FSF 1P - Today, students played a quick into game where were matched up popular French foods to know what they are called en français. We then listened to and idenfied foods in this song (TFO Flip - Je suis végétarien parodie and talked about the struggles of the singer being a vegetarian.
The students then read statements that compared coffees Mme likes and ice cream shoppes. We now know and can use and apply bon et meilleur properly in written, orally and aurally. Students in pairs chose a category given to compare things that are good, better and better than, and best. Some students are already starting to structure sentences in different order - the food at McDo is good \ McDo has good food. Great work!
FSF 1D - Final presentations today! We now know and have compared different francophone countries including Madagascar, New Caledonia, and Burundi. Great work. Listening charts are in, and students had the opportunity to complete additional work for marks, as well as start brainstorming for what they will write on their carte postale, based on what they learned from their research. CARTE POSTALE ACTIVITY FOR MARKS ON TUESDAY!!!
FEF 1D - Nous avons appris les expressions "Avoir les deux pieds dans la même bottine" et Etre coiffé comme le dessous de bras". Good work on the presentations. We then analysed qui, que et dont in English and French and students can confidently apply it in written form. They are able to create their own sentences out of ideas for phrases and can explain the significance of the pronouns. We know DONT and saw some uses of OU today as well. Here is one activity we did that you can try at home for practice. THERE WILL BE A MINI QUIZ ON QUI QUE and DONT tomorrow.
Please do these games and activities to practice;
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SI VOUS AVEZ DES QUESTIONS, ENVOYEZ-MOI un courriel ce soir @gmail.com address, svp!
Le premier ministre de l’Ontario a consulté sa carte du ciel. Il croit les
astres alignés. Les citoyens de la province iront donc aux urnes le 27
février, ...
6 hours ago
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