FSF 1P - Students are thinking on their feet en français! Don't be afraid to speak up more!
Here is a link on question words if you'd like to practice. Tomorrow, we are in the lab to do a survey, listen and compare a few chansons en français et de créer un sondage.
This link is great! Check out the HEAR IT, WRITE IT and READ IT exercices at the bottom!
For more practice and to take it further, check this out and click on the speech bubbles to hear how the questions sound!
FSF 1D - We had a lab day today! Today, we listened to descriptions of people and charted what they like and don't like. Students are listening to authentic French and understanding by using context and cues basic interests. They earned a listening mark today. Everything is accessible through elearning. Bravo!
We will be starting to ask more questions and talk about things we want to do, can do and must do. Here is a list of the words we will be able to apply in our next task for marks.
After reviewing this photo, voulez-vous jouer un jeu pour practiquer? Do you want to play a game to practice?
Practice another way: listen, and then record your own voice!!!! Click on the exercice and it will slide over to you!
FEF 1D - Tous ce que nous avons fait est sur elearning. Nous avons eu une journée au labo. Soyez certaines que vous faites vos devoirs! J'aime bien le padlet que vous avez faites avec moi et ça me réjouit que vous aimez la chanson et les activités que nous avons fait!
This site is super useful with a note, exercices to practice and to record. Cliquez sur l'exercice and it will slide over to you!
Le premier ministre de l’Ontario a consulté sa carte du ciel. Il croit les
astres alignés. Les citoyens de la province iront donc aux urnes le 27
février, ...
6 hours ago
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