Thursday, February 23, 2017

les instructions pour le 24 février


Happy vendredi, tout le monde! 
Please read through all instructions carefully! Je vous souhaite un bon weekend! 

FSF 1P - Today, you will spend about twenty minutes working on preparing for your family tree. 
             Once you have worked well for twenty minutes, you may watch the film. 

#1. For the first activity, please fill in the blanks describing a title you would give to each family member. How are they related to Nicolas? Fill in the blanks.  Use your resources that will be handed back to you for help. Click here for a photo to see that will also help.

 You can click here to see the website to check your answers.

 #2. You will begin your rough copy of your family tree. The teacher has your sheets to write on. Fictional or non-fictional, you will create a family tree. Your goal today is to describe at least five people. Show their relationships to one another in a format that you saw yesterday (with lines between and down from other members)

Click here to see some exemplars (scroll down for the best exemplar - la Famille Simpson)

#3. Please place your work in your binder and then you may watch the film. Please remember that you have an activity to complete about the film also! If you finish the film, please work on that activity. 
Have a nice weekend! 


FEF 1D - 
Bonjour!     Voici les instructions pour aujourd'hui. 

#1.  You have a choice to voice your opinion with your teacher, and please vote (I suggest by raising your hand with your eyes closed / head down)
      You have a journal to write that was meant to be started for half the period and then you can enjoy the film. 

Please vote on whether you would like to complete and hand in your journals today (all journals must be handed in at the end of the period)   OR if you would like to work on the journals for half the period and then watch the film. 

Whatever you choose, please enjoy the day, and be sure to demonstrate your best work (and work ethic) and don't be afraid to take risks in your writing. Be sure to read through your marking scheme to see what you will be marked on. Challenge yourself to use different verbs, irregular verbs and new words (and adjectives). 

#2. If you choose to complete your journals at home, please make sure that you hand them in on Monday. 


      You will write about le passé en répondant aux questions suivantes (all of some of them);

*Quelles accomplissements est-ce que tu (et les membres de ta famille) as fait dont  (of which) tu es le plus fier / fière?

*Où est-ce que tu as visité? As-tu aimé tes voyages? Avec qui est-ce que tu es allé (e) à ces destinations? 

* Décrivez une chose que tu as fait qui est inoubliable. 

BE SURE YOU HAVE WRITTEN AT LEAST 20 SENTENCES, and apply (using your notes) your knowledge of all the different forms of passé composé. Soyez créatifs!!

Bonne journée et bon weekend!

FSF 3U / 4U -  


Please take approximately 10 minutes to study very quietly. If in this time you are looking for something else to do other than study, please be sure you have prepared your envelope ( there are some on left side near the exemplar) or access learning silently on your phones to read the posts that you haven't yet read. Please read over your letters and remember the feedback I gave you (some have feedback on a sticky; avoid errors we talked about on your quiz today).

Once you have received your quiz, be sure to read through it very thoroughly before starting. Notice that there are 10 verbs conjugations to match and there are more options so be sure to read through each one carefully.   I have tried to make things as straight forward as possible for you, so please 

After handing in your quiz, take the rest of the time to read through posts on learning (even pull them up on the whiteboard if you'd like).  THIS WEEKEND, I would like you to post two new threads and comment on two posts (and don't be afraid to post more... it's good practice and it will be part of your portfolio!) In total by Monday, I would like to see at least THREE THREAD POSTS and THREE REPLIES by each of you! Tell me your thoughts and try to incorporate our new vocab! 

Please hand in your letters (and place them in their appropriate envelopes - in the green basket on my desk- if you are ready - if they are not ready, please have them ready for Monday!)

Je vous souhaite une bon weekend!! 


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