We also practiced VOULOIR POUVOIR
click here, see the list, choose your own game at the top for vouloir and pouvoir
Race and review - don't crash!
FSF 1P- You have a listening activity for marks tomorrow!
If you didn't complete your work from today (the comparison Venn diagram) you are invited to see me at lunch. Remember, it is for marks!
FSF 3U \ 4U - We practiced using the conditional and presented our plays. Bravo!
You can choose a topic from Activité 8 from our handout today or choose from the list below.
1. Si tu avais tout le pouvoir (power) du monde, qu'est-ce que tu changerais et pourquoi?
2. Si
tu étais le sexe opposé comment réagirais-tu? (How would you
react?) Que ferais-tu?