot (or two), we caught up on missed quizzes, and students completed and handed in a listening task for marks today based on the film Les Choristes. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

le premier jour de décembre!

FSF 2D -  Today, we completed a speaking activity asking students about their futures. Then, we read the chapter Les carnets de Petit Nicolas with the question "Qu'est-ce que tu ferais?" . 
As we read, we identified things that would happen, and then learned the conditional tense. We took a brief note to summarize our findings - it is le futur simple with imparfait endings! It's like déjà vu!!
WE ALSO HANDED IN OUR JOURNALS (and took a second glance at some if we needed - advice was given at the beginning of class on how to improve et les erreurs communes).

Le conditionnel  -    

Click here to read when and why we use le conditionnel

Click here for a note with how it is made   (at the bottom there are exercices to try for reinforcement as well!) 

click here to play a game to see how well you can apply what you've learned about le conditionnel

Please watch this video to prepare for tomorrow's lesson
and this video as well!

FSF 1D - Today, we took 5 minutes to prepare for our quiz on passé composé, completed our quiz successfully and then completed the film! Nous avons aimé ce film! 
We worked well on identifying the characters in the film who performed the actions described in our list and are writing them in order et au passé composé for a listening mark. Students will have some time to complete their work and it will be handed in before leaving class tomorrow. Bravo!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

le 30 novembre

FSF 2D - Merci to our guest speaker!!! We were grateful to learn about what a new beginning in Canada means (as well as how things happen and why) and more about the Middle East and its French connections. Merci beaucoup! Journals and cootie catchers should be in tomorrow!

FSF 1D - review of our film, and mini quiz tomorrow (on the rules of passé composé). Be sure to review activities on elearning for reinforcement if you would like revision (and try your assessment/quiz preview) to be sure you are on the right track! We will do one warm up activity before our quiz tomorrow. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

lundi, le 28 novembre

FSF 2D - Aujourd'hui, nous avons discuté nos prédictions pour l'avenir. Here were some topics;
On fera des predictions! 
Qu’est-ce qui se passera? 

des 'sentence starters' 
Dans 10 années ou plus… 
Il y aura…

des 'sujets'  
La téchnologie – 
La santé – Les docteurs pourront parler au FaceTime avec leurs clients qui sont trop loins / malades
Le monde politique – Donald Trump changera…
Le monde géographiques -  Les icebergs fondront, Cuba deviendra plus démocratique?
La francophonie – (le monde francophone) 

Les personnages de Petit Nicolas

- Sera le plus réussit? (successful)
- Aura beaucoup d’enfants?
- Sera en bonne forme? En bonne santé?
- Sera au prison?  Ira au prison? Ira à l’hopital psychologique
- Deviendra un docteur? 

PUIS, nous avons regardé une épisode de Petit Nicolas. We will watch two this week and answer questions for marks and you can choose the best mark to be recorded! If you were away, you can watch one at lunch, please see Mme for details.

LES JOURNAUX - due Wednesday now.   Here is how you will be evaluated and what is should be about. It is also on elearning.

Journa1                                                                             /20

            Des idées claires          /  4                           Des idées bien dévélopées         /4
            Phrases complètes       / 2                            Grammaire                                 / 6
            Utilisation des nouveaux mots    / 4         


Qu’est-ce qui se passera dans l’avenir?  What will happen in the future?

Vous employerez le futur simple pour décrire le futur   (le tien, du monde, même du Petit Nicolas si vous voudriez (if you would like!))

Vous expliquerez au moins 3 de vos idées.

FSF 1D - we had a listening activity (for marks) today in the lab. All details are found on elearning. QUIZ mercredi! Quiz WEDNESDAY on passé composé!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

jeudi le 24 novembre

FSF 2d - Today, students were made aware that we are having a FIESTA catch-up on expressions day! Due to our technical difficulties, we have missed three weeks of 1-2 minute presentations so we will catch up tomorrow! Bring your snacks, your attention and your creative thinking caps. 

