USSR is on FRIDAYS!!! Please bring your reading material!!!
mardi - We will be doing a listening activity (p.52 of cahier), we will discover how to say what we like (using the verb aimer), and we will do p.10 and p.12 of the cahier.
**** cahier money is now overdue. There was a note sent home Friday as a reminder.
mercredi - We will be practising how to use two verbs in a sentence (using aimer and preferer). We will complete p. 13 and 14 of the cahier. We will have an activity on how to put sentences into the negative form, and we will start working on our first task for marks!
--- Your tasks for marks will be a small written assignment, as well as an oral presentation that you will have an option of presenting in a few ways.
jeudi -- Students will start working on their Venn Diagram.
vendredi --- practice and review of what we have learned this week and USSR--- students are expected to read during the last half of the period.
FSF 3U - CAHIER MONEY IS NOW OVERDUE! Reminders were sent home TUESDAY!
Given as homework Friday -- lisez p.22, 23 du texte. do p.22A of cahier.
mardi -- nous corrigeons les devoirs, faisons une exercise d'écoute p.7 du cahier, apprenons de la Tunisie, lisez p. 24,25 du texte pour les devoirs. PRESENTATIONS!!!! *** If you were not present on Friday, please read 22,23, 24 and 25 for tomorrow's class, and complete the homework from the weekend.
mercredi -- lisons p. 26 du texte en haut voix, on va practiquer donner des ordres, on va faire p.30 du texte, et p23 du cahier. P.24,25 du cahier pour les devoirs.
jeudi - faisons une exercise d'écoute p.27 du cahier, lisez p.33, 34, et 35 et presentons-les à la classe. Completons p29 du cahier. Pour les devoirs, faites p. 26 du cahier -- CET EXERCISE MERITE DES NOTES!!
vendredi - corrigeons p.29 du cahier, apprenons de Paul Gauguin.
ASSIGNMENT will be given soon (read p.46 of text) TACHE RICHE #3. There is a great example on p.47 as to what you can expect to write. You will present this for a speaking mark.
You will have library time FRI FEB 26, and MON MARCH 1st to research and create an intriguing display of your francophone country.
------- please note that Dream boards are now overdue, and there was a quiz Friday that you must see Mrs. Bell to write if you missed it ---------
Tuesday - We will finish the film The Pursuit of Happyness. You will complete the handout (including all journal entries -- please be descriptive and give proof for your thoughts) and hand in for marks. This is for homework.
Wednesday - Understanding what is important to be aware of when thinking about your career choices. We will also start working on the What I Have Accomplished forms for Guidance.
Thursday -- lab time ? Work Values Inventory --- What is important to you when you think about your work life and your ideal lifestyle?
Today in the library, you will be doing Work Value Inventory Quizzes to discover what is important to you in terms of your occupation. You will also read and compare two stories of two characters' personal choices.
You will be asked to provide me with a small paragraph via email explaining which character you believe is happier in his / her field and why--- THIS IS FOR MARKS (5 for clarity, 5 for reasoning and proof). It can be as long as you need it to be, but no longer than half a page typed please. SEND THIS TO ME BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.
Use your time wisely in order to complete all of the tasks, and have fun discovering more about yourself!!
Try these two quizzes first (be sure to leave you enough time for the small task due today):
Please read about Sam's experience. What values did he demonstrate when choosing his job?
Now read about Karen. How does she differ from Sam (in terms of values and career choices) and why?
Don't forget to write your paragraph, and send it to me via email straight away!
Friday - Who Am I interview and journal reflection. Please complete it with an adult that knows you well, and prepare it so that it can be handed in at the end of class Monday.
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