lundi - we will be reading a Venn Diagram and complete an exercise for marks. By now, we should be able to identify two verbs in a sentence, and know how to make a sentence to describe what activities/verbs people prefer, love or like to do.
mardi - we will be playing conjugation bingo using the forms of aimer, adorer, and préferer. After, we will complete 8 sentences using our verb sheet to describe what activitieswe like, love and prefer;
1. J'aime
2. J'adore
3. Je préfère
5. J'adore
6. Je n'aime pas
7. Je n'adore pas
8. Je ne préfère pas
mercredi - we will become familiar with adjectives and the rules that apply to adjectives (what endings each adjective needs whether it describes a masculine or feminine, singular or plural noun. We will compare our 8 sentences to another students and create our own Venn diagram.
jeudi - we will create our own Venn diagram discussing what we and our families like to do, and will begin working on our good copy Venn Diagram that is for marks. Please bring in any pencil crayons, construction paper or useful items to make your project creative and neat.
vendredi - BRING IN YOUR READING MATERIAL FOR USSR. You will be working on your Venn diagrams in order to complete them for Monday.
lundi - Coeur de Pirate, exercise écoute:
Quelle jolie chanson!! Awwwwww =)
Révision des pronoms et l'utilisation des pronoms dans les phrases impératifs et négatifs. Exercise - remettez-le pour des notes.
mardi - Hand in your pronouns sheet ! Lisez p. 39, 40 and 41 of your text, and complete page ___ (30?) of your cahier about Martinique. As as class, we will read p.42 of your text about Guadeloupe and complete cahier p.32, écoute.
mercredi - You will complete pages 28 and 29 of your cahier in order to prepare for your reading quiz. You will be assigned your first major project. It will be due Friday March 5. Please read p.46 and 47 for a clear idea of the project expectations, as well as the exemplar. YOU WILL HAVE LIBRARY TIME FRIDAY and MONDAY only. Be sure to use some weekend time to complete this task.
jeudi - We will discover quantity expressions, and will being Le Grand Voyage.
vendredi - Library time for project research. You will also be in the Library Monday, but that will be all of the time you have available.
Visit for help:
How to make a brochure using word -
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French speaking countries -
The departments that make up France -
A list of the outre-mer territories and regions -
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The My Brochure Maker web site creates brochures and flyers and designs everything from scratch. Pre-formatted page layouts and editing tools make creating a brochure very simple. There are ten themes available and the whole process takes only 3 steps. First, select a design theme. Second, customize the brochure with stock art photography and text. Third, print the brochure.
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Monday - We will discover different colours and what personality traits they represent. We will be creating a list of jobs for those personality types.
Tuesday - meeting with Mrs. Daly about course selection.
Wednesday - Work trends. You will be working in partners to answer questions about trends to be aware of when thinking about career choices. Also you will be answering questions about cases in chart form. Please be sure these are ready for Thursday.
Thursday - Lab time. We will be exploring Career Cruising.
Directions are below for the day
GLC 2O Lab Time - Day 1
1. Please start at Click on the Guidance Department link at right.
2. Choose Career Crusing, and then enter your username and password.
3. At the top of the page, please click on the Assessments box in purple/blue.
4. Click on Career Matchmaker. It will ask you to enter your username and password once again in order to access your portfolio. You must agree to the licencing conditions and proper use of the software first.
5. You will answer the questions very thoughtfully in order to receive a list that suggests jobs that may be of the highest interest to you, according to your responses. You are required to answer Part I and Part II of the questions - BE SURE TO SAVE YOUR RESULTS.
6. Complete the attached activities that explore a few of your given career choices and keep them safely in your notes. You can also save job descriptions and profiles to your portfolio for future reference. This is highly suggested - you will have a project that will require descriptions of a career choice.
7. When you have completed the Matchmaker portion, please click on the Careers portion. Choose the Search by Cluster option. Please take time to explore the jobs available by cluster (you can also choose the educational path that leads to those jobs in order to minimize the occupation list). Once you have selected a job description, you can use the options on the left of the screen to discover working conditions, earnings, education, related careers, and in addition, you have access to photos, interviews and day-to-day details of the job.
8. Please choose one job that is extremely interesting to you as a career choice. Save it to your portfolio. Record on the last sheet of this package the following;
- the reasons why you admire this job
- how this career choice reflects your personal values, as well as your work values
- your likes and dislikes about this job
- any further questions you have that are not answered in the information given to you.
Friday - PLEASE be sure to check your email! I have sent you the rubric for your Interview! Sorry you didn't get it on Wednesday!!! Please submit your work on Monday and have a good weekend!!
Who Am I interview entry is now due. Please be sure your write up is one page typed in length. We will have a special guest speaker here to inform us of his career choices.