Tuesday, April 14, 2015

le 14 avril

FSF 1D - We finished our film! We also started working on pronunciation in practicing some fun vire langues! We worked on S and C.  Tomorrow, we are starting a new lesson. Here is something that can help you get started;

Reflexive Verbs

FEF 1D - Today we worked more with pronoms with our Mad Libs type activity. We reviewed Y and EN and there are links on elearning if you are interested for those. We will talk more about LE LA et LES demain.  Here are some useful links for these things (called les pronoms objets directs)

Pronoms objects directs

http://www.quia.com/rr/381075.html - Practice   --- FOR SURE TRY THIS ONE!!!

FEF 3U / 4U -  We continued our work on describing actions that have happened (le plus que parfait) , and on having actions done by others (le faire causatif).

   FEF 3U - verify your homework activity here Check your answers by clicking here and choosing your answers. Read the instructions that are below pour les resultats
Many useful links are below

Le plus-que-parfait - les utiles utiles   =)

http://www.quia.com/custom/3793main.html - Practice

http://www.quia.com/custom/3793main.html - Practice

For tomorrow, we are going to talk about le conditionnel passé
et les pronoms possessifs ( watch at 8 min here to see How do you say 'it's yours' or 'it's mine?' )

FEF 4U - Le Faire Causatif
  -vidéo pour l'expliquer
 - Voici un bon exercice et j'ai des réponses!
Remember there is also help on elearning

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