Today, we talked about our futures. Students read and listened to what I will do, and then we deduced the rules of Le Futur Simple
Students looked at the rules, made their own note, and then had choices;
-read the predictions and guess who
- create a cootie catcher to provide predictions for other student's futures
- start their journal (due TUESDAY - at least 10 futur simple uses) 
or all of the above. 

We had a good time practicing le futur simple in different ways. The irregulars are on the board and ready to be used tomorrow. 


FSF 1D - morning - - students watched some episodes (choice of Mme and their choice) of Là où je dors. We talked about how we can rehearse and 'train our ears', and we identified strategies to determine what can best help us understand spoken French. Students completed a chart for assessment as to how well they can gather evidence about people (and their lifestyles) while listening.

Here is the link to the video: Click here to choose and watch what you would like! 

Then, we did an act/look/remember game to introduce how we will talk about things that happened in the past. The goal; to do one activity for 2 minutes, watch the classmates and then list who did what en français!!! We will continue this tomorrow! 

afternoon - today we talked about passé composé, we filled in a sheet to have a note, and played some kahoots! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

le 23 novembre

FSF 2D -  L'activité de compréhension (for marks) ! If you were not in class, you can complete the task at lunch tomorrow. We did a warm up activity in the caf and had time to prepare before completing the reading comprehension activity and handing it in. Students were also given some predictions to read and were to guess whose future was being described (and seeing the uses of futur simple at the same time!)

Here were the warm up questions; be sure to have read the chapter and ask Mme questions in the morning if you have them! 

1. Qu’est-ce que c’est …

Un mouchoir?

Un sifflet?

2. Qui…

Se battaient? Pourquoi?

Était attaché à l’arbre?

3. Pourquoi …

La mère les a appelé?

Le papa restait dehors après le gouter? 

FSF 1D - morning - Students completed their speaking tasks today, demonstrating their knowledge of buildings, the verbe aller, the ability to describe why people go to those buildings, and direction words. GREAT JOB! There were many creative conversations!!!  =) Excellent work. 

FSF 1D - afternoon - students watched some episodes (choice of Mme and their choice) of Là où je dors. We talked about how we can rehearse and 'train our ears', and we identified strategies to determine what can best help us understand spoken French. Students completed a chart for assessment as to how well they can gather evidence about people (and their lifestyles) while listening.

Here is the link to the video: Click here to choose and watch what you would like!

Then, we did an act/look/remember game to introduce how we will talk about things that happened in the past. The goal; to do one activity for 2 minutes, watch the classmates and then list who did what en français!!! We will continue this tomorrow! 

Quelle bonne journée!! What a nice day! Thanks for your participation, everyone. ☺

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

mardi, le 22 novembre

FSF 2D --   

         WINK WINK CLIN D'OEIL CLIN D'OEIL   - - - - - We will be having an evaulation task tomorrow on the chapter Les Cowboys. Please be sure you have read the chapter!!!! It is a reading marks task. Here is the kahoot that was posted and that we played some questions from today. PLAY THIS TO HELP YOU SUCCEED tomorrow!

Today we also;  practiced some virelangues to get speaking, read some sentences that introduced us to le futur simple, played a kahoot about Le Petit Nicolas and the futur simple, and (we should have) finished Les Cowboys. 

This task will be approximately 30 written marks of vrai/faux, compare in short sentences, identify the characters (based on all of our previous knowledge of the characters so far - you may use your notes) and reading comprehension questions. 

Voici l'autre Kahoot que nous avons joué aujourd'hui.

Here is a photo that elaborates on the sentences we were reading and describing today:

We will be diving deeper into this later this week! 

FSF 1D - morning - Today we discussed directions and by the end of the class, we listened to clues, gave partners directions and were the most successful at doing all of this EVER!! Great work! you will have a listening mark based on a similar activity to what we did this morning when we are in the lab on MONDAY! We also had time to work on our "I know where I am going" speaking task that students will complete tomorrow for marks. 

- afternoon- Students completed their "I know where I am going" speaking task today for marks. Bravo!

