Monday, September 17, 2012

le 17 septembre - les adjectives et question words (les mots d'interrogation)

Bonjour FSF!!!

Here is the page that we discovered today, describing people. 
Please have your faces sheet (as well as your 4 sentences, FSF1D) for DEMAIN!!!

click to access the full page below

There are some missing words - aventureux / aventureuse, sportif / sportives, curieux / curieuse, studieux / studieuse, généreux / généreuse, créatif / créative, comique, énérgique, désorganisé / désorganisée

Here are the English translations. Can you match up their equivalents en français?
studious, generous, aventurous, athetic or sporty, energetic, creative, nice, talkative, sensible, sociable, honest, disorganized, comical or funny
There are some missing words - aventureux / aventureuse, sportif / sportives, curieux / curieuse, studieux / studieuse, généreux / généreuse, créatif / créative, comique, énérgique, désorganisé / désorganisée

Here are the English translations. Can you match up their equivalents en français?studious, generous, aventurous, athetic or sporty, energetic, creative, nice, talkative, sensible, sociable, honest, disorganized, comical or funny

Here is a game on question words, if you need practice
Be sure to click on the blue circles on the top corner of each word to match.

Hint: D' or DE means FROM

Quiz yourself -

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