Bonjour y Hola classes!
I wasn't expecting to be away today, and I will return tomorrow. All presentations are postponed until Thursday. Here are your instructions for the day.
You will be continuing Los Secretos de Familia today and tomorrow. Today your goal is to read and complete the questions in the reader for capitulo 3. Jueves you will be recording your voice reading aloud in a group of 3 or 4 and will read capitulo 4 (with the questions due for homework for viernes). It will be practice for your next oral evaluation. Que tenga un buen dia y hasta manana!
You will be preparing for our market interactions that will happen on Friday. Using pagina 63, 71, y 77, be prepared to practice in class a restaurant situation where you can act as a waiter (mesero/a) and a customer (cliente). Know how to order (What are you going to order? Something else? Are you very hungry or thirsty?) and how to talk about what you eat and drink?
ANSWER: What verb do you use to talk about eating (to eat = ______________)? What verb do you use to talk about drinking ( to drink or to take = _________________)?
In addition, complete exercises 2 and 5 on pagine 66 and 67.
Helpful hints: frio/a = cold, caliente = hot, dulce = sweet, picante = spicy. Hasta manana and have a nice day!
Bonjour! You will be taking a note and completing an exercise that is available on elearning.
Please have a student sign into elearning to take the note and then complete the exercises. Puis (then) prepare for your cooking work next week! Ayez une bonne journee et a demain!
Click here to access the elearning link
Vous auriez un petit quiz tout de suite. You will write a small quiz straight away. Bonne chance!
Then, you will be using the subjunctive to complete an exercise
and you can access this very helpful note here to remind yourself on the subjunctive forms and when to use it.
There are notes and practice exercises on this blog (that were for homework in the past week in preparation for today) if you haven't refreshed your memory of the subjunctive yet.
TO HAND IN to demonstrate your knowledge :
Completez ces phrases. Imaginez que vous parlez comme un francais pauvre a l'epoque de Les Mis. But: identifiez si tu as besoin d'employer le subjunctif ou pas.
Ex. Je pense que les riches sont ignorants. Je sais qu'ils ne sont pas connaissants de nos vies. INDICATIF, pas subjonctif
Je ne suis pas certains qu'ils sachent les conditions dans lesquelles nous vivons. SUBJONCTIF, pas indicatif.
Je suis certain(e) que...
Il semble que...
Je ne doute pas que ...
J'ordonne le gouvernement francais...
Il faut ...
Il est injuste que...
Je suis furieux (euse) que...
Je ne suis pas supris (e) que...
Ayez une bonne journee et je vous verrai demain!
Le premier ministre de l’Ontario a consulté sa carte du ciel. Il croit les
astres alignés. Les citoyens de la province iront donc aux urnes le 27
février, ...
5 hours ago
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