Monday, November 21, 2016

le 21 novembre

FSF 2D - Today, we started the next term by speaking more often. Students are encouraged to speak (and will be able to keep their 100 euros - that's 10   10 euro bills) and were given a list of expressions to introduce how they feel about something (selon moi, à mon avis... je suis d'accord) and were to discuss the answers given to our first chapter's questions in le Petit Nicolas. Some students are expected to catch up on what they missed on Thursday - check elearning for your necessary documents. We then were introduced to another form to make ourselves accountable for speaking... we were given a list of questions to discuss to get into the habit of speaking en français and tracked the journey of our discussion in the Harkness method (a circle with lines that are indicate how each participant contributed to the discussion). 
Students will be speaking and applying what we are learning in class more in spoken form (and homework on paper will be done at the end of class or at home with links for reinforcement here. 

FSF 1D- morning - we prepared for our speaking task. Students completed a dialogue applying forms of aller, à, explanations of and direction words about places. They were given feedback and will create a larger dialogue for speaking marks on WEDNESDAY.

FSF 1D - afternoon - Today we started talking about directions to use when finding your way around a city. Students participated in a listening activity to determine if they could follow directions, we took note of important direction word phrases and then students directed each other around the classroom blindfolded. We completed a listening activity by watching this video and answering a few questions - we also got to see many words we saw today in action - Click here to see the video.   MOST IMPORTANTLY - we started talking about what  strategies we can apply to improve our listening skills and be prepared for our listening exam. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

le 17 novembre

FSF 2D -  Lab day! Please check elearning for details. There are questions for the reading, and questions for the video as well. Have them ready for Monday!! 

FSF 1D - morning - we took up and practiced work from yesterday, and learned direction words. We played some fun games to apply those words. 

              afternoon - we did our rough draft practice for our next speaking task. Students created a conversation to accompany a manipulative (action figure or car) around their city. They had to discuss where they were going, why there were going there, and where the building was in conjunction with another. The real 'dramatisation' for marks will happen Tuesday. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

mercredi le 16 novembre

FSF 2D - Aujourd'hui, vous allez me donner vos réponses pour le film, répondre aux questions du premier chapitre de Petit Nicolas, et commencer a lire a propres de l'écrivain et le dessinateur du Petit Nicolas.

FSF 1D - I hope you felt good about your practice session yesterday!! Read these instructions carefully. 

morning class - Please use your notes and the visuals in the class to hand in 2 completed worksheets on the verb ALLER and the different forms of TO THE (remember they change depending on if the place one is going to is masculine, feminine, starts with a vowel or the letter h and if the place is plural (s, x) ) . Read the notes and examples I left for you on the page to help as well please. 
If you are finding this difficult, here is a quick lesson;

Click here to see more about how that preposition works

afternoon class - You have a sheet to complete and hand in for reading marks called Ou vont-ils? Complete this and then you can watch the film. 


You may watch the really well known and interesting film called LIFE IN A DAY. It is a collaboration of thousands of YouTube videos to convey different lifestyles around the world. 

Please remind the teacher that there are scenes to be skipped. They are written on their instructions.

morning class starts from the beginning 
afternoon class starts from 20:00

Click here to watch the video!! Cliquez ici pour le regarder!

There is no activity to go along with this video, and I ask for your respect and attention while you watch the film. 

for marks tomorrow (Monday for the morning class) is;

What do you believe was the intention of the director and producer of this film? Were they successful in what you feel they were trying to achieve? 

Example: I feel that they wanted to explore the world and use YouTube in an educational way. They were successful because I learned that... 

Do not hesitate to take notes to use as reference for tomorrow (talk about Tai-Chan, Oakwan Yoon, or the girl who speaks at the end of the film).

Bonne journée et a demain !
(please excuse the lack of accents!)

Monday, November 14, 2016

le 14 novembre

FSF 2D - Nous allons commencer avec des virelangues. Nous avons completé nos tâches de petit Nicolas, et nous avons continué à voir le film. Remember your listening comprehension questions will be due after the video tomorrow. We also received our Petit Nicolas readers and each book is assigned to a student. 

Click here to listen to the CHAPTER DJODJO and you can read along with your reader!!

