FSF 2D - Today, we started the next term by speaking more often. Students are encouraged to speak (and will be able to keep their 100 euros - that's 10 10 euro bills) and were given a list of expressions to introduce how they feel about something (selon moi, à mon avis... je suis d'accord) and were to discuss the answers given to our first chapter's questions in le Petit Nicolas. Some students are expected to catch up on what they missed on Thursday - check elearning for your necessary documents. We then were introduced to another form to make ourselves accountable for speaking... we were given a list of questions to discuss to get into the habit of speaking en français and tracked the journey of our discussion in the Harkness method (a circle with lines that are indicate how each participant contributed to the discussion).
Students will be speaking and applying what we are learning in class more in spoken form (and homework on paper will be done at the end of class or at home with links for reinforcement here.
FSF 1D- morning - we prepared for our speaking task. Students completed a dialogue applying forms of aller, à, explanations of and direction words about places. They were given feedback and will create a larger dialogue for speaking marks on WEDNESDAY.
FSF 1D - afternoon - Today we started talking about directions to use when finding your way around a city. Students participated in a listening activity to determine if they could follow directions, we took note of important direction word phrases and then students directed each other around the classroom blindfolded. We completed a listening activity by watching this video and answering a few questions - we also got to see many words we saw today in action - Click here to see the video. MOST IMPORTANTLY - we started talking about what strategies we can apply to improve our listening skills and be prepared for our listening exam.
Le Goncourt Patrick Chamoiseau reçoit *L’actualité* dans son île au milieu
des Antilles, pour parler d’identité et de langue.
15 hours ago
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