Monday, November 30, 2009

The first week of December!

Bonjour! Demain c'est le premier décembre! Oh la la!

Take a look at what our week looks like ...


1. We will be learning about instruments. Be sure you know your vocab!
2. We will have a listening test on vocab and verbs on Thursday.
3. You will be starting to brainstorm ideas for your next speaking task.

Soon, you will be receiving a Christmas / Noel package with activities en français to complete before the holidays. Be sure you work on this package, and that you hand it in before our break!


1. We will be perfecting the futur simple, and you will begin your new speaking task that will be presented at the beginning of next week.
2. We will begin working on direct object pronouns. They may seem tricky at first, so please take a look at these websites for help, and for extra practice; -this website has a test at the end - essayez-le! Try it!

Please be sure to come see me with any questions!

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