Want to practice how sounds sound? Click here- we will do a virelangue activity that this reinforces!

FSF 1D - Morning- we finished our maps! Be ready to use them later this week! 
               Afternoon - we completed two activity sheets reinforcing the verb aller, the preposition à and it's different forms, and understanding where things happen in our city. We played two kahoots to practice. Here is the kahoot #1
Here is the kahoot #2

Friday, November 11, 2016

vendredi le 11 novembre - le jour du souvenir

FSF 2D - Nous avons commencé le film Le petit Nicolas, and we have two different activities from which to choose for a listening task.  students also handed in their summaries today, and all students now have their speaking marks back! 


FSF 1D - We completed a quick listening activity and know the uses of à, à la, au, aux, and à l' and completed our cartes/maps. 

There will be a link with a slideshow on elearning to help if you were away this weekend... you know who you are! 

Bon weekend à tous and à toutes! Let's be grateful and thankful for what we have au Canada! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

mercredi le 9 novembre

FSF 2D - Merci pour ta participation aujourd'hui! The students and the teachers had very nice things to say. You are leaders in the making et déjà sur la route!!! Tomorrow you will have your summary task based on the story you read this past week (and know well hopefully after the reading comprehension questions). 

Here will be your criteria; 

Sommaire :   A.  Identifiez au moins 6 événements importantes de l'intrigue (the plot) et décrivez-le en ordre chronologique.  B. Employez 4 pronoms différents (introduced, correct order, correct pronoun). C. Employez le vocabulaire nouveau du texte. 

You will also complete your speaking activities tomorrow. 

FSF 1D - morning - Aujourd'hui, we discussed the amenities and knowledge we would need in order to live successfully in a city in a different culture and language. We are starting our unit about knowing our city and being able to help and direct one another.  We are 'en route' to creating a map in groups, and have completed a reading activity that resulted in a vocab list of buildings to know en anglais et en français. Tomorrow, we will do a speaking activity and work on our carte! 

   afternoon-  We are 'en route' to creating a map in groups, and have completed a reading activity that resulted in a vocab list of buildings to know en anglais et en français. Today we also spoke as tourists in need of help and our peers listened to us and identified where we needed to go. People told us where to go today by saying Il faut aller ________________.    

GREAT JOB TODAY! vous avez bien travaillé!!! A demain! 

Monday, November 7, 2016

lundi le 7 novembre... novembre... c'est vrai?!


FSF 2D - Today students read aloud for a speaking mark. We are perfecting intonation, use of punctuation and identifying when people speak in written French. There are other sounds and words students are being marked on, all posted on elearning.  We will continue this tomorrow and in-class students will have a summary to prepare (can be video or written) where they will recount the story we have been reading and applying grammar concepts we have learned for a reading mark. 

FSF 1D -    The pronom Y - we can identify it, use it in a sentence and say it out loud! We can use it in sentences now instead of repeating places. 

Morning class - we completed our charts and our questions for our cinéma project. Tomorrow we complete our invitations and we hand it all in for marks!! 

Afternoon class - we completed our questions and invitations and have 15 min at the beginning of class to put it all together to hand it ALL IN ON TIME. =) 

There will be late marks for late work, as students had ample time to complete these tasks. Come see Mme at lunch if you need some help completing your work. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

vendredi le 4 novembre

C'est presque le weekend!! 

FSF 2D - Students today assessed each other's speaking aloud skills in order to perfect our reading FOR MARKS lundi.  Students received reading comprehension activities that will be handed in at the end of class on Monday as well. They are accessible on D2L. There are also photos of what Mme will be listening for to be sure you are improving your reading en français; c'est ce que nous avons practiqué aujourd'hui.  This is all work that will benefit us when we begin reading our novel Le petit nicolas. 

FSF 1D - morning - J'y suis allé(e) !!! I went there!!!
Students learned the purpose of Y, completed a listening activity where they listened to reasons why I go there, and identified where 'there' was. They completed a geographical task that applies the word 'there' Y en français.  Students also told me aloud where I put my keys (hypothetical speaking activity) and a place that they had been!  BRAVO!

FSF 1D - both classes - This helps;

Going through these slides will help as well.

FSF 1D afternoon - We continued our work on our soirée à Montreal. Students created invitations today, identifying what is GOING (using aller) to be done on their voyage, when, and where in the city. They created an HORAIRE, scheduling one day of their trip.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

le 3 novembre

FSF 2D  - Nous avons lu aujourd'hui!!! 
Please check elearning to see how you will be evaluated on Monday for your first reading aloud task! 
Students have vocab sheets and were guided as to how to implement them (because the next stories they read will be even more in depth and vocabulary building is important), and tomorrow we will practice and complete some comprehension activities to accompany these stories. 

FSF 1D - morning - labo - check D2L - students were also shown updated marks. New marks will be available next week.

FSF 1D - afternoon - today, we discovered what we know about other places in the world. Once students identified these places they read clues about (in French and in English), they wrote whether; they are going there
they want to go there
they don't want to go there 
they like to go there  and / or 
if they have been there.

We also did a listening task identify what places I was describing (buildings in the city) by listening to what I do there, why I go there. 

Students who had completed their work had a chance to see their marks. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

mardi, le 1 novembre

FSF 2D - Students are perfecting their knowledge of pronouns. They are doing a major review of all of them and had real paper homework to prepare for tomorrow. 
For our Quelle heure est-il activité, students answered the following sentences using des pronoms. 

Aimais-tu aller au labo pour la classe de français? 

Est-ce que tu as mangé beaucoup de bonbons hier?

Est-ce que tu as vu les films de Will Ferrell ?

Combien d'étudiants y a-t-il dans cette classe? 

Students will learn how to use 2 pronoms in one sentence!  Here is a little note and activity to get you started!

FSF 1D - We had lab days! Check e-learning for all the details. 

See you tomorrow visitors! 

Monday, October 31, 2016

le 31 octobre

FSF 2D  - Students learned in small groups and taught themselves the following;

Choose which letters (E, S or nothing) should be added to these past participles (équipe 1s lesson)

Click the correct pronoun from the dropboxes provided

Choose if you can use Y or EN and type it in the space provided
Can you rewrite the sentences with the correct pronouns?

Want a review of everything? Click here!


 - Per. 2 -  Today, we did group activities in the caf.  Students also got to do some trick-or-treating. We voted on our posters for le plus créatif, le plus colorié, etc. et LE MEILLEUR! 
We will be in the computer lab tomorrow. Bring your earphones! 

Per. 3 - Today, students had three tasks in our lab session;
To know the verb ALLER
T know the pronom Y = there
To know and understand their authentic reading task ( A Montréal et au cinéma). 
We will be in the lab tomorrow as well. Bring your headphones! 

Friday, October 28, 2016

le 28 octobre - quelle semaine occupée!

FSF 2D - This week students ...

--- practiced pronunciation and reading aloud
--- learned the use and context of lui et leur
--- completed their reportage
--- completed a listening activity for marks (today)
--- watched an émission that is based on the book we will begin reading  (today) 
--- received and began working on personal questions using all pronouns we know so far

For homework, students are to be sure to read through the slides on elearning, and we will complete our big listening activity about the émission que nous avons regardé la semaine prochaine. 

FSF 1D  - This week students

-- learned more about irregular adjectives and witnessed where they go in a sentence
--- compared movie posters using the comparative and superlative with a poster reading activity
--- talked about strategies used to entice viewers to buy movie tickets
--- created own posters to attract an audience for marks ( and for a comparative friendly competition on Monday) 
--- (period 3) read and answered questions and understood comparisons of musicians, concerts, and forms of good better and best ! 

Here is an easy to understand note and an activity that explains what we are in the process of being able to do

Monday, October 24, 2016

lundi le 24 octobre

FSF 2D  - Today we recorded our final reportages, and we had a lesson on lui and leur. Students are to complete the work given during the lesson for homework.  Be sure to check the activities from the previous week on elearning for additional reinforcement. 

Choose correctly - would you change the phrase to lui or leur? Check your understanding with these 5 questions

Regardez ce vidéo si tu as besoin plus d'exemples

FSF 1D - Today, students recieved some work back, we introduced our mini cinéma unit, and learned about BAGS adjectives as well as how to say the most    /    - iest   (le plus effrayant = the scariest, par exemple) . 

Here is a reinforcement exercise to help with adjectives. Click on the true or false to show you can identify BAGS adjectives
There is also a slideshow posted on elearning that was discussed today in class.

Students will have a poster task that will be due THIS THURSDAY IN CLASS that will demonstrate their knowledge of adjectives, comparing things in French using movie vocab and the characteristics of a poster that entices the public to buy tickets!

Friday, October 21, 2016

vendredi le 21 octobre

FSF 2D - Today, students recorded their rough copies of their reportages, and they have feedback already that they can access through their dropbox submission on D2L. Monday they will record their reportages for marks, and will be starting a new concept (some have already started this week by going through the activities on their newsfeed on D2L).  

FSF 1D - We read pre-made profiles aloud today, recorded them, and our afternoon class completed their speed dating activity. Students were able to listen to descriptions read by their peers, identify who they were describing (someone famous) and give proof as to how they knew who was being described.  There are activities on elearning to do for homework (practice le verbe aller) . Our next unit - le cinéma!!! There are reading and listening activities to start assessing what you already know and can do. Students from period 2 will complete the listening activity later next week.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

mercredi le 19 octobre

FSF 2D - Today students were given a checklist to make sure they are where they need to be by the end of the week. They know what photo they will be reporting on, and have been preparing for many things. Check out elearning and D2L to see the details. 

FSF 1D - We rehearsed for our first major writing task today. Students know exactly what to expect, as well as the requirements for the activity. They were encouraged to access elearning / D2L to see more examplars of good work, and a rubric with how they will be evaluated. It is worth 45 written marks. 

Want to snazz it up even more? Can you add how your members are related to others**? You could also explain things about them in the negative ***

   ** (de ma grandmère): Son mari est Doug, mon grandpère. 

*** Ma soeur n'est pas gentille tout le temps. Elle est gentille de temps en temps. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

mardi, le 18 octobre - Allez Jays!!!!!

FSF 2D - 

  Today, we continued with our mini-lessons on the objets directs - le, la and les -  that represent IT and THEM in English. As students work with Mme in small groups, they are to apply what they have learned (and use their reference notes and what is on elearning) to complete some sentences on the sheet. Other students are working on their reportage (outline and examplar on elearning / D2L) and their expressions if need be. Reportages are rehearsed Friday and then presented on Monday. 

Students are strongly encouraged to use time wisely and to access their additional resources in order to practice this concept.  There are two additional notes on D2L students can use as reference. 

FSF 1D - 

Today students completed their speaking tasks, a film and an activity based on our film Le Petit Nicolas. Students from period 3 also created their speed dating list, chose one character from that list they will portray and wrote 5 adjectives about them to get them started. Tomorrow is our rehearsal day for our first big writing task, and also time to create our 'Speed Dating Profile'. Students will demonstrate that they can listen to one another speak, and then write down who that person is acting as, with proof that supports their decision.  Want to practice Vouloir Etre Avoir and Pouvoir to strengthen your knowledge of these for your Arbre Généologique (happening Thursday?)

Associez-les! Match these up!
Choose the correct form of vouloir
Write in the correct form of Pouvoir and check your work
Can you choose from the dropdown list the correct verb (être or avoir) and it's correct form to make these sentences logical?


Période 2 et 3 - FSF 1D - banque de mots - word bank -

FSF 1D -  Voici la banque de mots pour l'activité du film Le Petit Nicolas.

Choose the correct form of the adjective that best describes each character on your sheet. Write it down on the blank provided. 

Banque de mots

*** gourmand = aime manger

riches           n'est pas intelligente         gourmande           curieux               gentil              gentille                  sympas                créative     très intelligent         aimables           gourmand                  riche       jeune       jeunes       méchants           n'est pas intelligent            fatigué    content

Once you have completed your activity, double check your work and HAND IT IN!!!!

Here are your options of activities to work on before you leave today;
- You may completed your adjectives organizer for your ARBRE GENEOLOGIQUE
- You may read and determine whether you match the description of your Chinese zodiac animal
- You may create a list of famous characters that you can provide to start our CELEBRITY SPEED DATING activity that we will start tomorrow!

Monday, October 17, 2016

lundi, le 17 octobre

FSF 2D -  Les élections, et puis, beaucoup de choix;
Students have a ppt on elearning to read, a lesson avec Mme to recieve, a reportage to be working on and possibly an expression or phrase to be preparing.

FSF 1D - Students watched Le Petit Nicolas, and came to be interrogated for a speaking mark! They are doing a great job identifying questions and talking about themselves and a few others. Great work. 
Here is your homework for today, afternoon class;
Please read through these five slides

Bonne journée!

Friday, October 14, 2016

vendredi le 14 octobre - bon weekend!

FSF 2D - Practice day - 

Students can work on their reports for their photos this weekend. They will take place on next Wednesday and Friday.

Do you remember pronouns? Check elearning to see what we will be learning next week! There is a ppt presentation

and here is...
a listening activity we will try next week! Do you know how certain words can be replaced with "there" "it" "them" "to him" or "to her" en français. You can click to listen as well!

FSF 1D - Students read and analysed an example of our speed dating profile task that will take place next week. We also talked more about adjectives. 

Click here to see the chart of irregulars that will help with your homework!

Click here to try to apply adjectives correctly in jeopardy form

Next MONDAY we have our first real speaking tasks one-on-one! Students have been preparing a pink sheet to be successful. It is encouraged that they practice!

Next Wednesday will be our ARBRE GENEOLOGIQUE in class writing assignment. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

le 13 octobre - jeudi -


La ligne chronologique!! Students were very successful on listening to a story (spoken in REAL French =)  ) and plotting different events on a timeline. Excellent work! 

Nous avions un peu de temps pour travailler sur notre reportage, aussi. Students now are generating ways they can talk as a group about an event that happened based on a photo. 

FSF 1D  - 
Aujourd'hui in the grade nine world...

 - we showed through drawing (and writing) that we could listen to descriptions of people using adjectives and accurately describe them on paper
- we demonstrated we can listen and read descriptions of people and compare them with adjectives to other people
- we see and can use the correct forms of adjectives, whether we describe a girl (or girls) or a boy (or boys)
- we worked on our adjectives organizer to describe people in our family
- we received the ten questions that we must prepare (and Mme will 'nterrogate us' for marks NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY) and be ready to answer three chosen at random.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

le 12 octobre - mercredi -


      Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait une exercice écoute qui allait nous aider (to help us) pour la ligne chronologique (timeline)  demain.  Be sure to access elearning to try the reading activity that will help you be successful tomorrow. 
We also checked our answers from our activities in class yesterday, formed groups for our first big speaking task, chose three photos that we will tell stories about (also available on elearning). Timeline listening activity tomorrow and nous deviendrons les journalistes demain!!!! 

FSF 1D - Today, we played Qui est-ce where students listening to clues about celebrities and well known people in the school and identified them using adjectives. Students then read aloud clues and identified people, and associated adjectives to people they know personally, selecting the appropriate masculine or feminine form of adjective. 
Homework: your chart if it is incomplete and Décrivons-nous list where a name must be selected that best fits the adjectives given. Remember: bavard (e) = talkative.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

le 11 octobre - reports out

FSF 2D  - Students completed a choice of activities today in preparation for our 'reportage' that we will start tomorrow. We also had an expression "ton amour est aussi précieux que l'or". 
Photos of what you could be reporting on is on elearning. 

On Thursday, students will have a listening activity for marks. They will listen to a story and draw a plotline describing imparfait et passé composé actions. Go to elearning for the story we will do for practice tomorrow. 

FSF 1D - Students had a day in the lab where they were introduced to adjectives in a lesson and in a song. 
Here are some links to help better understand and practice adjectives. 

Match ! Associez-les!

By looking at the pictures and your note from today's lesson, which numbers would you scroll under which photos?